She is definitely from another world

"How much longer you're going to stay aloof while riding your horse? It's dangerous."

Anne, flustered by Justice's words, nodded at him and concentrated on the road. They have no time to spare, the landslide just makes them lose more precious time than they already were. This time it was Henry and Justice who lead the way, while Vale and Anne stay close behind them.

Vale couldn't ignore how Anne reacted back then, she was thinking about something, and he wanted to know what happened to her, he gave a big speech to Anne about becoming friends, although what was inside his mind was something more than just a friend. He chuckles and shakes his head, thinking about how foolish he was right now, clamoring over a girl while they were trying to investigate the new variant source.

Justice turns his attention to Anne. "Are you alright?" Asked the crown prince to the healer.