I Can't Fight You, But They Can

The man was none other than Zhang Fei in his half-fox form, he channeled his Light Qi into Liu Qingyu's body according to Mei's instructions, as he asked her. "Are you all right, Qingyu?'

"Who are you? Why did you save me?" Liu Qingyu asked as she continued to stare in awe at Zhang Fei's handsome face; it made her even less aware that his cultivation was far below her.

Zhang Fei smiled at her, and he kissed Liu Qingyu's lips for a moment, then he looked at Pang Hong and the woman.

Liu Qingyu was dumbfounded by that, but she didn't scold him and instead smiled sweetly, and it was due to his demon charm effect on her. 'What happened to me? Why did I let him kiss my lips?'

But suddenly, Pang Hong's loud speech woke Liu Qingyu from her thoughts. "Heh, I thought you were a strong person, but it turns out that your cultivation is only at the 6 Star Elementary Realm, and you are seeking death by interfering in my affairs."

Liu Qingyu was shocked to hear that, then she sensed Zhang Fei's cultivation and directly told him. "I'm grateful that you wanted to save me, but you should get out of here right now since you're not his opponent."

"En, I know, but I can't leave you alone, Qingyu." Zhang Fei said with a sincere smile. It made Liu Qingyu's feelings more chaotic, and she became more and more affected by the effects of the demon charm. "Moreover, I have promised Chu Qing to take you home, and I will keep my promise to her."

"Eh?" Liu Qingyu stared at him with repeated blinks; she didn't recognize Zhang Fei. Moreover, she never knew that her daughter was friends with a half-fox like him.

"You can dream of taking her away from here, brat!" Pang Hong said disdainfully because Zhang Fei's cultivation was meaningless in his eyes, and he felt confident that he could kill him easily. Then he grinned, and three arrows of black Qi shot straight toward Zhang Fei and Liu Qingyu.

But Zhang Fei smiled faintly; he used his teleportation directly, and he took Liu Qingyu with him to the top of the cave.


Pang Hong frowned at that; he didn't understand how a weak cultivator like Zhang Fei could dodge his attacks so fast, even though he knew that Zhang Fei was a half-fox. He didn't recognize the type of his fox bloodline, let alone his technique. "Tsk, an insect like you only knows to run away."

Zhang Fei chuckled. "Hey senile old man, running away is also a tactic in fighting, you know."

"Puchi~" Liu Qingyu laughed hearing Zhang Fei address Pang Hong as a senile old man, and she kept staring at Zhang Fei's face. 'He's really handsome and also has guts, not many people dare to talk to Pang Hong like that.'

Pang Hong darkened at his words, then he sneered at Zhang Fei again. "Heh, let's see how long you can use that escape technique. I'm sure that you will run out of Qi soon. Do you think you can fight and escape from me without Qi?"

However, Pang Hong ignored the fact that those beasts did not attack Zhang Fei and Liu Qingyu; not even Liu Qingyu noticed because she was too mesmerized by Zhang Fei.

"Ha ha." Zhang Fei laughed at his words, then his hand pointed at the beasts. "I can't fight you, but they can."

Pang Hong and Liu Qingyu were taken aback by his words, then they turned to the beasts. Sure enough, the beasts looked frightened of Zhang Fei, and their bodies also seemed to tremble violently.

'What the hell happened to them?' Pang Hong inwardly screamed in shock at the sight of the beasts, especially the two beasts whose strength was above him and Liu Qingyu.

Liu Qingyu muttered to herself in Zhang Fei's arms. "What happened to them? Why are they so frightened of him?"

Pang Hong and Liu Qingyu were confused by the beast's behavior, because they couldn't sense Zhang Fei's Heavenly Fox aura, but the beasts could, and his aura made the beasts feel pressured and frightened by him.

"Heh, we'll talk later, Qingyu." Zhang Fei then pointed at Pang Hong, and he shouted. "Listen up! All of you beat up that guy, or I'll slaughter you all!"


The beasts roared so loud, and they moved together to attack Pang Hong. It made Pang Hong and Liu Qingyu very shocked because the beasts obeyed Zhang Fei's orders.

"Damn it!" Pang Hong gritted his teeth, he tried to dodge their attacks, but the two powerful beasts attacked him at the same time, and he was getting more and more pressed, then he shouted at the puppet woman. "Quickly help me get rid of them, my puppet!"

But the puppet woman didn't move, because without him noticing it, Zhang Fei was already standing behind the woman, and Zhang Fei had already used his demon pheromone on her. Even though she has become a puppet, her desires as a human still exists within her, and his demon pheromone makes the woman disobey Pang Hong's order, as she is already under the control of her lust.

Liu Qingyu, who was above the cave, continued to stare at Zhang Fei; she was confused to see the woman disobeying Pang Hong's orders, and she just stood there silently. 'How did that man manage to break Pang Hong's control over her?'

Pang Hong was shocked when he saw his puppet disobey his orders, and he kept getting pushed around by the beasts' attacks. He gritted his teeth and took out a small jade from his storage ring. Then he vengefully shouted at Zhang Fei. "I will remember today's events, brat! I will definitely kill you in the future!"


Pang Hong instantly broke the jade in his hand, and in the blink of an eye he disappeared from the swamp forest, and the beasts stopped moving; they didn't even dare to attack Liu Qingyu, because they remembered that she was with Zhang Fei.

"Phew!" Zhang Fei exhaled a sigh of relief as Pang Hong vanished, and he grabbed the puppet woman's shoulder, who was still silent, and led her to the top of the cave to join Liu Qingyu, then he smiled. "You are safe now, Qingyu."

- To Be Continued -


My other novels

1. Cultivator With Modern AI

2. Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System

3. Otherworldly-Cultivator

4. Tang Xiao: The Birth Of Multiverse

If you guys haven't read all four, maybe you can take a peek at them, who knows you might like them.
