Floating Island Upward Condition! Water problem!

Soon, Lin Feng found that, at this stage, it was not enough to be a boss.

After a heavy rain yesterday, a lot of water accumulated on the oating island, and some of the water had to be drained.

Water is necessary, but too much is not enough.

in addition.

When draining water, Lin Feng found that if one is not careful, it will cause soil erosion.

Soil is precious!


Floating islands can be expanded, but that's a very later thing.

Now, all newcomers' oating islands are at the lowest level, with a newbie protection period.

After the novice protection period, the crops that are rich in life energy on these oating islands will attract scattered monsters.

In the oating island world, the higher the position of the oating island, the stronger the monsters encountered.

This also means that the higher the level, the stronger the defense of the oating island farmer.


The requirements above are actually quite simple.

At the bottom, as long as ten monsters are killed, the oating island can be manipulated to the second oor, and the life energy of the second oor is more abundant.

On the second oor, as long as one hundred monsters on the second oor can be killed, it is possible to reach the third oor.

And so on.

The rst ve tiers have very few restrictions.

Above ve oors, there are requirements for the level of the oating island.

There are few restrictions on the rst ve oors, but the premise is… When the tide of monsters comes, you must be able to stop it!

The higher you go, the more ferocious the tide of monsters will be.

And, generally, when you get to a new level, the monster tide will focus on you.

Because the other veteran oating island masters have been on that oor for a long time, and they are all hard to chew. How delicious are you, a tender newcomer, in the eyes of monsters?


Afewyearsago therewasachildofabigfamilywhoascendedthreeoorsinarowinthree

A few years ago, there was a child of a big family who ascended three oors in a row in three days, and then…was directly drowned by a wave of extremely ferocious monsters.

It is said that the children of this big family have invited a lot of power users and thousands of mercenaries with rich combat experience, but the result is still not blocked, and the casualties are heavy. Many people were killed by monsters before they could withdraw. Everything was also eaten clean by monsters!

Many veteran oating island owners who are seeking stability would rather stay in the low-level gang than run up.

Because in the oating island world, oating islands can only go up, not down.

It's easy to get to the upper oor, but it's impossible to think about it!

Although the life energy is more abundant, the risk index is also multiplied!


"It would be great if this water could be stored in some way."

Lin Feng thought.

Water is still precious.

Floating Island World does not often rain, and occasionally, it even encounters a situation where it does not rain for several months.

The growth of plants is inseparable from water. In such a situation, when the stored water is used up, it can only cost a lot of money to transport water from the earth.

That price is not unusually high, because the demand for water itself is huge!


At this time, seeing Lin Feng busy on the edge of the oating island, Mengmeng came to help. Soon, she knew Lin Feng's troubles.

"Master, yes."

Mengmeng pointed to the tree of life.

Can the tree of life store this water?

"Master, water, water.. elf!"

Mengmeng nally expressed her thoughts.


Water Spirit?

Lin Feng turned his head and immediately understood what Mengmeng meant.

she is saying.

Water Elemental Spirit!

In the current tree of life, each elemental spirit can breed one.

Mengmeng is a life element spirit that can heal and restore stamina.

Lansha is a thunder element spirit that can release lightning to ght.

Then, Lin Feng can completely reuse the tree of life to breed a water element elf.

The water element elves, think about it and know that the skills they possess must be related to water! After being conceived, the upgrade of the water element elves should still be related to water!

With the Water Elemental Spirit, Lin Feng can solve the problem of water accumulation on the oating island without draining the water and soil.

And, what's even better is that, in case it doesn't rain for a few months in the future, Lin Feng doesn't have to spend a very high price to transport water from the earth.

Water Elemental Elf can solve the problem!

Exactly, the current tree of life has 150 energy points every day, and there is so much water on the oating island, which can breed a water element spirit!