047 The Farm changes! more formidable monsters!

"Look at what has changed on the farm."

Lin Feng withdrew his gaze and looked at the system panel.

He first found the Tree of Life panel.

"Farm Plant: Tree of Life

Level: 5 (2k/10k)

Growth value: 100 (3.5k/day)

Energy points: 2.1k (1k/day)

Ability: Breeding elemental life, life barrier, elemental resurrection"


" It did increase a lot."

Lin Feng thought.

On the panel of the Tree of Life, the growth value that the Tree of Life gained every day increased by 500, and the energy points absorbed every day also increased by 500 points to 1000 points.

Well, two 500s aren't the same, because the energy points gained per day doubled!

The energy points are the biggest change.

This was the life energy that the Tree of Life was able to absorb directly.

Lin Feng looked at the other crops. The growth value also increased substantially, due to their own low base, the rise of these crops was in turn a bit greater than the Tree of Life.

The amount of energy that the Misty Forest can absorb every day has likewise increased.


In addition, the energy that the elemental elves were able to absorb on their own in the second layer must have also increased.

In this, the one who benefits the most is definitely Mengmeng, because she is a life elemental elf.

Like Lan Sa and Bai Ling, they still have to wait for the thunderstorm weather, which is the best way to advance.


"Now that I'm able to leave the floating island, I wonder if it's okay if I bring the two of them to a place on Earth where there are thunderstorms?"

This doubt suddenly came to Lin Feng.

He didn't act rashly, but called for Lan Sa and Bai Ling.

After talking a bit, Lin Feng knew that .... Bringing them both to Earth to upgrade .... wouldn't work!

Only in the floating island world with life energy they can use the lightning and water of the floating island world, as well as the vital life energy to complete the upgrade with the help of the tree of life.

If it is the earth's thunder, Lan Sa can be used as lightning energy stored, but can not be used to upgrade, so is the white spirit.

Like Bai Ling, in a thunderstorm, what she needs is the element of water. Only the element born after water has a wonderful reaction to life energy can be called water element.

There is no life energy on this world's Earth, and there is no such thing as a water element.

Even if she is allowed to enter the earth's ocean with endless water, there is no way for her to upgrade.

In short.

They can only upgrade in the floating island world with life energy.

Of course, Lin Feng can still take them out of the floating island world.

If there is a shortage of water in the future, it is possible to take Bai Ling to Earth, using Bai Ling's ability to transport a lot of water from Earth at once.


Lin Feng has no intention of going back to Earth for the time being. After the floating island rises to the second level, he can let Shen Mengxue help bring 200KG of stuff over every day.

There is no need to go back for the time being.


After seeing the changes in the farm, Lin Feng was satisfied.

Looking at it this way, the concentration of life energy in the second layer is likely to be about twice as much as the first layer.

Lin Feng came to the Misty Forest again.

"Master, I feel that the energy in the Misty Forest is much thicker~"

Chenxi came out and said.

The banshees felt the change as well.

Lin Feng said, "Yes, I made the floating island rise."

"No wonder~ This is good, I feel that it won't take long for me to be able to upgrade again, hehehe!"

Yun Yan said next to her.

"There's a monster~"

At this time, a demoness flew over and shouted.

Chenxi and Yun Yan pulled Lin Feng and flew up into the sky.

"Over there~"

Lin Feng saw that a large cloud of black fog had appeared a hundred meters or so to his right.

This black fog was much larger than the black fog that appeared at the edge of the floating island in the first layer!

The black fog still appeared at the edge of the floating island, and as soon as the black fog appeared, inside, a dozen monsters emerged.

The monsters that emerged this time looked like they were made of stone and rumbled as they walked.

"Stone monsters, attack their jointed parts!"

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.


This was the first monster that he encountered after arriving at the second level.

It was a good thing that Lin Feng had learned this kind of monster before. It was a stone monster.

There were also stone monsters in the first layer, but the number was relatively small, and they were definitely not as strong as the ones in the second layer.

This kind of stone monsters were really made of a combination of stones.

Against them, Lan Sa thunder and lightning are not good, unless one day Lan Sa's lightning can directly smash these stone monsters into pieces.

If you attack with a bow and arrow, attacking their joints and making them fall apart is the best way to go.

There is a better weapon, and that is a special stone thrower.

In the first layer, the stone throwing carriage is rarely used, but after the second layer, it needs to be used.

Not the ancient kind of bulky, complex to use the stone throwing car.

Rather, specially developed for the floating islander's stone throwing machine, there are manual, there are electric, powerful, but also relatively easy to aim, used against specific monsters to have effect.

Like this stone monster, smash it with force, and it will fall apart.


"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~"

For the banshees, it's not as troublesome.

Because their arrows were too accurate.

One arrow from Chen Xi swept through the stone between the "head" and "neck" of a stone monster, and the stone monster's "head" fell off at once.

Well, its head, in fact, is just a piece of stone.

After the "head" fell off, the guy was still walking, and Chen Xi gave another arrow to remove its waist, this time, the stone monster finally fell down with a boom, fell to the ground.

When this stone monster fell to the ground, the other stone monsters, too, were put down.

If it is a mercenary class, using a crossbow or bow to deal with the stone monster will take some effort, because the shot is not so accurate.

It is better to hold a few mercenaries to a long log to harden these relatively bulky guys.



"Hey, it's still moving?"

At this time, Lin Feng noticed that although these dozen stone monsters had fallen to the ground, the joints attached to them were still moving.

For example, a stone monster that had been dismantled into two halves had both halves of its body still moving.

"For the stone monsters in the first layer, removing the head basically scattered them, for the stone monsters in the second layer, it looks like you need to remove more than three parts to do so."

Lin Feng thought.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~"

The banshees attacked again, and when a stone monster had three parts removed, it, finally, stopped moving.

The monsters on the second level were really a bit more powerful, but of course, the banshees were still easy to deal with.