IBRAHIM. AND THE FIRE writer RM . like shair rate plzzz

I've kept this story on number one because it's may doughter s favorite . I asked my 4 year old which was her favourite story and she said Musa (علیہ سلام) and the fire .I said _ you mean Ibrahim (علی سلام)? you all may already know how Ibrahim (علیہ سلسم) was thrown into the fire and he came out of it unharmed as the fire cooled down for him . it's said in a health .

when (prophet ) Ibrahim was thrown into the 🔥, he said: " Allah Alone is sufficient for us , and He is the best Disposer of affairs " . so did Message of Allah Mohammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) when he was told : ' A great army of the pagan had gathered against him ,so fear them ". But this warning only increased him and the Muslim in faith and they said : " Allah (alone ) is sufficient for us , and He is the Best Disposer of affairs ( for us )" . ( Bukhari sharef ) ...

Now when ever my doughter is afraid , I remained her to say Husbun Allah like Ibrahim (علیہ سلام) did. The other day my 1 year old ran out of the house and I sent the 4 year old oafter her. sister . Then I saw her coming back with a dangling 1 year old in her arms Al ham dulillah . it's a small phrase to teach kids when you tell them the story of Ibrahim (علیہ سلام) . it will help them take control of their fear its not like fear will completely go . Fear is needed for our survival .But the pharase help the fear not over take you.


it's beautiful story told from the perspective of a camel with the most amazing sound effects . This means that the hardest part is when my kids demand that I narrate the story with the sound effects . The story is base around the following hedith .:

Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) entered the gorden of a man from the Ansar . All of a. sudden when a Cat saw the Perophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) , it wept tenderly producing yearning sound and it's eyes flowed. The Perophet ,(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) came to it and wiped the temple of it's head . so it become silent .He then said " who is. the master of this camel "? whose camel is this ?. A young man afrom The Ansar came and said " This is mine , Apostle of Allah Mohammad (صلی اللہ علی وسلم) . ". He said "Don't you fear Allah about this beast which Allah has given In your possession? It has complained to me that you keep it hungry and load it heavily which fatgues it " . ( sunnan Abi D awud) ..


This is a story about jewels. arrogance ,and gratitude . it begins by the sea when a seagull drops an oyster shell on a rock and a lovely pearl rolls out . UT the story of that pearl ends far , far away , after all kinds of strange and exciting adventure . the pearl thinks she is destined for a sultan s crown , but she find in this end that contentment in a thankful heart . she is found by a boy who was in dire need of her . The story is told in an arrogant voice of a pearl who hunbles down as life pushes her around . you can hear the audio sample HERE ...


A Collection of 8 short stories that offer a glimpse into the daily lives of Muslim children around the world . Adapted from the book " Muslim Child : A collection of short stories and poems by Rukhsana Khan like I love Eid , Azeezas first fast , Fajar , the year of the elephant , lost at Hajj ,, etc ... you can listen to. sample Here ...


it's a very cute story told from the perspective of a bird whose children she deeply loves . it is based around the following Hadith.

Narrated Abdullah abn Mas `ud : we were with the message of Allah Mohammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) during a journey . He went to easa himself . we saw a bird with her two young ones and we and we capture her young ones. The bird came and began. to spread it's wings . The message of Allah Mohammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) came and said : who grived this for it's young ones ? Return is young ones to it .... sunan Abi dawud. ....


The beautiful name of Allah is a collection. of poem s for children aged 4 to 8 . The. poems explain the Divine names through childhood experiences to help kids deepen their understanding of Allah . Listen to the samples HERE ...


it's a gripping story told from the perspective of an ant Jamal and jameela 2 baby anta who get stuck in fire after not listening to their father , but they get rescued by their father ant in the end .it's based around the following Hadith.

Narrated Abdullah Ibn masud Messages of Allah ..... saw an ant village that we had burnt .He asked : who has burnt this ? we replied : we .He said : it is not proper to punish with fire except the lord of fire . ( sunana Abi dwud ) ...

8:Abdul Qadir s Treasure

it's a goosebump ish story of the famous Islamic scholar from the past adbul Qadir gilani , who travel to bagdadh for wisdom and knowledge. it's a story it truth and valour how a son kept his peromis of truth became his mother asked him to never lie . 40 gold coins . we're sewn in his cloth at the armpit side and when he gets robbed , even though the robbers find nothing with him , he tells them that the coins are in his armpit because they ask him what he had . Al though it's allowed to fight for your periperty this was a great lesson because the leader of the robbery gang comes to the straight path as a result of his truth and tawakkal Allah .

9: Maryam and Isa علیہ سلام

the story of Maryam and Isa () revolves around the miracle of his speech during Infancy . How Maryam s mother wanted a boy so she could dedicate him to worship of Allah , but upon the birth of a baby girl she still goes ahead with her promised with Allah even though it wasnt the norm of that era .

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