Troublesome girl

Taking a closer look at the girl laying on the bed. Seeing her deep red eyes that seem to bare through my soul.

Saying I was surprised would be an underestimate. I was just speechless. Just what are the odds?

A girl that was to never wake up, again. Just spoke to me. Her voice seems so tired. She looks incredibly weak with her pale skin and the trouble of moving her head only assured me of that statement.

Lying there she looks like a little sick beauty.

But her eyes, yea her eyes.

They seem to be full of life. These are not the eyes of someone on the deathbed.

Other than that they seem to be so intelligent.

Capable of piercing through your heart only to uncover all your secrets.

That is why now. When she is staring at me with such intensity. It's hard for me to speak.

"I'm awake"

She said these words with a little smile. That if I didn't look attentively would miss.

After that, she closed her eyes no longer bothered to look at me.


She didn't seem to have anything more to say.

I finally stopped being paralyzed and woke up to reality. Trying to wipe my awkwardness with my professional demeanor, I spoke.

"Hello, I am doctor Alice Meyer in the internship. I am a person that monitors your condition. Please wait for a little, I will go for Dr.Rozenberg."


In return, I just got a cute voice of agreement.

But when I was just to walk through the door.



"Can you jdkkd skin kkjdj?"

She was so quiet that I couldn't hear her. So I closed the door and went to her again.

"Can you repeat, I didn't hear clearly."

I said in a friendly voice.

A girl still with her eyes closed, spoke to me.

"Yes, can you tell the doctor to not inform my parents that I woke up?"

That surprised me but I still responded

"Yes, I can but I can't guarantee that he will agree"

"It's okay, just tell him"

After that, the girl cuddled to her quilt even more. Clearly not interested in talking anymore.

Not wanting to disrupt her anymore, I silently went out of the room.

But not before hearing her mutter a quiet "thank you" behind my back...


Waking up to the sunset is quite a beautiful thing. Looking at the city below me that is so familiar yet so foreign. I feel conflicted and lost at the same time.

It's beautiful if I was, to be honest. Comparing it to my home city. That I can summarize with just one word *concrete*, It's different. Lots of greenery, captivating architecture, the newest technological devices, and clean air. My city didn't have that.

I should be happy, feeling lucky.

But I just can't.

I don't belong here. That is what I feel. Maybe it would be better if I just die normally? It would be much easier that way.

Suddenly the sounds of footsteps distracted me from my dark thoughts.

Moving my head a little to the right side and opening my eyes, I got to see her again.

Standing there wearing a white medical coat. Typing something on the tablet.

Is my doctor. To be honest, I am quite surprised at how young she looks.

With her characteristic babyface, I would say that she is still a teenager.

And it's not like, I particularly check her out. But she is really pretty.


Poor girl almost dropped her tablet because of the sudden voice. I didn't do that to scare her, not at allllll~.

The girl looked at me and suddenly exclaimed.

"You are awake!"

'Obviously' I thought to myself but said something else.

"Yes, I am?"

"I thought that you went into the coma again"

The girl said unbelievably happy about something.

"How long did I sleep?"

I asked inquiry.

"You sleep through almost all day, it's getting late already."

"Is that so"

I asked again but I said that more to myself. It seems this body is not in the best condition. I get tired quite easily.

"Dr.Rozenberg was here to check on you. But you were asleep. By any chance, I was to inform him if you woke up again."

"However, he just ended his shift."

She said sounding worried.

"He can check on me the next day. That is not a problem."

I reassured her, she seems like a good person so I don't want her to worry.

Besides, it is not like I will die tomorrow or anything so she shouldn't bother about me.


I cut her off by saying.

"Sorry, can you bring me a cup of water my throat is quite dry?"

"Yes, yes sure"

Even though it seems that she still wants to say something more. She nonetheless went with my request.

Soon after she came back.

But she seems to be troubled about something. I can pretty guess what it is so, I spoke to her.

"Just placed it near the bed"

I tried to sit on the bed so that I could normally drink. I helped myself with my hands like the last time because I knew that I would not get up otherwise.

But when I just started doing that loud voice from behind me made me stop.

"What are you doing? You should not move!"

Annoyed by that I just said with sarcasm.

"So how you am I suppose to drink?"

After that not waiting for an answer even though it was hard, I managed to sit properly.

Looking at the cap of the water on the table close to the bed, I tried to lean and take it in my hand. But it seems it was a couple of centimeters too far...

But unexpectedly someone's hand suddenly grabbed my water and give it to my now, two outstretched hands.


I obviously know who is that. Just next to my bed was standing my doctor with complex expressions.

Did I make her angry? But how otherwise I was going to drink?

Confused and embarrassed a little, I just murmured a quiet "thank you" not looking into her eyes, and sip my water with both hands holding the glass because they seems to shake a little.

"You know if you need anything just ask"

Said the girl standing still uncomfortably close to my bed.


I just nodded my head in affirmation and finished my cup. To be honest, I am still kind of thirsty but I am too embarrassed to ask for more.

So I put myself to lay on the bed. Feeling that someone's gaze just intensify and took the empty cup, directing it toward this person.

For obvious reasons...

The girl took it and left soon after.

I on the other hand in a long time was happy to be sleepy so that I don't need to talk to anyone, anymore. It's just too awkward.

Opening one of my eyelids, I was greeted by the first sun rays of the day.

Did I say earlier that I have a great view of the city from here?


Well, it's really nice...

I looked at the city that was slowly waking up. People slowly filled up the empty streets, probably in a hurry to be on time for their jobs. Cars did the same with roads and the day seems to officially begin.

I on the other hand just watched. Such a simple sight seems to fascinate me a little. I have no idea how much time passed since then but the sound of opening the door seems to shake me off from my trance-like state.

Moving my head a little to the right side. I saw a nurse entering my room.

I actually know her. With my frequent visits to the hospital. You will get to know quite a lot of people, eventually.

I speak from the memories that I received not long ago.

I am still pretty confused about how to address them. Should, I refer to them as mine or as a foreigner?

Basically, this body is now mine so memories related to this body naturally should be mine. But in the end, I know that is not true. They belong to the true Katherine, not me.

So that is a thing, I am quite conflicted about.

Leaving that for later because now a woman already saw me looking at her.

I am ready to "pretend"

"Are you already awake? How are you feeling? Are you hungry?"

A woman barrages me with a multum of questions. She is a plump

middle age woman with a friendly smile that she always wears on her face.

She is a really kind woman, helped me already a couple of times.

This body I mean...

"I am feeling better just a little tired"

I said but it seems this didn't help to decrease her worry about me.

I followed with another question. Wanting to avoid her saying "Are you sure?'

"Did you take care of me all this time?"

"Yes I did"

She sounded a little proud saying that.

"Thank you, I'm sure it wasn't easy to take care of someone in the comma"

I said it, completely honestly. It's just how I feel.

A woman seems to be surprised by the sudden "thank you" but started to laugh soon after.

"Hee-hee, you don't need to thank me, it's my job after all."

Even though she tried to dismiss it like that. It was easy to see that saying this made her pretty happy.

It really surprises me that sometimes the word "thank you" seems to hold this magical power to make others feel happy. Humans sure are complicated creatures.

"Are you hungry? You sure are after all this time. I will bring you something light and good for your tummy. Just wait for a little."

Too late to protest, I saw her leaving my room.

She really gives this vibe of the caring auntie that will spoil your rotten.

Actually, it's good that she is away so soon because I don't know if I could hold it any longer.

Yes, I have to pee and there is no way that I am gonna soil my pants.

Actually, I am feeling today a little better so I should pull that off.

Firstly I started to remove things that prohibited me from moving. I actually know what this stuff does. So it should be okay if I take that off just for a minute?

Now goes a harder part. Standing on my feet. I'm already sitting on my bed. Now I just need to take a step...

But I am a little afraid that my legs will give up and I will fall.

So let's start with baby steps.

I put my legs on the ground and with a help of the bed, I tried to stand.

They started to shake like jelly. But I tightly hold to the bed for support.

The doors to the toilet should be in front of me. Ten meters away from me exactly. I think so because the other doors are the exit doors. So that leaves only them.

Taking a moment to calm myself and stabilize. I took my first step and then another. I took the route with a lot of furniture. So that I can always have something to support myself with.

And I did it, after a couple of minutes I reach my goal. Opening a door, I became relieved when I saw that was indeed a bathroom and not something else.

But I should hurry, no idea when a nurse will come back....


Yawning a little because I took extra hours yesterday. It was just my basically going home to sleep and then waking up for my shift in the morning. So it's kinda hard to keep my eyes open right now.

But well, work will not be done itself so I have to keep going. Going through a corridor. I suddenly saw a nurse that seems to be in a hurry somewhere.

Curious a little, I thought to ask her about it.

"Emma something happened that you moving so hurriedly?"

Even though I am not working here for a long time. I tried to summarize all names of the staff here.

One time, I had this awkward situation when I needed someone's help but I just couldn't remember their name. So I just use "hey you" and let's just say, I didn't make the best favorable impression on this person.

On that day, I swore to myself to never find myself in an embarrassing situation like that again.

"Ooh hey Alice, I am just bringing a meal for a patient"

Said the woman that indeed was holding a tray with some kind of food.

"But that still doesn't explain why you are in such haste"

I asked raising one of my eyebrows.

"Well you see"

She came to me a little closer like she was to share with me some juicy gossip.

But she stopped when realization seems to hit her.

"Wait weren't you appointed to her not long ago?"

She asked surprised.

"To who? What do you mean?"

I answered feeling pretty confused.

"You don't remember? The girl in a coma?"

Now it was her turn to turn confused.

Then, I finally connected the dots. It really seems that my brain still didn't wake up.

"Yes, I remember now. You know what? I can bring this to her if you want, I was anyways going to check on her when she woke up."

I suggested.

"Really? Well, I am actually quite busy so I would be thankful for that. But if you can, would you pass to her that I am cheering for her recovery?

She replied to me quite cheerfully.

"Yes I don't see a problem it that"

I replied and took a trey that she was caring.

After that, we spoke a little but she chased me soon away. Saying that the food will get cold. I realized it too. So I moved with brisk steps to the room of my patient.

Heading to her room. I thought a little about our interactions from yesterday. If I was to describe her somehow, I would say that she is quite a handful person. No one's so far ever so blatantly ignored my instructions as a doctor. So I am a little confused about how to act around her.

Besides that, I can't help but think that she is quite cute. When she yesterday ignored my words. I can't deny, I was a little angry.

But that changed when she was very determined to take her glass of water.

It was just a really cute sight. Being so focused and determined only for it be a couple of centimeters away..

Finally finding her room, I pushed the handle of the door with my elbow and entered the room.

But to my surprise, I found no one in the bed. So I put down a tray on the bookshelf.

Then I raised the sheath from her bed. Thinking that maybe she is under them. But my hope was crashed when. I didn't find her there.

"Was she relocated?'

Impossible if this was to be the case, I would be the first one to know.

'Maybe she went out for a walk?'

Are you stupid? She was hardly even moving last time. There is no way that she would just walk away.

I mocked myself as I didn't know what to do. In college, they didn't teach me what to do in situations like that.

I started frantically searching the room. Looking for...I don't know hoping that maybe she is here. I was too panicked to think straight.


Well, it seems that I am in trouble. Not to mention my embarrassing story from the toilet. Where it really hit me that I am no longer a man(I forget that I need to sit, not stand).

To the time when I was going back to bed. But because I was worn out from today's activities. I couldn't keep my balance and fell down.

Thankfully I didn't land on the ground but on the nearby sofa. I tried to get up after that. But it seems I really overextended myself too much today.

From that moment, I knew that I was screwed up. So I just stay there helplessly. Not sure what to do. But at one point got a brilliant idea.

I will just go to sleep. They can't scold a sleeping person after all.

I am a person that really hates being shouted at. So I would prefer to avoid it.

When I was just to enter my dreamlands. Someone entered the room and started to kick a fuss.

Honestly at that moment I was prepared to act like I have fallen asleep.

But after 5 minutes of staring at my doctor, yes my doctor, not my nurse like I thought at first.

I was really wondering how blind she can be. This patient's room is indeed much bigger than any room I was in the hospital before. But like, I am not hidden or anything.

Yup, she sure is blind. But actually, I am feeling kind of bad for making her worried. From her face and movement, it's clear to see.

The thing is, I want to tell her that I am here but at the same time. I'm a little worried that she will be mean to me and angry. Especially now when I feel powerless.


If I left her like that I will probably feel bad. So because am I selfish? I will let her know where I am. Just for my clean mind.

"What are you looking for?"

I asked hearing how sleepy my voice sounds.

I said that in a low voice. So I was surprised when a pair of light blue eyes instantly locked into mine. I guess she has quite a good hearing.

That is probably in exchange for her vision.

She came closer her expression complicated, unreadable, or maybe not?

Relief is what I see. Not an ounce of anger that I expect to see on her face.

"You know how worried you made me?"

She sounded a little desperate.

I...well I didn't know what to say. I mean isn't she a little too serious?

"Why did you leave a bed?"

"No reason"

I mutter. There is no way that I am going to tell her that I needed to pee.

She looked at me, clearly not satisfied with my answer. But soon after relaxing her expression and sighed.

"What do I do with you?"

She put one hand on her forehead and muttered something under her breath, shaking her head in the process.


I asked wanting to know.


I just managed to raise an eyebrow at her ignoring me. When....

She walked even closer to me and scope me into the princess's carry. Instinctively I held tightly to her neck.

"Put me down"

I mumble to her ear a little angry.


She answered fast without hesitation.

"You have no right to do that"

I said this time more softly.

"I don't care"

Finally nearing a bed, she put me down carefully and started to connect all the wires that I detached before.

Isn't she too bold? Carrying me like that a moment ago. I feel like I just lost part of my "men's pride".

And that was just simply embarrassing. I am not really a guy that is too much into romance. But being held like that makes me feel kind of weird.

"I brought you food but now it's cold"

She said a little awkwardly.

"I am not hungry "

I said because I really wasn't.

"You are not because you get any needed nutrients through a vein but it's important to gradually start eating normally.

"Is that so?"

I said pretty oblivious about it.

"Wait for a second, I will be back soon with a new portion.

She was just to turn her back to me when I said something.

"You don't need to"

She looked at me with little disbelief after I said that and was just to rebuke me.

But I didn't let her speak and continued.

"I am tired and I am going to sleep so there is no sense in doing that, food will just go wasted"

"You know that is kinda rude interrupting me like that?"

'Is she pouting? that's kinda cute, especially with her face.

I thought to myself and answered trying to get back at her.

"You are the rude one"

She looked at me in surprise.

"Me? when I was ever mean to you?"

"You carried me without my constant"

I answered her smugly.

With her next words, she seems to take that personally.

"I was helping you"

"This doesn't matter. Did I ask for help?"

"No, you did not"

"So you shouldn't touch me"

I am kind of grumpy about that. I don't like when strangers are so close to me. Especially when it comes to physical contact.

She seems to be taken aback by that and asked.

"So how would you get back to bed"

I looked at her like an idiot and said.

"I would just walk to the bed, obviously"

"You are stupid"

She said, leaving me blankly staring at her.

"And you are stupid and blind"

I said finally understanding that she just truly called me "stupid".

After that, we were quarreling about who is more stupid. But it seems I have fallen asleep halfway because I woke up really early the next day.