Preparation for battle!

While other newcomer floating island owners were in a state of great anxiety, Lin Feng was actively preparing for the battle.

After Lan Sha and the girls had risen to level 3 and had the Morning Mist Banshee, Lin Feng was no longer ready to hire people.

Now it is not good to hire mercenaries, because the demand is too great, mercenaries have been a little too busy.

And the price is also sky-high.

There are two outer defenses of the Thorn Forest and the Misty Forest, Lin Feng has a great grasp of the power he has on hand.


" Mr. Lin, this is the latest electric crossbow you want, because the battery crossbow arrows are heavy, I'll bring it to you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

In the middle of the tree house dedicated to trading, on Shen Mengxue's cart, there was a continuous crossbow.

The range of the crossbow is a little further than the bow and arrow, the disadvantage is that it is too slow to load.

Moreover, shooting with a crossbow requires special training.

For the demonesses, using a bow and arrow is a bit smoother than a crossbow.

They mobilize the mists of the entire Misty Forest, and their shooting speed with bows is quite fast.

Moreover, their archery skills were also quite accurate, as if they were born to use bows and arrows.

Lin Feng had prepared two kinds of bows and arrows for them.

One was a light bow, only 100 pounds light bow, this kind of light bow in their hands, the shooting speed was very fast, they could send about three arrows per second.

This kind of light bow was mainly used to deal with some less strong monsters.

Lin Feng felt that most of the monsters that the newcomers floating islanders faced could be dealt with this kind of light bow.

There is also a 200 pound heavy bow, this kind of heavy bow can be used to deal with stronger monsters, in case there are particularly difficult ones, they can also launch the Morning Light Arrow skill.


On the arrows, Lin Feng also prepared two kinds of arrows, one is the alloy arrow, more expensive, against some hard shell monsters is possible.

There is also an ordinary fine iron arrow, which is also to save costs.

Although now Lin Feng daily income of large hundreds of thousands, but can save the place or to save, after all, consumables.


Lin Feng bought the crossbow, in fact, for his own use.

The one he bought was not a slow loading ordinary crossbow.

Instead, it was an electric crossbow.

This kind of crossbow price is quite high, an electric crossbow below 200,000 can not take down.

The arrows used are also specially made, and the price is equally high.

The advantage of this kind of crossbow is that it has an automatic loading device and a crossbow case that can hold 100 arrows.

When the trigger is pulled, it can automatically complete the loading and drawing of the bow, and the fastest shooting speed can reach one arrow per second.

After the arrows in the crossbow case are used up, it can be directly replaced with a new crossbow case.

This electric crossbow consumes electricity and requires a large battery to be connected.

The banshees use this kind of crossbow is a waste, and also not smooth.

Lin Feng used just right.

After all, using a bow and arrow consumes a lot of strength, with Lin Feng now equivalent to 3 times the physical quality of ordinary people, open the bow for too long, the arm will also be sore.


The main force against the monsters is still the banshees and elemental elves.

Lin Feng is just a supplement.

The banshees naturally need not be mentioned.

The lightning elemental elf, Lan Sha, also had high hopes from Lin Feng.

Lan Sha's attack is a ranged attack, especially after she rose to level 3, manipulating the lightning is more powerful, also has the lightning ball skill.

The water elemental spirit, Bai Ling, also has some attack power.

As for Miao Miao and Meng Meng, they are not very good at attacking, on the contrary.

But Miao Miao also has a role, these days, she began to repair a trap outside the thorn forest, this one trap, is to remove all the soil, the deepest can reach more than 3 meters.

In the future, when Lin Feng wants to build a city wall, this one trap is located, it can just be used to build the foundation of the wall.

As for Meng Meng, she can use her skills to restore the status for Lin Feng, for the banshees or the other elemental elves.

Each one has its own role to play.