


[Daily Quest: Absorb 600 Qi]

[Status: Done]

[Reward: 600 Red Jewels Sent To Inventory]


Early in the morning, Zhang Fei, who was sleeping, was awakened by a notification that suddenly appeared in his mind. 'Sigh, having a body double is really a convenience; I don't need to do the daily quest myself.'

But he felt something strange, and Zhang Fei immediately opened his eyes to find his little sister sucking his dick. He smiled wryly and rubbed her head. "Why are you doing this so early, Lin'er?"

"Grandma asked me to wake you up, but you were sleeping like a dead pig, so I did this on purpose to wake you up." Zhang Lin let go of his dick for a moment to answer him, and she then started sucking it again, even harder than before.

Zhang Fei sighed softly; he naturally remembered that he was going to marry Liu Hua, Ru Xue, and the Chu Sisters this morning. "Lin'er, I'm going to have an orgasm soon."