053 Shen Qiuhe's intention!

Chapter 53

Shen Mengxue's mother quickly introduced herself.

To Lin Feng's surprise, her surname was also Shen, and her name was Shen Qiuhe.

Shen's group, in fact, was Shen Qiuhe's father's industry, and after his accidental death, she was the one who inherited it.

As for why Shen Mengxue took her surname, she didn't say.

Lin Feng naturally wouldn't ask either.

"I didn't expect that you would be able to get this year's Newcomer King, Mengxue's vision was indeed not wrong."

Shen Qiuhe looked at Lin Feng with a different color in her gaze.

This strange color was, on the one hand, being amazed by Lin Feng's achievement.

On the other hand, it was probably because she didn't expect that Lin Feng's personal image would be so good!

Shen Mengxue's gaze when she looked at Lin Feng also looked extraordinarily bright.


She also did not expect it at all.

Lin Feng had actually released a king bomb without saying a word.

In the hands of many children of the great families, the newcomer king was removed!


And hearing Shen Qiuhe's words, Lin Feng instantly figured it out.

Why would Shen Mengxue, a rich lady, come over to collect the fruit personally.

It was highly likely that.

Shen Mengxue saw that someone had started selling the fruit on the 12th day and felt curious, plus Lin Feng had agreed to the acquisition by Shen's group, so she was coming over to see what was going on.

After coming over and contacting Lin Feng, the curiosity in Shen Mengxue's heart not only did not dissolve, but grew, so Shen Mengxue has been personally coming to collect the fruits these days.

On the one hand, it is to personally have a good relationship with Lin Feng, on the other hand, it is estimated that she also wants to have more contact with Lin Feng.


Shen Qiuhe said, "It's like this, when Mengxue saw your sale information, she became curious about you ..."

She was frank and told the reason why Shen Mengxue wanted to come to Lin Feng's floating island in person.

"Mengxue's main purpose, in fact, is to think that Island Master Lin can cooperate with us for a long time..."

Shen Qiuhe narrated.

This was actually also the purpose of her trip.

Although Lin Feng had been giving them the fruits to acquire, Lin Feng had not signed a long-term cooperation agreement with them, which also made them a bit apprehensive.

The quality of the fruits provided by Lin Feng was really too high, not only high, the relationship was that the quality was very stable.

Especially the C grade strawberries provided by Lin Feng, strawberries are currently the highest C grade, they simply can not get the seeds of C grade strawberries.

But Lin Feng here, the quality is also very stable, than their own floating island or the acquisition of other places of the fruit do not know how many times better, so their company's products this month or so very popular.


If it was okay before, now, Lin Feng became the newcomer king, the key is, Lin Feng does not have any big power behind.

Lin Feng's potential, anyone can see.

Every year, although there are more than 100,000 official floating islanders, but in the eyes of people at their level, the truly valuable, a hand can be counted.

Most of the floating islanders, just to make up a number, although compared to ordinary people is a human being, in the eyes of the large group, not at all into the class.

They are worried that someone with a better price, the Lin Feng floating island production snatched away.

That's why Shen Qiuhe made a special trip over.

She hoped that she and Lin Feng could reach a long-term cooperation, and Shen's group could also provide Lin Feng with help in all aspects.

In addition, she will also give Lin Feng a better purchase price, a premium of about 20% over the market price.


"Don't worry, Lin Feng, we are absolutely sincere, we can provide Lin Feng with as much help as we can, for example, some information about the coordinates of the dark floating island that only the big powers tend to know!"

After saying that, Shen Qiuhe said.

Lin Feng's heart stirred: "Dark floating island coordinates?"

Shen Qiuhe nodded: "Yes, the high level floating island masters have a very small probability of obtaining Dark Floating Island coordinates after killing some particularly difficult leader level monsters, and some floating island masters will put them up for sale, and the information for sale, which only the big powers or high level floating island masters will know, is information that we can provide to you."

Lin Feng understood.

It looked like the Dark Floating Island coordinates were something quite precious, besides being able to obtain them through the rankings, there was also a chance of obtaining them at the higher levels of the floating island world, some monster leaders and the like.

This chance, I guess, is very small.

He pondered for a moment and said, "I prefer to use the smooth ones, since you are sincere, long-term cooperation is certainly possible, provided that the cooperation is pleasant."

Cooperation is pleasant, contains a lot, if Shen Group later secretly give low prices and so on, no sincerity, then Lin Feng naturally will not cooperate with them again.

When Shen Qiuhe heard Lin Feng's words, her face was happy: "Don't worry, Lin Islander, we are absolutely very sincere, and the future cooperation will definitely not let Lin Islander suffer!"

"Good, then let's do that."

Lin Feng said.

He did not mean to sign an agreement, or any contract, and seeing this, Shen Qiuhe also wisely did not mention this matter.


Next, it was time to sell today's harvest.

It was still the same as before, Lin Feng tallied out how much it was, and after Shen Mengxue calculated it, she directly transferred the money on the spot.

"Miss Mengxue, these things, please help me buy them, it's okay if you can't buy the corresponding level, buy whatever level you can."

After the transaction was completed, Lin Feng took out a piece of paper and handed it to Shen Mengxue.

When Shen Mengxue took a look, what was written on the paper were seeds of some plants.

"Okay, just leave it to me."

Shen Mengxue nodded her head.


The mother-daughter pair of flowers left.

After having the floating island world, some things did become magical.

Like Shen Qiuhe, she could not just look like she was in her twenties, her physical state, too, was literally kept in her twenties.

This includes skin, organs, spirit, etc.

Of course, to do as she did, nine figures are not necessarily taken down.

Increase the life expectancy at the same time, but also to slow down the aging, so that the body to maintain a young state, the need for the fruit is not generally precious, and the number is not small, without the input of ten figures, to be like her is too difficult.

Like the average ordinary person, able to live a dozen or two more years with the help of the production of the floating island world is good.


"What's with all the news?"

This evening, after being idle, Lin Feng found that the island master watch had countless messages to add friends, as well as a large number of private chat messages.

When he took a look, he found out the reason.

Now on Earth's network, on the Islander forum, he was an absolute hit.

To describe it in one simple word: on fire!

Lin Feng was indeed on fire, on fire as hell!

Unfortunately, Lin Feng was not prepared to be a star or a netizen, so he was not too excited.

"Meng Meng, Lan Sa, come here, I'll tell you the story of the West Wing today."

The evening's activities continued.

Under the starlight, in front of the tree house, Lin Feng whispered the story, and next to him, several flowery girls with their hands on their chins listened in fascination.

They would occasionally blink their eyes, just like stars blinking.


The next day, Lin Feng received a good news.

Due to the second layer of the floating island world, the rate of energy absorption in the Misty Forest further accelerated, and the concentration of the fog further increased, this morning, two Morning Mist Demonesses were actually born at once!

Now, there were 16 Morning Mist Banshees.

16 Morning Mist Banshees!

And on this day, Lin Feng also saw that in the grade group, that Su Hongxuan, who was previously hit because Lin Feng had taken the newcomer king, had popped up again.

This guy, it looks like he turned the blow into motivation and wanted to fight Lin Feng for the Rookie King!

Rookie King, is the ranking of new people.

And the Rookie Ranking, is the official Floating Islander ranking for the last five years, which means, to compete with the previous Floating Islander.

Su Hongxuan wanted to challenge to break into the top 100 of the rookie list within a year, to trample a large number of old floating islanders under his feet, and wanted to compare with Lin Feng.

He also made a point to @ Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng ignored it.

He was busy tending to the flower field.

The flower seeds planted had grown up, but they hadn't bloomed yet.

Lin Feng estimated that after all the flowers bloomed, the flower fairies should be born.

That night, Shen Mengxue also brought the seeds Lin Feng needed. These seeds, on the other hand, were expensive; there were not many seeds, but they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.


The day passed quickly.

Then, the time came to the third day when Lin Feng became the newcomer king. On this day, two Morning Mist female demons were born in the Misty Forest once again, bringing the number of Morning Mist female demons to 18.

Lin Feng estimated that with the current area of the Misty Forest, as well as the capacity, the number of Morning Mist Banshees on 20 is not a problem.

This day, online Lin Feng's heat is still very high, adding Lin Feng's people also have a lot of people, including a large number of journalists, it is estimated that these people want to enter Lin Feng's floating island to interview some.

Lin Feng naturally will not agree to it, ignored it.


He began to plant tree seeds with the elemental elves, the type of tree seeds, Lin Feng currently chose only two.

One is the classic apple tree, bought as a D-grade tree species.

One, on the other hand, was the kiwi, also a D-rank tree species.

He did not choose those cold ones, such as the linden fruit category.

There are even people who have improved the shape like a man, the so-called ginseng fruit, this kind is too cold, the seeds are monopolized, you can't buy even if you want.

Two classic fruit tree species, Lin Feng is ready to test to see if the system can make these two trees directly metamorphosis.

Previously, those crops are mainly fast, growth value can make them grow faster and better quality, but after harvesting, their seedlings did not change. .....

Because like strawberry seedlings, they would have needed to re-grow every year.

This is not the case with trees and the like.

If the system's growth value, can make these fruit trees can also be constantly upgraded, then Lin Feng will not need to repeatedly breed to upgrade them.


After working until this afternoon, the good news finally came.

Chenxi and Yun Yan, as well as Gia, the three first born Morning Mist Banshees, all rose to level 3!

There were six other Banshees that had also risen from level 1 to level 2!

Sure enough.

After reaching the second level, the banshees upgraded a lot faster!

In addition, Lin Feng also had enough life energy points to raise Meng Meng to level 4!

Light elemental elf Ying Ying, also rose to level 2!

In other words, Lin Feng had power on hand, upgraded in droves!


"It's time to go to the Dark Floating Island."

Lin Feng thought.

He was still a little curious, curious about what the Dark Floating Island was like.


Before going to the Dark Floating Island, arrangements had to be made.

"Meng Meng, Lan Sa, Ying Ying come with me, Bai Ling, Miao Miao keep watch at home."

Elemental Elf side, Lin Feng arranged it this way.

Mengmeng was able to recover her state.

Blue veil has a powerful group attack ability, and just a small number of monsters are not afraid of her lightning.

Ying Ying, is a light elemental elf, she also has some combat power, but this trip, her main role, is to glow!

There is no light on the dark floating island.

But do not worry, Ying Ying is light!


Bai Ling and Miao Miao guard the house, Miao Miao can deal with the difficult stone monsters, Bai Ling control water, but also to disrupt the rhythm of some monsters attack.

As for the banshee side, Lin Feng is prepared to take away three level 3 banshees, that is, Morning Glory, Cloud Smoke, Gia, and then take five level 2 banshees with two level 1 banshees.

A total of 10 banshees to take away, leaving 8 banshees at home.

Recently there will be no monster tide, 8 banshees, with two elemental elves, and thorn forest, should be very safe.

Moreover, this trip does not see time for a long time.

It is estimated that it will be back soon.

So, after this arrangement, Lin Feng gathered the elemental elves and the banshees together, and after a brief explanation of the arrangements, he was ready to go.


"Master, I'll lead you."

After Chen Xi reached level 3, she could fly with Lin Feng all by herself.

She led Lin Feng and flew to the front of the black fog where, just now, a few monsters had been killed.

These monsters would not be stone monsters, but another kind of two-headed monster, which had two heads.

But these two heads are not exactly the same.

For example, some two-headed monsters are dog-headed plus bull-headed, while others are dog-headed plus snake-headed, and both heads can send out attacks. To deal with such two-headed monsters, you still can't let them 4.8 get close.

Moreover, it is useless to kill a head, you have to get both heads to get it done.

In the hands of the banshee, they are not enough to see.

It's just a matter of two arrows.


"Let's go~ All follow me."

Lin Feng took the lead and entered the black fog.

In the black fog, nothing could be seen.

Ying Ying saw this and sent out light, but still couldn't see anything.

Her light was useless in the black fog.

Lin Feng directly opened the island master watch.

Tapped on that coordinate and chose to use it.

The next second.

A passage appeared.


Lin Feng said.

He was about to step in first when Morning Glory had already stepped in first, probably because she was afraid that there was danger inside.

Stepping through the passage, ahead, a floating island without any semblance of light appeared in view.

On the floating island, Lin Feng's arrival stirred up some monsters' cries

"Ying Ying!"

Lin Feng said.

In the next second, Ying Ying rushed up into the sky, and immediately after, bright light poured down violently.

It illuminated this dark floating island.

"There are quite a few monsters!"

Lin Feng then saw that there were quite a number of monsters on the dark floating island, fearing that there were several thousand of them, these monsters were another type of monsters that had never appeared before, called monstrous monsters, which were very deformed looking.

A small number of stone monsters could also be seen.

" Chenxi, Yun Yan, you take three people directly to the center of the island to grab the control light group, we are here to attract firepower!"

Lin Feng quickly made a battle cloth genus!
