The Birth I

Nine months with a complete growth of belly without any complications was a freeze up mind and a joy to share with her family. One quiet night when the Sun has finished with its work and allowing the Moon to continue. When all chirping of birds were silenced but paved way for frogs to croak, all of a sudden was a loud shout " aaaaaaaaahhh! my belly Kwame, I think the baby is cooomiiing!". Kwame the husband was still enjoying his sleep. He got drunk few hours before going to bed so we can all imagine how deep he was.

Davida shouted " Kwame Kwame Honey wake up. Am bleeding. The baby is coming Kwame please wake up". She was going through much pain that she even went unconscious. Kwame heard someone shouting from afar but he thought he was dreaming. The sound kept coming closer to him and it was amplifying. He forcefully woke up and to his realization, his wife was lying beneath his legs with blood oozing out from her unconsciously. He shouted " Jesus ". Ignorant of what to do, he begun shouting for help which was to no avail then he remembered that there was something called a hospital were we treat people. Poor Kwame then had to raise his heavy wife and gradually send the unconscious pregnant woman to the hospital.