The unexpected guest

The rooftop is a bit windy today. Our purple hair heroine was still trying to comprehend her living situation. She glared at Nathan, while her mouth is wide open. The tool shed, although spacious, was dirty and full of broken and used gardening tools. The smell of fertilizers from the corner of the room makes their noses wince from the smell, the wooden floor is full of flowers and herbs seeds, safe to say the room was messed up.

"I am sorry, but actually we don't have enough room for a junior healer right now. We have the captain's room… But everyone already locked their eyes on you. We thought that you already have more heat from your haters." Nathan said while scratching his head.

"You're right… and… actually, this is perfect!" Anne gave her senior healer a warm smile, she look around the room with positivity on her mind.

Nathan tilted his head, confused by her cheery attitude. "Wait, you're not upset about this?"