We can talk about her

There's tension coming from chief Carla and Justice, both of them looking like they're going to start a war anytime soon. The two of them still looking at each other, hardly moving or even blinking. The other chief looked at them, trying so hard to ease the tension.

"Maybe we need to be explained to the crown prince clearer this time, chief Carla?" Said, chief Hale. He was so fed up with how judgemental chief Carla can be.

Justice's attention finally went to chief Hale. "What do you mean?" Said Justice to chief Hale.

"You heard her, she said might be, so the answer is not definitive," Chief Hale explained the situation more clearly for Justice, "Our evaluation will go through another group of high-ranking healers, they will reassess and re-evaluate everything, and then it will determine the final score for the second exam."

"So… that's mean…"