050 The way others play! Newcomer King Selection!

The next day Lin Feng got up early and went to see the flower fields first.

In the flower field, those flowers had already sprouted.

"Farm Plants: Hundred Flower Seeds

Status: Tender shoots

Growth value: 50/day (after increase)"

Rather, I was able to see the information panel of these flower seeds.


"These flowers don't grow fast."

Lin Feng thought.

Flowers were a bit more delicate than trees and grasses by the looks of it, and had higher requirements for life energy, otherwise they wouldn't have been planted until the second level.

Looking at it this way, it would take a few more days for these flowers to grow up.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry.


After seeing the flowers, Lin Feng came back to the Misty Forest.

In the Misty Forest, new banshees were born again!

12 banshees now!

As usual, Lin Feng named the new banshee, welcomed her birth, and then gave her a full set of equipment.

After all this was done, the time had come to 5 o'clock.

" Chenxi, how did it go last night?"

Lin Feng asked.

Chenxi said, "Master, it's okay, there were only scattered monsters."

"That's good!"

Scattered monsters were not something to worry about.

The Thorn Forest was also a bit powerless against the stone monsters, against the other monsters, it was still quite useful.


The Thornwood is also still growing, and in the future, the Thornwood's toughness will get better and better, and it's not that easy for some monsters to destroy the Thornwood.


The elemental elves had already started harvesting.

Lin Feng took out a pen and listed out some of the plants that he was going to plant next.

Among the absorption of life energy, the more effective, are some fruit trees.

For example, the most classic apple tree.

The advantage of these trees is that the fruit produced is rich in life energy, the disadvantage is that the growth cycle is long, only once a year.

Newcomer stage, basically no one will plant trees.

The significance is not great, but also a waste of money to buy seeds.

Ordinary tree species, the natural effect of general, here, are improved, at least to the F grade or above.

This type of tree species, seed prices are quite expensive, many floating islanders cultivated advanced tree species simply will not be sold to the public.


Lin Feng is going to plant some fruit trees first, and then some D-grade flowers, the value of these flowers is the flowers / honey, after harvesting honey, the value is very high.

The problem of honey collection, you can bring in bees, if the flower fairy is able to complete this work after the birth of the flower fairy, Lin Feng is not prepared to bring in bees.

After having some plans in this way, Lin Feng scanned the island master's watch again.

He found that some people who had become official floating island owners had started recruiting floating island residents.


This world, after the Floating Island World was discovered, had undergone many changes.

Everything in the Floating Island World was not controlled in the official hands, but had its own established rules.

Such rules are also not in the hands of anyone.

Even the official of the earth has no way to stop people from entering the floating island world, nor can they interfere with the established rules of the floating island world.


Basically, after becoming an official floating island owner, some people will start recruiting official floating island residents.

The difference between such floating island residents, and ordinary workers is that these floating island residents, equivalent to the ancient times, the lords on the noble territories.

There is still a difference, the floating islanders have a much higher status and more freedom.


After becoming an official floating island owner, the floating island has become equivalent to a separate, private world of its own.

It is said that some veteran floating island owners have expanded their floating islands many times and have a tremendous area with even a city inside, equivalent to an independent kingdom in the floating island world.

There are quite a few floating islands like this.

The Earth side also can not control the floating island world, the Earth's population pressure, but also to the floating island world to accommodate more people, plus some of the Earth's top themselves in the floating island world also have such independent floating island, so, this aspect of the interference is not much.

In short, although the floating island world has inextricable ties with the Earth, but also follow another set of rules.


For the floating islander, the pressure to defend against monsters is not small, and hired soldiers are only a temporary option.

The most critical thing is still to cultivate their own core team.

Moreover, the monsters faced by the high level floating island, ordinary mercenaries can not handle, must be more powerful psychics to do.

This is the meaning of the residents of the floating island.

After becoming a resident of a floating island, the family moves to a floating island and fights for the floating island master, who in turn provides the residents of the floating island with some rare fruits for them to grow and raise some hands with psychic abilities.

On Earth, there are still very many people who are willing to become residents of the floating island.

Because the benefits are obvious, as long as that floating island can keep developing, they can get a chance to live a long life, but also do not have to worry about supplies, every now and then, you can also return to Earth in style to see.

The premise is that the floating island master is reliable!

Not reliable, no one wants to go.

The general newcomer floating island owner, even if it becomes the official floating island owner, within the first year, in addition to their own relatives, but also simply can not recruit floating island residents.


Of course, this is someone else's way of playing!

Well, someone else's way of playing!

Lin Feng, who has the system, no longer has to recruit floating island residents to cultivate, like others.

Now he has elemental elves, banshees, and soon he will have flower fairies.

The speed of the tree of life breeding elemental elves is also accelerating.

In addition, if you level up a bit more, the tree of life should be able to breed more elemental elves, that is, the same type of elemental elves, will not be limited to only one, so that the number of elemental elves can also be enriched.

Once there are more elemental elves, many problems can be solved without hiring people, and the Morning Mist Demons are responsible for defense, as well as the Flower Fairies... For the time being, I don't know what the role is.

There may be other beings in the future.

The point is.

They are also 100% loyal to Lin Feng, no need to worry about loyalty.

Therefore, at this stage, Lin Feng simply do not use the residents of the floating island.

Unless one day, Lin Feng's floating island expanded into a giant, can also get a city on the periphery of the floating island a class, does not affect the current area at the same time, recruit some more people to play miscellaneous.


"Right, we can register them as residents of the floating island first."

Lin Feng thought.

It seems that the number of residents of the floating island also has some influence on the selection of the newcomer king.

So, Lin Feng registered them directly in the Island Master's wristwatch.


"Floating Island Number: 19... .887

Floating Island Master: Lin Feng (official)

Floating Island Level: Level 1 (second level)

Floating island area: 1.07 square kilometers

Floating Island inhabitants: 17

Battle merit: 628

Ranking: refer to Island Master Ranking"

The registration was finished, and there were already some changes on the information panel of the island master's watch.


After doing that, Lin Feng got busy again, mainly because he had to plan the next planting of the floating island.

The elemental elves, on the other hand, were still harvesting the ripe crops.


In this way, soon, another day had passed.

After a new day came, Lin Feng got a good news.

Miao Miao, the earth elemental elf, had successfully upgraded to level 3!

However, her upgrade wasn't over yet, she was still able to continue upgrading.

Lin Feng used up some more life energy for her to upgrade.

At this rate, Miao Miao would soon be able to reach level 4!

"Earth Elemental Elf: Miao Miao

Level: 3

Skill: manipulate soil, manipulate rock (low)"

At level 3, Miao Miao's skills still hadn't changed much, but the item of manipulating rocks had changed from "extremely weak" to "low".

Finally, it is no longer weak.

When Miao Miao reaches level 4, she should be able to manipulate rocks to a certain extent, so she can start building walls!


This day, among the newcomer floating islander's forum, all the topics, all became about the newcomer king.

Because of the automatic selection of the newcomer king, the results will come out early tomorrow morning.

On the forum, there were already people who listed the most likely people to get the newcomer king.

There are dozens of these people, all of them are the sons of big families who just turned 18 this year.

Their family assets, at least, all start at one billion.

Among them, Su Hongxuan, who went to the same school as Lin Feng, was also in there.

As for Lin Feng...

Right now, no one knows him at all yet, except for the people in Lin Feng's same school.


Millions of people were arguing fiercely about who was most likely to get the Newcomer King, and some people were fighting with others until they were red in the face.

"Who is Su Xiaoyiao that you don't even know? The pearl of the Su family, the heir of a ten billion dollar family, this is the most likely to get the newcomer king."

"I still think Sun Mingcheng is a little more likely."

"Haha, it's not you and me anyway!"


On the forum, many people were discussing intensely.

There were also many people discussing in Lin Feng's grade group and class group.

"Heh, my brother Su is also nationally known, on the contrary, Lin Feng, no one knows him at all, okay."

"Cut, this is Lin Feng low profile, Lin Feng take so many battle merits, kill the monster absolutely a lot, which also shows that Lin Feng's floating island is attractive to monsters, wait for the results to come out, will definitely make these guys dumbfounded!"

"Yes, yes, wait until tomorrow morning to see, you will absolutely be shocked off!"

"I think it is laughing off the teeth, how much battle merit and can not determine the newcomer king."


In the grade group, Su Hongxuan's little brother is arguing with some little girls, Su Hongxuan is not seen bubbling, it is estimated that after being hit by Lin Feng's battle merit last time, also decided to take the final result to speak.


After Lin Feng swept through, he did not pay too much attention.

One night passed like this.

By the end of the night, Lin Feng felt that his island master watch started to glow.

Lin Feng knew that the automatic selection had begun.

After just a few seconds, the Island Master watch stopped glowing.

Lin Feng scanned the island master information and there was not much change, it looked like the results were not out yet, after all, he had to compare other people's results.


This night, Lin Feng fell to sleep well.

The main thing is that Meng Meng's body is warm and comfortable to sleep with.

Although Meng Meng is still an elemental body and can't do anything, it's not bad to sleep with a soft Meng Meng in your arms.

The next morning, Lin Feng woke up.

It was just after 6 o'clock when he woke up, and there was only a little light in the sky.

"Master, I've upgraded!"

Miao Miao brought the good news that she had upgraded to level 4.

Lin Feng went to the Misty Forest again to welcome the birth of a new Banshee.

After all these things were done, it was already after 7 o'clock.

Lin Feng opened his island master watch and found that a large number of chat groups were already quite lively.

Quite a few people were waiting to see the newcomer king.

On the forum, a newcomer ranking had already come out.

Only, the top was still blank.

Finally, the time came to 8 o'clock, and on the newcomer leaderboard, names started to appear.

"Here it comes!"

Some people perked up, opened their eyes wide, and looked up.