035 Flower seeds! Eight banshees! You are being mischievous again!

"Light Element Elf: Ying Ying

Level: 1

Skill: Light Energy Control, Arrow of Vaulted Light"

Ying Ying's panel is also very simple, her skills are naturally related to light.

Light energy control is well understood, is the manipulation of light, the arrow of dome light is somewhat similar to the morning mist banshee's arrow of morning light, but the power is far from the arrow of morning light.

But the number of benefits is not limited, as long as there is light, Ying Ying will be able to keep attacking.

The power is equivalent to an ordinary bow, and arrow with a bit of magic attached.

There is a good effect on some special monsters.

Of course, as her level rises, the power will certainly be greatly increased.


"Your Tree of Life has risen to level 5, and you have obtained new seeds: 100KG of Hundred Flower Seeds and 1 of Green Vine Seeds."

At this time, the system beep sounded again.

Lin Feng had obtained new seeds!

Flower seeds, as well as green vine seeds.

The seeds provided by the system, needless to say, have a special role, and, often, only when certain conditions are met.

"A Hundred flower seeds, after scattering will grow special flowers, from which can be born flower fairies, need to floating island to the second layer before there is sufficient concentration of life energy, flower seeds can germinate."

"Green vine seed, the companion vine of the tree of life, which can promote the absorption of life energy by the tree of life."

Lin Feng saw the descriptions of these two new seeds.

"Flower fairy?"

Lin Feng whispered.

It looked like a being similar to the Elemental Elves and Morning Mist Banshees.

Only, however.

This kind of flower seeds would need to reach the second level of the Floating Island World before they could germinate.

So, Lin Feng wasn't going to plant it now.

He directly put away the Hundred Flowers seeds, instead of the green vine seeds, Lin Feng directly planted.

After planting, there were no more tasks today, and Lin Feng brushed up on the island master forum.


"I built a stone fortress, but also in the outskirts of a lot of low walls, made a lot of traps, our family more than a dozen relatives all out, really can not guard, there is no way out."

"Wow, your family so many people ah, our family relatives are reluctant to come, said too dangerous, and advised me why not quit, later to go to the floating island world to work, instead of earning some more money."

"I have resigned to fate, in recent years, the wave of monsters, the least a floating island, there are more than a hundred, that is still the best luck, usually hundreds of thousands, so many, how to block ah."

"Alas, I don't know how many people in our class will be able to hold out this time."

"Lin Feng should be able to it, how come there is no news of Lin Feng half recently."

"Where people have time to chat in group, ah..."


Lin Feng's class group, in recent days, was also full of discussions about the monster wave.

On Earth's network, there are quite a few videos about the monster wave taken by past floating island owners.

Before officially entering the floating island world, all students are also taught to identify monsters in school.

Different monsters have different characteristics, attack styles, weaknesses, etc.


The reason why the monster tide is scary is mainly because of the large number and the swarm that rushes up.

These monsters are also in high-speed movement, so it is not easy to shoot them.

Generally, the newcomers face the monster tide, basically a few hundred to a thousand or so, the luck is particularly bad even a few thousand, more than 10,000 cases.

That is relatively rare.

The lucky ones may also encounter only a hundred or so monsters.

This kind of situation, tens of millions of newcomers floating islanders, may just a few hundred people encounter, the probability is too small, basically do not report hope.

It is encountered ... Not enough people, but also can not guard.

If there are only a few hundred, hire seventy to eighty mercenaries, with the help of defense buildings, may be able to hold.

But the price of mercenaries is also high.

Fighting with monsters is dangerous in itself, and fighting on the floating island of the newbie floating islander with imperfect defenses is even more dangerous.

Such a dangerous thing, a mercenary does not give 50,000, people simply will not come.

General newcomer floating islanders, where to get so much money.

Moreover, in case you invite it, the result came more than a thousand monsters ... That the number of mercenaries and not enough, then, these mercenaries look at the number of contrast, the war intention directly gone, once the fight, after noticing that something is wrong, these people will think about withdrawing from the floating island world.

After all, everyone needs a little time to withdraw, withdraw late, and it's over.

So, mercenaries hire less is also a problem.

These people just get paid to do things, for tens of thousands of dollars, you can't expect people to die fighting to the end, right?


So, many reluctant newcomers floating islanders, often are the relatives all together, there are some family members, will spend a couple of millions to hire 30 or 40 mercenaries to try their luck, in case they encounter a particularly small number of monsters, they make a lot of money.


In short.

These two days in the islanders' forum with various chat groups, anxiety is still the theme.


Of course, there were also rich kids showing off the circle of walls they spent tens of millions of dollars to repair, and on these walls, there were even hundreds of heavily armed mercenaries.

The company's main goal is to provide a good service to its customers.

Lin Feng naturally would not go to show off his circle of misty forest, as well as the thorn forest that has taken shape.

If he flaunted it out, I don't know how many people would be envious, but there was no need for that.

His rhythm wasn't affected much at all, harvesting every day, selling, and then looking around.


In this way, time passed day by day.

Finally, the 30th day arrived.

On this day, the number of Morning Mist Banshees had officially reached a full 8!

8 Morning Mist Banshees!

Moreover, another good news was.

Chenxi and Cloud Smoke, who was born the next day, both rose to level 2.

Lin Feng made a special trip to the Misty Forest and met Morning Glory.


Every time Chenxi sees Lin Feng, she would salute respectfully.

"Morning Mist Banshee: Chen Xi

Level: 2

Skill: Confusion, Arrow of Morning Light"

Chenxi's panel didn't change except for her level which changed a bit.

Well, just literally no change, in fact, Morning Sun's strength has more than doubled.

" Chen Xi, where is Yun Yan?"

After looking at her changes and chatting with her briefly, Lin Feng asked.

"She's still over there."

Chenxi pointed in a direction.

Lin Feng walked towards there and soon, he saw Yun Yan who was absorbing the Misty Energy.

Yun Yan's skills hadn't changed much either, what had changed should be the power of the skills.


When Yun Yan saw Lin Feng coming over, she also bowed in a profuse manner.

Her upgrade speed was even faster than Chen Xi's by a day, no wonder, I didn't see her much in the past few days.

After Yun Yan finished her obeisance, her eyes were a little bit affectionate again.

"Master, Yun Yan has upgraded so quickly, can't master give a little reward?"

She said.

Here we go again.

Lin Feng said, "What kind of reward do you want?"

Yun Yan walked over and came up to Lin Feng's ear, and in an almost ear biting manner, said, "Yun Yan wants master~"


Then, Yun Yan's p, p was hit.


She gave a small cry of surprise, her face brushed red, and her eyes were full of small aggression.

"You've been naughty again, Yun Yan."

Lin Feng said.

"Oooh, master, you're bullying me again~"

Yun Yan's eyes were spinning with tears again.

"Okay, rest early, tomorrow there will be monsters coming, it's all up to you guys then."

Lin Feng said.

"How many monsters come I kill, master, then no more bullying me!"

Yun Yan beamed and said.

Obviously, she is ready to perform well tomorrow, well, don't look at Yun Yan like to tease Lin Feng, in fact, she is still very strong, otherwise, she will not be so hardworking in these few days, in turn, she often delayed because of some things morning sun over a day.
