038 Arguments in the group! Ladies Fighting!

Until dusk, no monster tide appeared.

This is normal. Normally, after the novice protection period, the next day, or the third day, there will be a monster tide.

Before that, it was all scattered monsters.

But it was these scattered monsters that had eliminated many people.

Inside Lin Feng's class group, about one fifth of the people had already been eliminated, and after these people were eliminated, they were still able to go on the class group, but they were using ordinary communicators.

"I go, what bad luck, eight of us actually failed to defend ourselves."

"Eight people... It's not like there's a monster wave, how come they got eliminated?"

"Encountered the giant monster, the fort we built was smashed down, luckily we withdrew quickly, otherwise we would have to hang inside."

"Giant monster? This is indeed unlucky, but the quality of your building is too bad, right?"

"What can be done, just so little time, and planting, and mining rocks, and not much cement yet, it's good to be able to build it."


In the class group, those who had been eliminated were chatting depressingly there.

Giant force monster, is a relatively large, thick-skinned, not easy to kill monsters, its scary place is the strength is particularly large, this kind of monster, and generally not easy to encounter.

"Quickly go to the grade group, Su Hongxuan is bragging inside."

At this time, some students shouted.

At this time there was no tide of monsters coming, Lin Feng had nothing to do and also entered the grade group.

"Heh, you guys are very wrong if you think how much you put in can determine the newcomer king, yes, I did only put in a few tens of millions only, but my father asked for connections to help me buy a large amount of C-grade seeds, I planted almost all C-grade plants, these seeds you guys can't even buy if you want to."

"I'm still a little bit sure about the newcomer king this time, even if I can't get the newcomer king, the top 20 definitely won't run away."

As soon as Lin Feng entered the grade group, he saw a rich kid named Su Hongxuan from class 3 talking about the newcomer king inside.

"Brother su ~ fuck them all up~"

"Brother Su, if I'm eliminated, come work on your floating island~"

"I want to come too~ Follow Brother Su to do more assured~"


Su Hongxuan just finished speaking, the grade group, a lot of kneeling licking emerged.

"Come on, if I can get the newcomer king, I can expand the floating island, is in need of manpower, by the way, how come there is no news about Lin Feng of class five?"

At this time, Su Hongxuan suddenly talked about Lin Feng.

In this world's school, between the ages of 16 and 18, these two years, what is taught is basically knowledge related to the floating island world.

Before the age of 16, learning is only cultural knowledge.

When Lin Feng was in school, but the most outstanding grade, Su Hongxuan is also considered very good, but always by Lin Feng pressed head, to Lin Feng, he naturally know, and, the heart is estimated to be a little unconvinced.


"I don't know, Lin Feng has not been out much."

"Didn't you say that Lin Feng started selling fruits on the twelfth day?"

"Lin Feng is so good, most likely won't be eliminated."

"Lin Feng definitely won't be eliminated!"


Speaking of Lin Feng, a lot of people also popped up in the grade group.

Lin Feng was very popular in the school, and with his handsome looks, there were still many girls who liked Lin Feng.


"Twelve days to sell fruits? Heh, you guys really believe it too, even if it's a B grade seed, there's no way it can ripen in 12 days, a B grade or higher seed is only a certain possibility, I can't even get a B grade seed, let alone a B grade or higher."

Su Hongxuan spoke again.

The grade group was quiet all of a sudden.

"That's right, he just sent a for sale message, there is no messy speech there, I guess he was banned."

"Don't you guys think Lin Feng is too arrogant? Rejecting big consortium investment, and he doesn't have Su's family background, as I see it, even if Lin Feng is not eliminated this time, he will die out and be left far behind by Su."


As soon as Su Hongxuan's words fell, a few of his junior brothers who often kneeled down to lick him popped up.

"Why are you guys talking about Lin Feng like that, I don't believe that Lin Feng would send messages indiscriminately."

"Yeah, Lin Feng wouldn't like to clam up like you guys do."

"Who are you saying is clamoring for attention?"


Immediately, some more girls who were quite fond of Lin Feng when they were at school ran out and argued, and the whole grade group, all of a sudden, became lively, with people from both sides arguing inside.

Soon, Su Hongxuan's side of the people saw the power of women when they quarrel, especially after being called Su Hongxuan's licking dog, some people who still want some face are not talking, a few of Su Hongxuan's little brother simply can not stand up to a grade of young girls, was scolded to go back.

Even Su Hongxuan also did not speak.


Lin Feng didn't pay attention to this farce for much time because Chen Xi had made another discovery.

"Master, look."

Chen Xi pointed outside the Thorn Forest.

Only to see, as the sun was setting and the moon was rising, those killed spider monsters were dissipating, and soon, the bodies of those spider monsters were completely dissipated.

This phenomenon is normal, the corpses of these monsters will dissipate as soon as the night comes.

After the bodies of the spider monsters dissipated, the black fog also slowly disappeared.

But this is not a permanent disappearance, there is a great possibility that it will reappear at night, tomorrow during the day, 100% will appear, this black fog is a long-term existence.

Moreover, when they reappear, they are not in the same position at the edge of the floating island.


"Chenxi, go over and see if there is anything."

Lin Feng said.

After the monster corpses dissipated, there was a certain chance that something would be left behind, which was equivalent to the benefits of killing a monster.

Of course, monsters that targeted newcomers might not have things, and the value of these things didn't seem to be that high.

But there is nothing wrong with letting Chen xi search for it.

Chenxi turned into a wisp of fog and flew out.

"I'll go too~"

Several Banshees followed.

Soon, they returned and brought back the same thing.

"Master, only some venom was found, and these venoms are not less toxic."

Chenxi handed the venom wrapped in leaves to Lin Feng.