Chap 6- The visitors are coming


Time flies by , three months after Zero's awakening nothing much happens. Mariie has been teaching her several things and her student absorbs everything like a sponge.

Mariie taught her basic martial arts, how to control her skill to the point of exploding her own arm is a little more rare, but even so, the maximum that Zero can use {Increase} without losing control and her power exploding is two minutes, and even so it is difficult to reach two full minutes, it's as if something is missing to have fully access to such power.

After the strange interaction with her copy, the potency of her skills increases.

But the girl herself is left blank, for not remembering anything happened that day.


{Location: Castle in the surroundings of the Demonic Forest, Garden; Time: 10:14; P.O.V 3rd: Narrator.}


The sun beats down on the dark leaves, the sun's rays penetrating the cracks between one leaf and another, someone sings a song while the other on her side looks up at the sky.

It's blue like the sea, at least that's what Mariie said to the observer. Even after three months in the castle Zero could only understand, speaking for her was only sentences of one to three words at most, it didn't bother her a bit, she learned to communicate using gestures or her facial expression, if one were to give a mental age compared to her version of three months ago that was a child, she is now a teenager.

Time flies, Mariie hums songs she listened to while she was in the Capital, Zero doesn't understand the meaning of songs but appreciates them.

A noise of a door opening echoes in the middle of the passing moment.

Out of one of the castle doors comes Joe, a bit anxious by the looks of it, such anxiety leaves Zero a bit confused.

"Boss! Sorry to interrupt the moment, but Sir Seno will be here tomorrow, and I'd like to give you this information as soon as possible."

Mariie stops humming and opens her eyes.-"Good work. Tell the others that tomorrow is everybody's day off.*waves hand away*."

``Yes ma'am!'' - Joe speaks and proceeds to go back through the door he had left.

The calmness returns once more.

Zero looks at Mariie giving a questioning look.

``Look, I have my hands tied here, he's my Boss ya'know*shrugs*, but be at easy, he's a cool guy, his secretary has the stick up his ass but still a pretty nice guy too..... i think?''- Not even Mariie knows for sure, for all she knows if Zero looks funny to Lord Seno the dog's gonna bite her.

Time passes the two being pretty lazy and comfortable, then Zero gets's up.

``Okay....gon eat.''- She said as she walked away.

```*Sighs* That isn't even the direction of the castle, dummy*smiles*''-She stays there humming songs while the big one walks away.


{Location: Castle in the surroundings of the Demon Forest, Near the Training Room; Time: 10:37; P.O.V 1st: Zero.}


They said I need to meet the guy who is practically the boss of everything, I don't understand much but it's something to do with him being responsible for me from now on.

I don't like it, I can feel it, tomorrow something will happen.

I walk around the outside of the castle until I come to a door, push the handle and go inside and see two guards.

"Hey little one! come to train again? Don't push yourself too hard."-The taller one with the nice jaw asks, I think his name was Chad, or something like that, pretty nice guy, gave me something called candy the first time I talked.

``Hmm*nods*.....Prepare''-I say while putting on a determined face.

The second one giggles, and is soon joined by Chad, both are pretty big at the 250cm mark upwards, I've heard rumors that both are of Apyt rank.

``Well, don't go too hard, we still need the room hahaha!'' - I think his name was hmmmm... Rixard? nah.... Rikardo! ye, he has a red peace of cloth in his head, i think he's bald. He is pretty tanned, and a wall of muscles just like Chad.

I enter the room saying a little 'bye'.

Time to prepare, if what Mariie says is true, the dog is gonna try to bite my toes.*pouts* I need them to walk.

'Come on doggy, it's not like I will lose to a chiwawa, the great Martial Zero shall show you a beating!.'- I think while walking, I readed this on a book about some dudes that fly on swords, pretty cool.

I stop walking for a second, and only one word I learned comes to mind, don't know the significance of it 100%.
