Overview! Breeding success!

Since Lansha and Mengmeng were diverting water, Lin Feng first examined the condition of the plants.

These plants do not need to be watered every day.

Of course, as the planting surface increases, watering is also time consuming.

Typically, dozens of acres of crops need a lot of people to look after them.

If the whole floating island is full of plants, thousands of acres of plants will require a lot of labor to manage and harvest them.

Lin Feng is not willing to hire anyone from Earth at this time.

One is that he doesn't have much money at the moment, and the other is that over time there will certainly be more and.

more elementary elves, and they will be in a position to solve these problems.


If there is one water spirit element, the water spirit element can solve the watering of plants and crops in the future.

Moreover, it is more worry-free than hired workers.

More "scientific" as well.

Yes, science.

The Water Elemental Spirit can determine precisely if a plant lacks water and how much water it needs.

In this regard, ordinary workers are unable to do.

Actually, because of the needs of farmers in the world of floating islands, this world has special workers watering, and even has special.

qualifications and levels of workers.

Different levels of workers have different occupational knowledge and capabilities.

Advanced workers even have some corresponding abilities.

The salaries for those workers are simply too high.

For the average person, this is the kind of thing that cannot be offered even if they go bankrupt.

But here in Lin Feng, I am afraid that the highest level of watering workers are not comparable to the water element elves!


"The plums look so lush."

Lin Feng found that in only five days, tree plums had grown on a large scale, reaching a height of over a metre.

Tree plums, before crossing Lin Feng, were very common in the country and were known as "bubbles" by some people.

very sweet!

It's a childhood memory of a lot of folks.

While this is a grade D plum seed, the life energy contained in each plum is actually not much, but plum can be consumed as a rare fruit,

and the quantity can still sell for a lot of price.

These prunes should be ready to mature after another five or six days.

Having seen the plum, Lin Feng saw the strawberries, potatoes and Chinese cabbage again.

Strawberries can get a system growth value every day, and the maturation time is greatly reduced, which should be similar to the time of prunes.

Now, on some strawberry seedlings, small white strawberries have grown, and they are still growing every day.

Potatoes have also begun to grow, not to mention Chinese cabbage, which has grown to the size of a small cabbage.


And Lin Feng's total planting area is about 30 acres.

It is equivalent to planting six acres a day!

Thirty acres is equivalent to the size of three football fields!

Don't think this is slow, it's already very fast.

Before crossing, a farmer could plant half a mu a day.

Of course, those lands are more troublesome. The lands on the floating island only need a simple treatment to be able to sow seeds, and

there is not much comparability.

Seeds above the E-rank are considered precious, and it is definitely wasteful to directly plant them, and the effect is not good.

The more advanced the seeds are, the more they need to be cultivated.

It took five days to plant such a large area, thanks to the help of Lansha and Mengmeng.


After reading the conditions of these crops, Lin Feng is very satisfied.

He took out his tools and continued farming.

After a while, Lan Sha and Mengmeng were also busy and came to help Lin Feng.

In this way, the day is busy again.

At noon, under normal circumstances, Mengmeng will use her skills to help Lin Feng reply to eliminate some of Lin Feng's fatigue.

After working in the afternoon, Mengmeng is now learning to massage Lin Feng.

She expanded the tree house and made a small platform outside, on which a reclining chair was made of branches. When resting, Lin

Feng could lie there, and Mengmeng gently pressed her shoulders for Lin Feng.

Well, Mengmeng is getting more and more intimate.


After returning to the Tree of Life after a busy day, Lin Feng found that more than half of the water in the small lake had been sucked up.

On the panel of the tree of life, the progress bar has finally reached 100%!

"The water element elves were bred successfully."

A prompt appears.

It worked!

Lin Feng looked at the top of the tree of life, where there was still a light ball slowly falling down.

And finally fell into the hands of Lin Feng.

When the light on the light group disappeared, Lin Feng found that there was a ball of water in his hand.

It was clearly a mass of water, but it didn't wet Lin Feng's hand, nor did it dissipate.

This is the water element spirit.

Soon, the water element elf completely fixed his form according to Lin Feng's preferences.

It was a girl wearing a white skirt and long hazel hair, looking gentle and beautiful!
