The Unresolved Feelings

Anne is looking at Vale, she is never aware that he is a captain, a high-rank officer at such a young age. He commands his subordinate with the right precision. Anne saw a man with talent from those emerald eyes, She must admit it impress her. She had her suspicion about the four of them, but not about how they were actually in charge of whatever their job is.

"Some day just to be under a Wismushroom, right?" Said Vale while smiling at Anne.

"I know, I'm so sorry Vale, but I need to be with them, they insist on coming here."

"You should ask Henry about it, he may be able to give you the seat number for the Wismushroom in the library."

"I… I never thought of that." Anne sighed while smacking her forehead.

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise, I'll safe you some seats for tomorrow at the library."

Smiling at the green eye Magi, Anne says her thanks to him, "Thank you so much, Vale, I appreciate all of your help, I mean, everything."