What does it give?

(Warning: This chapter has a heavy issue of an adult problem, reader discretion is a must)

The tension around the room grew heavier. Vale looks at his friend, trying to guess what kind of trouble that he had brewing. Xavier on the other hand, just kept pacing around the room, having a hard time conveying his feeling to Vale.

"Oh, Gods! Xavier, just tell me what exactly happened?!" Gruntled Vale, who's already suffered from a headache, not to mention having a fight with Henry, and now, Xavier was weirded out, while Justice wasn't around.

Xavier turned to his friend, but before he could muster any words, a knock came from Vale's front door. They heard a sweet voice of a young lady from the opposite side of the door.

"Vale? It's me, Anne, are you alright? Can I come in?" Said Anne with a bit of hesitation in her voice.