055 Expanding the forest! The city walls! The Maiden's Curiosity!

The flowers in this field of flowers opened sporadically after, but it looks quite pleasing to the eye.

Beautiful purple and red, colorful.

And the fragrance is pungent.

These flower fragrance, not the kind of particularly strong.

Nor is it an ordinary flower fragrance.

Smell, is quite comfortable.

In fact.

There are some high grade flowers that have absorbed life energy in the floating island world, and the most valuable thing about them is not the flowers/nectar.

Rather, it is the fragrance of the flowers.

Smelling that kind of flower fragrance for a long time is good for the brain.

It is said that some people who have Alzheimer's disease, if they can smell it often, their brains will slowly become clear.

Memory, thinking ability, will also be improved, even no less than young people.

Of course, that kind of flower is too rare, and the price of each plant is also sky-high.

The average person simply can not afford to buy.


These flowers are the seeds of the system reward, also able to give birth to flower fairies, absolutely can not be worse than those flowers.

So, the effect of these flower fragrances is actually not small.

Lin Feng smells the flowers for a long time, the brain's ability will also be improved, that is, will become more and more intelligent!


When all these flowers open, it is estimated that they will be even more beautiful~

After Lin Feng glanced at the system panel and found that the information panel of the flower fields didn't change too much, he also moved his gaze away.

It was estimated that the flower fairy would appear only after these flowers opened up in a large area.

This time, shouldn't be too long.


"Continue planting trees~"

After looking at all the changes, Lin Feng first came to the Misty Forest and gave the seeds of the Misty Tree to Morning Glory.

" Chen Xi, expand the Misty Forest about fifty meters inward."

Lin Feng said to Morning Sun.

Yes, he was going to have Chen Xi widen the width of the Misty Forest.

From the original fifty meters wide, it was widened to a hundred meters wide.

After the widening was completed, the Misty Forest would be 5.3 kilometers long and a hundred meters wide, covering an area of 0.53 square kilometers, adding the tens of meters of blank area at the edge of the floating island, the two together would account for almost one-third of the entire area of the floating island.

However, visually, there is still a lot of space inside the floating island, with the side length of any side exceeding one kilometer.

The reason why it is widening now is because Lin Feng wants to give birth to more Misty Banshees and also wants the Misty Banshees to be stronger.

That is, first increase the combat power on hand.

Inside the floating island, remove the area occupied by the tree of life and the lake, there is also more than one square kilometer of planting area, although it feels a little crowded, but for the time being is enough.

So, first increase the number of banshees.

Moreover, the mist forest is bigger, the strength of the banshees will rise a little faster.

After the number of female demons increased, plus now the tree of life breeding elemental elves become faster, Lin Feng's hands, you can quickly have a large number of powerful combat power.

In this way, it may not take long for Lin Feng to be able to move on up!

Yes, Lin Feng did not want to stay in the second layer of the floating island world, the floating island world, the higher up the life energy the more dense.

For the system, the higher up, the greater the increase for the various system plants.

The elemental elves and demonesses also grow faster.

Naturally, going up is the best choice.


The basic condition for Lin Feng to go up had now been met, which was to kill enough monsters on the second level.

The stone monsters from the first day, plus the scattered monsters from the past two days, had broken through a thousand.

In addition, the monsters killed on the dark floating island also counted.

In other words, Lin Feng could operate the floating island upwards right now.

However, Lin Feng didn't go up in a hurry because there was a wave of welcome gifts when he went up, Lin Feng wanted to be more secure.


That's why Lin Feng first expanded the Misty Forest to give birth to more banshees.

Well, the expansion is also limited, the total area of the Misty Forest can not exceed one-third of the area of the floating island, otherwise it will affect the growth of other plants, such as the tree of life.


Chen Xi took the seeds and led the female demons to start planting.

They knew the Misty Tree quite well and didn't need Lin Feng to say anything more.

While sowing the seeds, they also had to patch up the Misty Woods that had become sparse.


Seeing the demonesses start sowing seeds, Lin Feng walked through the Misty Forest and came to the outside of the Misty Forest.

Outside of the Misty Forest, the thorn forests did not continue to grow taller, still at a height of three meters.

However, their toughness and strength kept increasing.

Lin Feng stepped towards the thorn forest, and soon, the thorn forest parted and Lin Feng walked out.


Yun Yan flew out from the Misty Forest and came running to accompany Lin Feng.

Apart from the fact that Yun Yan liked to tease Lin Feng from time to time, she was naturally quite concerned about Lin Feng, which was worried that Lin Feng would encounter monsters if he went out of the Thorn Forest alone.

After Lin Feng walked out of the thorn forest, he saw a high wall.

"Master, let me take you up."

Yun Yan stretched out her soft little hand, and after Lin Feng agreed, she grabbed Lin Feng's hand with one hand and held Lin Feng's waist with the other hand, and brought Lin Feng up this wall.

This wall was almost twenty-five meters away from the Misty Forest.

The thorn forest is almost ten meters away from the Misty Forest, and the wall is also ten meters away from the thorn forest, separated by a five-meter width of the thorn forest, which is just 25 meters.

This distance is just right, because the female demons can fall to the wall to fight, when they come over, can bring the fog of the Misty Forest, the same can mobilize the power of the entire Misty Forest.

After all, it's only this distance.


Lin Feng stood on the wall and looked down.

The height of the wall was 20 meters, which is a very high height, equivalent to the height of a 7-story building before crossing over!

Like that Su Hongxuan, he repaired the wall, the height is only 7 or 8 meters only, the thickness is not much thicker, after all, it is a wall repaired in a month's time, how high and thick can it be.

This wall on Lin Feng's floating island, not only 20 meters high, the thickness is also quite nice-!

The thickness of the base is 10 meters, the outer side is vertical, the inner side has a curvature, to the very top almost another 6 meters thick.

Before Lin Feng crossed, the most famous Great Wall, the general height is almost 7-8 meters, the bottom width is generally about 6.5 meters, and the top width is 4.5 meters.

The top width of Lin Feng's wall is more than a meter wider than the top of the Great Wall before the crossing.


Moreover, the entire wall is not repaired, not a trace of construction can not be seen.

It looks like it grew out of the ground instead!

That's right.

It grew out of the ground!

It is completely integrated with the rock foundation of the entire floating island!

This is the earth elemental spirit Miao Miao, using the fusion of the two floating islands, to mobilize a large number of rocks over to make a wall!

Moreover, this wall can later have greater strength as the floating island continues to fuse and expand.

The advantage of fusion expansion is that it can increase the strength, and the density of rocks on Lin Feng's floating island right now is much greater than the rocks of those newcomer floating island masters who are still on the first level.


There are definitely benefits to high strength.

The higher up you go, the stronger the monsters are, and I heard that to the upper levels, if the floating island is not strong enough, there are some monsters inside that are even able to smash the walls built with rocks that are not strong enough into pieces!

If you throw a newcomer floating island master's floating island directly to the floating island world above the 10th floor, maybe the whole floating island will be torn apart by the monsters there!

It's possible!

So, some floating island owners have to re-build their walls when they get to the top level, because their walls are not integral to the whole floating island and will not increase in strength as the floating island fuses and expands, they have to be rebuilt with new, denser rocks to do so.

Lin Feng here, there is no need.

His wall is completely fused with the floating island, and as the floating island fuses and expands and increases in strength, so will the wall!

The role played by the earth elemental elf Miao Miao is huge!

Don't look at her, she doesn't have much combat power left except against stone monsters, but she's also very useful!

Well, every elemental elf, has its own use!


The entire length of the wall, currently more than a kilometer, is also defended to one side.

No way, Miao Miao is only one person, it's good to be able to get such a long wall in a day's time, using the opportunity of floating island fusion.

To complete the entire wall, it is estimated that you still have to fuse the expansion of the floating island 3 times before you can.

Lin Feng felt that if the wall was completed, he would be able to get to the 3rd or even 4th level of the floating island world very securely.

All fusion expansion 4 times, the density of the rocks in the walls has doubled or tripled, plus the walls are so high that some monsters that are good at jumping can't jump over.

It's also a bit of trouble for spider monsters, because these guys can climb!

But the spider monster is afraid of lightning, the demonesses deal with it easily.

Some other monsters, want to come up, can only build a human wall.

Well, monsters build a human wall is very powerful, especially the monsters in the upper levels.

However, with Lan Sa in, and white spirit, they want to build a human wall?

Moreover, Lin Feng soon discovered that Miao Miao had a little more caution when making the wall.

When it was almost at the top, the top extended forward a bit, that is to say, the top was not straight, there was an inverted L-shaped structure on top.

Such a structure, to be able to make the monster build a human wall is about to build to the top, directly silly.


In addition, the whole wall was also treated to be smoother.

The more dense the stone, as long as there are no bumps, definitely smoother.

Spider monsters are not even seen to climb well.

This can also increase the difficulty of monsters to build a human wall.

In short.

As long as this wall around the floating island a circle, on the strength of the hand now, Lin Feng also dare to directly on the third layer, even after meeting the conditions on the floating island world fourth layer!

Not to mention, the number of female demons is still increasing every day, the elemental elves will soon be increased.

Wind elemental elves and dark elemental elves are also almost successfully bred.

Once the breeding is successful, Lin Feng can try a new elemental elf than the fire elemental elf he has been trying to breed.


" Master, how are the city walls?"

At this time, Miao Miao burst out of the city wall.

Well, she was an earth elemental elf, and now that she was up to level 4, it was very easy to burrow around inside the soil or rocks, it was very easy to burrow around.

"Well done, Miao Miao."

Lin Feng was indeed very satisfied.

Looking at the cute Miao Miao, Lin Feng couldn't help but rub her little head again.

Standard head rubbing now.

Miao Miao was still enjoying it because it represented the master's liking.

For her.

Lin Feng can like, it is incomparably happy!


"Miss, all the information related to Lin Feng is here, this information is almost public now, and Lin Feng has not acted in a particularly mysterious way or hidden any secrets in these ten years.

He basically spent all his time in school, and also used some vacations, looking for some part-time jobs, and by the time he turned eighteen, he was expected to have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars, all of which he used to buy seeds."

While Lin Feng was looking at the situation of the city walls on a floating island, a female voice rang out on a floating island.

It was a woman wearing a professional outfit, and in front of her, sitting, was a young girl who was eighteen years old and looked quite like everyone's girl friend.

The young girl's gaze swept over the information and said, "I got it, thank you for your trouble, Sister Luo."

"This is what I should do, Miss is polite; by the way, Miss, Master prepared the coordinates of a dark floating island for you years ago, when do we go over there? Now able to draw a thousand elite warriors from the family to come over, if you feel insecure, we can also hire a mercenary force."

The professionally dressed (Noel Lee's) woman asked again.

The young woman's eyes were on the information there, "Tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll go make the arrangements."

The professionally dressed woman walked away.


After the woman left, the young girl picked up the information and looked at it one by one.

This young girl, it is the newcomer ranking, ranked second Su family's thousand-year-old, Su Xiao Xiao.

Su family assets tens of billions, and this is only the bright assets.

Because a family floating island, no one knows.

Such a family, but also the authentic big family.

Like Su Xiao Xiao such a rich family's daughter, the starting point is different from others, really want anything.

This has just become the official floating island master, although the newcomer king was snatched away by the sudden appearance of Lin Feng, Su Xiao Xiao also missed an opportunity to expand the floating island.

But the Su family spent a lot of money years ago to buy the coordinates of a dark floating island for Su Xiao Xiao.

Such a treatment... There are a few people who can enjoy it!


However, at this moment, this Su family's thousand-year-old girl's interest was in Lin Feng's body.

After looking at it for most of the day, the young girl's gaze, rested on a picture quality.

That picture, is circulating on the Internet, a rare, a ** windy picture.

The picture, Lin Feng gaze into the distance, the sun hit his body, so Lin Feng looks incomparably handsome, there is like a big boy in the sun!

Such a Lin Feng, even Su Xiao looked at his eyes.

"That's him... Is he the one who stole my newcomer king?"

In Su Xiao Xiao's eyes, a bright light began to emerge.

In her heart, there was a strong curiosity.

Although Lin Feng looked incomparably handsome, how did a person without any background .... snatch away the Newcomer King that originally belonged to her?