Zhang Lin's Anger

Shortly after Zhang Fei left, Zhang Hai gathered his family in the front yard, and they seemed to be having a serious conversation.

Zhang Hai suddenly said. "Didn't I tell you not to get close to him anymore, Lin'er?"

"That's right! Why do you still care about that loser, Lin? I'm really pissed to see his face again." Zhang He added.

Zhang Lin raised her eyebrows at their words, then he snorted. "What have the two of you got to do with my relationship with Big Brother Fei? I can do whatever I want; if you two don't like it, then you guys can disown me too."

"Hey! I'm your big brother, you know!" Zhang He angrily retorted. During the two years after Zhang Fei left Zhang House, his youngest sister had never been kind to him, and their relationship grew colder and colder.

"I only have one big brother, and that's big brother Fei!" Zhang Lin replied in a scornful tone. "As for you, you're just a bastard!"


"Enough!" Zhang Hai shouted at them as he slammed the table hard, then he glared at his youngest daughter angrily. "You-"

"You don't need to scold Lin'er, husband!" Qing Yi immediately interrupted her husband and pulled her second daughter behind her; she didn't want her husband to curse and beat Zhang Lin, especially since her eldest daughter was still angry with her even now. Moreover, she had thought a lot about what happened two years ago. She finally realized that it was not her second son who misbehaved, but her eldest son who always behaved badly. "And you, He'er. You don't need to meddle in Lin'er's affair; she can do whatever she wants. Do you think Mom doesn't know that you and your dirty wife did that to Fei'er and Yue'er?"

Zhang He was shocked by his mother's words, and he was confused by her sudden change in attitude because she had always supported him, but now she was turning against him.

"What do you mean by that, wife? Why are you blaming He'er and Xin'er now?" Unlike Qing Yi, Zhang Hai still supported his eldest son, and he really didn't think of Zhang Fei as his son anymore.

Qing Yi turned to Zhang Hai, and she scowled at him. "Are you still not aware of the truth? Or are you deliberately not daring to accept the truth?"

"I don't understand what you mean; we've all witnessed the events of that day with our own eyes." Zhang Hai replied with a shake of his head. Even though his wife's question made him wonder in his heart, but he also didn't think much of her words.

"What a stupid father!" Zhang Lin said with a snort; she then glared fiercely at Zhang He. Even though she was still a novice cultivator, her aura was different from that of an ordinary human, and it gave him goosebumps. "Think about it carefully; he has always been jealous of Big Brother Fei; he has always tried to snatch everything that belongs to him, and he has even snatched his idiot lover."

Zhang He was tongue-tied by their words, and he couldn't refute their words, but he still wondered why his mother and little sister had suddenly become hostile to him.

Even Zhang Hai was perplexed by his wife's shift in attitude. Moreover, for the past two years, she seemed not to care about their second son, but now she was defending him. As for Zhang Lin, he would no longer be surprised if she stood up for Zhang Fei, because they had been very close since childhood.


Zhang Hai suddenly interrupted his second daughter and snapped at her. "Enough! The fact is clear that he's done something indecent towards Yue'er! So you don't have to blame your big brother and sister-in-law anymore!"

"Heh, I didn't expect to have a father as stupid as you!" Zhang Lin regretfully said.


Qing Yi was shocked to see that; she hadn't expected her husband to slap their second daughter, so she examined her cheeks. But she was surprised because there was no slap mark on her cheek. 'What really happened?'

Zhang Lin glared at her father in disbelief and anger. Since childhood, he had never slapped her even once, but now he was slapping her so hard. Fortunately, she is a cultivator now.

"Lin'er. I-"

"You don't need to say anything! From now onwards, I will not be coming back with you guys anymore, and I will be staying here with Big Brother and Grandma." Zhang Lin then turned to leave, but she paused and turned to her father. "No wonder Big Sis hates you so much, and she doesn't even want to see you anymore, because you really can't tell right from wrong. Moreover, you always supported those two bastards, even though they were the ones who framed them in the first place."

Zhang He's face darkened upon hearing his youngest sister's words; he glared at her fiercely, and his eyes were filled with hatred.

"Humph! You don't need to glare at me like that, you bastard!" Zhang Lin cursed harshly at her eldest brother. "You can take all our family wealth for yourself and your greedy wife, because Big Sis and I don't care about our family wealth either."

After saying that, Zhang Lin hurriedly left them. Qing Yi looked at her husband and sighed heavily, and she then left them and followed her second daughter.

Zhang Hai could only stare at them leaving, and his hands seemed to be shaking violently, as he still regretted having slapped his second daughter earlier.

Meanwhile, Zhang He smiled in his heart, because all he had in mind was his family's wealth, and he thought that if Zhang Lin and Zhang Yue didn't want it, then his entire family fortune would be his. 'Humph! You fools!'

After that, Zhang He also left his father, who was still regretting his slap to his little sister, and Zhang Hai slumped down on a chair in the front yard, as he looked up at the sky with regret.

"What Lin'er said was true, you've changed too much, and you can't even distinguish right from wrong anymore, Hai'er. The current you only think about status, wealth, and dignity. And all that has blinded you." Zhang Chen said and sat down next to her son, she had heard their conversation earlier. Zhang Hai turned to his mother, and she continued. "As their father, you should be able to understand the character of your children, but since you always think about such worldly things, the opposite has happened. I'm sure you're not that stupid, Hai'er. If you think about it carefully, you will understand the difference in the attitudes of your two sons, and then you will be able to distinguish between your good and bad sons."


Zhang Chen sighed softly and interrupted him. "Everything you've seen is not true, I know Fei'er and Yue'er very well, and I believe that they wouldn't do such a thing."

After that, Zhang Chen entered the house again and allowed her son to think for himself.

- To Be Continued -


My other novels

1. Cultivator With Modern AI

2. Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System

3. Otherworldly-Cultivator

4. Tang Xiao: The Birth Of Multiverse

If you guys haven't read all four, maybe you can take a peek at them, who knows you might like them.
