Talk With Ru Xue I

Zhang Chen replied. "Your family will be here tomorrow morning, Fei'er."

'Family, huh?' Zhang Fei inwardly muttered.

He had not seen his family for two years, and the only one from his family who still contacted him frequently was his little sister. As for his big sister, he heard from his little sister that their big sister decided to leave their house after he was disowned by their parents.

Seeing her grandson fall silent, Zhang Chen then spoke again. "If you don't want to meet them, then you don't need to meet them, Fei'er. Grandma truly believes that you are innocent of the incident that day, so I will never blame you."

"Thank you for your trust in me, Grandma." Zhang Fei sincerely said, and then he hugged his grandmother. If it weren't for his grandmother, he wouldn't have known what to do when he was disowned and abandoned by his family two years ago. He then let go of his arms and said "I'll think about them later, Grandma. For now, I have to see Big Sis Xue first, because I have something important to talk to her about."

"En, you go see Ru Xue first, and don't forget to thank her, because she was the one who brought you home when you were unconscious on the side of the road." Zhang Chen said with a nod, and she continued to stare at her grandson, who was walking away, as she inwardly said. 'You should settle your matters with Ru Xue well, Fei'er.'


Ru Xue's House

Ru Xue froze as she opened the door, as she didn't expect Zhang Fei would come to her house, and then she awkwardly asked. "Why did you come here, Fei'er?"

Zhan Fei didn't answer her directly, as his heart filled with guilt towards Ru Xue, and he was at a loss as to how to talk to her.

"Big Brother Fei!" Xu Ling'er shouted from behind her mother, then she ran and jumped into Zhang Fei's arms, and she rubbed her head against his chest, as she asked. "How did your body become this burly, Big Brother Fei?"

Ru Xue was taken aback by her daughter's question, earlier she was too absorbed in her guilt, so she didn't notice that Zhang Fei's body had changed, and not only had his body changed, but his face also looked more mature and handsome than before. 'How did his body become like this? When I found him on the side of the road and checked his body earlier, he was still very skinny, but unexpectedly he's become more muscular.'

"This is because I practice diligently, Ling'er." Zhang Fei replied with a wry smile, as he couldn't tell the truth, because people would think he was crazy, then he said to Ru Xue. "I want to have a private talk with you, Big Sis Ru Xue."

Ru Xue's heart skipped a beat as soon as Zhang Fei said that, and she became panicked because she didn't want to be alone with him. "W... What do you want to talk about, Fei'er? We... We can talk about it here."

Xu Ling'er then asked. "Why are you stuttering, Mom? Ever since you came home, you've been locking yourself in the bathroom for a long time, and now you're acting weird."

Zhang Fei felt even more guilty hearing that, he realized the reason why Ru Xue had locked herself in the bathroom, then he apologetically said. "Please, Big Sis Xue. I have to talk to you, or I'll never be able to forgive myself."

Ru Xue was complicated by his request, but then she nodded in agreement, as she said to her daughter. "Ling'er, you wait for Mother inside the house, okay?"

"En." Xu Ling'er nodded in agreement. She let go of Zhang Fei's embrace and ran inside.

Zhang Fei and Ru Xue then walked to a place where no one was passing. Along the way, the two were silent, and she kept her face down. When they arrived at the deserted location, he stated directly. "I'm sorry, Big Sis Xue. Everything happened because of my fault."

Ru Xue froze at his words; tears fell from her eyes again, and she sobbed as she spoke. "What should I do now, Fei'er? I don't dare see my husband anymore, because I've already done that with you."

Zhang Fei hugged Ru Xue, and she struggled to break free from his embrace, but he hugged her tighter in silence. After some time, she calmed down again, so he immediately let go of his embrace, and he looked at her face with hesitance.

Zhang Fei took a few steps back, inhaled deeply, and then stated solemnly. "I want to tell you a secret, Big Sis Xue. I don't know if you will hate me later, but I don't want to lie to you because of our relationship."

Ru Xue raised her eyebrows; she didn't understand why Zhang Fei was so serious. Moreover, she could see the fear in his eyes. But the next second, her eyes widened, and her mouth fell wide open. Since she had the demon partner mark on her body, she didn't feel the least bit afraid of his form. Then she reached out her hand to touch the horns on his head, and she was shocked when she felt that the horns were real. "What exactly happened to you, Fei'er? How did you come to have horns?"

"Listen to me carefully, Big Sis Xue." Ru Xue nodded at him. "To be honest, I almost died before you found me unconscious on the side of the road."

"What!?" Ru Xue gasped in shock. "Then-?"

"Then someone saved me, but I don't know the identity of the person who saved me." Zhang Fei had no intention of telling her anything about Mei or his system, so he deliberately made up a story. "As you can see, I'm no longer fully human, because that person turned me into a demon, a Lust Demon, or what we commonly refer to as an Incubus."

Ru Xue was dumbfounded to hear that, and she was speechless, but she also didn't doubt Zhang Fei's words, especially after she could feel that the horns were real.

In the next instant, Zhang Fei transformed himself into a complete demon. His body remained the same, but his horns grew longer; behind his back also appeared two red wings; and behind his hips also appeared a tail with a heart shape at the end. In addition, his eyes also became bloody red, and his hands and feet also became a little strange.

Ru Xue's mouth formed a wide O, and her eyes looked at Zhang Fei strangely and in amazement. "So you are really an Incubus, Fei'er?"

-- To Be Continued --


My other novels

1. Cultivator With Modern AI

2. Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System

3. Otherworldly-Cultivator

4. Tang Xiao: The Birth Of Multiverse

If you guys haven't read all four, maybe you can take a peek at them, who knows you might like them.
