
chapter 2

On October 9th, 3033, A 13-year-old girl who has long blue hair, brown skin, long snake tail as long as a rope, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes walking through the hallway named Dolphin.

Dolphin starts hopping around the hallway like a rabbit.

"What is up with that girl?" asked a random girl.

"She's hopping like a rabbit", said Another girl.

"Just looks so goofy", said a third girl.

Dolphin runs around the girls with super speed and trips them with her tail; then laughs.

Dolphin moves like a lizard.

"Sup, Dolphin", said a girl.

Dolphin turns around to see a girl who has curly red hair, brown skin, wearing a yellow dress and heels named Marely.

Dolphin unsticks to the wall and says "He..he..he"'

Dolphin over her tail and lands in the trash.

Marely looked worried and helped Dolphin out of the trash.

"Are you okay?" Marely asks Dolphin, as she helps get the trash off Dolphin.

"Me I'm fine, just uh..uh.." said Dolphin, looking nervous, yet trying to look cool.

"Are you sure? I mean you can barely talk and you are sweating", Marely asked.

"I was just acting, I want to prepare myself for when I audition in a play of the "Nervous Nancy" you know", Dolphin lied.

"Oh, you really got me", said Marely.

The Announcement comes on.

"Dolphin Walter, report to the principal's office", said a mysterious voice.

"Must be another emergency, see ya Marely", said Dolphin, then runs off.

"See ya", said Marely, while waving.

Dolphin made it to the principal's office.

In the principal's office is a desk, chair, antiques on bookshelves that are connected, and a picture of an elderly woman who has curly white hair, brown skin, wearing a purple dress on the wall.

The principal has blonde hair in a ponytail, brown skin, wearing a red work dress and heels named Emery.

Emery was rolling a ball, then turns around to see Dolphin and says "Dolphin, the mayor called me and it seems that six LGBTQIA presidents have disappeared and they were going to do speeches for their schools. You need to find them".

Dolphin is given pictures of the presidents, she scans it, shrinks the pictures, and puts them into her pocket.

"I am on it", said Dolphin.

Dolphin opens the window, spreads her wings, and flies out of the window.

Emery looked amazed as Dolphin flew around.

Dolphin flies through the city and dives down.

Dolphin passes a bunch of buildings, and stops by a building that has the name "LGBTQIA Community Center".

Dolphin flies down by the entrance.

By the entrance is a woman who has curly green hair, brown skin, wearing a light blue dress and heels named Jamya, a man who has black hair, brown skin, wearing a purple tux and black shoes named Sean, a person who has pink hair with silver strands, white skin, wearing a white shirt, yellow pants, and white shoes named Shay.

Jamya, Sean, and Shay lead Dolphin into the community center.

Dolphin sees many people looking worried.

"Tell us, how can we help?" Jamya asks Dolphin.

"Where was the last place you saw them and did you have something of theirs?" Dolphin asks Jamya.

"The last place they were was here before they head to their schools, and their rooms are upstairs", replied Jamya.

"I can lead you to the room", said Shay.

"Alright, just point, we have no time to lose", said Dolphin, then takes Shay's hand and races upstairs.

"Wow, she is enthusiastic", Sean smiled.

"She is, but I hope she can find our friends", Jamya looks worried.

Upstairs, there are a bunch of doors with a name on it.

Shay points to a door that has the name 'Belinda'.

Dolphin enters the room and sniffs around, then her eyes glow.

"Are you part animal?" Shay asks Dolphin.

"Kinda, and I picked up his scent", said Dolphin, looking out the window.

"Really?!" Shay looked excited.

"Yeah, she is in a warehouse, but it's nowhere near here, points out the other rooms", Dolphin told Shay.

"But, if Belinda is there, shouldn't that mean the others would be there?" Shay questioned.

"You think, but some villains actually split up the captives, so that people like me and detectives along with the police are running around the place", Dolphin explained.

"That does make sense", said Shay.

"Thank you", said Dolphin.

Dolphin and Shay exit the room.

Shay points to the door that has the name 'Gracie' on it.

Dolphin enters the room and sniffs around the room, then notices a hamster.

"Hi, little hamster, I'm trying to find your owner", said Dolphin.

"Please do", said The hamster.

"I will", Dolphin smiles.

"You understand the hamster?" Shay looked shocked.

"Wait, you can understand me", The hamster smiled.

"I can, and I picked up Gracie's scent, my suspicion was right. She is in a shed near a lake house", Dolphin tells Shay.

"Then, how are you going to find all of them?" Shay wondered.

"Don't worry, but I need to move quickly", Dolphin reassures Shay.

Dolphin figures out Amir is in a farm, Yandel is locked in a library, Reagan is trapped in a tube, and Casey is tied up in an abandoned school.