The Ability and Strength of the Morning Mist Banshee!

"Morning Mist Banshee: Chen Xi

Level: 1

Skill: Confusion, Arrow of Morning Light"

The Morning Mist Banshee's panel had been generated.

Her name was also determined by Lin Feng.

It was called Chen Xi.

This was the first Morning Mist Banshee!


"Thank you master for giving me the name~"

Chen Xi placed her hand on her chest and thanked Lin Feng.

She was also elegant in the way she moved her hands, but perhaps it was because of being a Banshee, no matter what she did, she would always look demonic and enchanting again.

She has a completely different style from the elemental elves.


In terms of skills, Chen Xi has two skills, one is confusion, and one is the arrow of morning light.

Chen Xi can turn into fog at any time, and can also condense into a solid at any time.

It was not easy to harm such a Morning Mist banshee.

The color of the clothes on her body, also can change, when she was first born, her body was a long black lace/silk dress, now? the dress on her body has become white again.

The white skirt of her, looks so innocent again.


The four elemental elf girls also came over when they saw the birth of the morning mist banshee.

They looked at the morning mist banshee with curiosity.

Two of the four elf sisters were teenage girls and two were lollies.

Due to Lin Feng's preference, their bodies were all very well developed, and their face values were even more incomparable, each with their own characteristics.

However, the morning mist banshee has a temperament that they do not have, which is maturity and charm.

This is also a difference in style.

Several sisters quickly gathered around the Morning Mist Banshee to talk.

Their learning ability is very strong, and several sisters have now learned most of the vocabulary.


After they had said enough, Lin Feng took out a bow and arrow.

Well, Lin Feng was going to try out Chenxi's strength.

"Chenxi, come and try."

Lin Feng said.

Chenxi took the bow and arrows, bent her bow and arrow, and slowly pulled it out.

This bow was a compound bow that Lin Feng bought for several tens of thousands of dollars, with a weight of two hundred pounds, and due to the advancement of bow building technology in this world, such a bow could have a range of more than five hundred meters.

Such a bow could not be drawn by ordinary people.

To give such a heavy bow to the dainty-looking Chen Xi at the beginning was just Lin Feng's desire to test her strength.


Then he saw that as Chen Xi pulled the bow, the mists were concentrating on her hands.

Then, with a fierce pull, she pulled the bow string all the way out!


Then, an arrow flew out, flying at a terrifying speed towards the outside of the floating island.

One arrow shot/out, Chen Xi didn't stop, and kept firing the bow again, one arrow after another.

Of course, there were no more arrows at the back, but purely opening the bow.

In a short period of time, she opened the bow a dozen times, and, each time, she was able to open it to half full state.

Such a fast shooting speed, with such great strength, it was also a bit surprising for Lin Feng to see.

He didn't expect that the Chen Xi, who was only level 1, would be so powerful with the bow and arrows.

Even if it was someone who ate some special fruit and became particularly strong, they wouldn't have such a shooting speed as her, right?


Finally, Chen Xi stopped.

"Master, this bow is okay."

Chenxi gave a review.

" Chen Xi, how did you do that?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask.

Chen Xi said, "Master, only in the Misty Forest can I do this, I used the power of the mists, which is equivalent to mobilizing the entire forest, that's why it's so easy, if I leave the Misty Forest, it will take me some more time to grow before I can do it."

So that's how it is!

Lin Feng also noticed that the time she was drawing her bow, the mists around her were particularly thick, and the mists of the entire forest seemed to be trembling with her movements of drawing the bow.

Even if this was only possible in the misty forest, it was enough.

The maximum range of this bow and arrow is five or six hundred meters.

Her current level was also only level 1, so Lin Feng could have gone to buy a long-range bow or prepared some crossbows for her to use.

The crossbow's shooting speed is too far, not too good a choice.

Of course, this world has a kind of crossbow, need to load arrows in advance, used to deal with the tide of monsters or useful, against some particularly powerful monsters will not be very powerful, Lin Feng is also ready to buy some spare.

In addition, the Misty Forest is still growing, the concentration of the mists is further increasing, not only the Chen Xi can be upgraded, the new Morning Mist Banshee can also be born constantly.

This is a big piece of the Misty Forest, fully grown, how, it can also be born more than ten, or even more morning mist banshee, right?


"What is the Morning Light Arrow again?"

Lin Feng asked again.

"I can use the energy of the absorbed morning light to condense on the arrow, making it more powerful, with a longer range, stronger penetration, and with a bursting effect, but right now, the Arrow of Morning Light can only attack once a day, if you encounter a particularly difficult target, you can use the Arrow of Morning Light."

Chen Xi explained.

Lin Feng understood.

Chenxi's Arrow, it was equivalent to a big move.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xi also showed Lin Feng the Arrow of Morning Glory.

She only saw that she used an ordinary arrow, but after she pulled it away, on that arrow, a warm morning light started to emerge.


Then, the arrow rushed up into the sky and struck out in a parabolic line.

In the blink of an eye, the arrow landed on a rock at the other end of the floating island.

When Lin Feng walked over with a few sisters to take a look, he found that the stone had not only been struck by an arrow, but it had even cracked.

The cracking effect should be the bursting effect of Morning Glory's Arrow, only, now with the level 1 Morning Glory's Arrow, this effect is not particularly strong.

But to have such strong penetration and such a long range, this effect is already quite frightening.

You know, this is stone.

What about the human body?

That body was directly blown out of a hole.

This skill, now once a day to be able to use is not bad, very powerful!

If you encounter a particularly strong monster, it is just right to use it to solve.

After all, it is a big move!