Fire Yang Flower Bloom

Chang Wenji said with a bashful expression. "It was my first kiss, so you have to be responsible to me."

"Huh?" Zhang Fei then spoke with an innocent look. "Miss, you kissed me first, so I returned the favor, and now you expect me to be responsible to you? Besides, I don't even know you, and vice versa."

"I don't care! Anyway, you must be responsible to me!" Chang Wenjie said with a frown, and then she glanced at Liu Hua and the others. "You should also leave them and come with me to the Central Region!"

Liu Hua and the others darkened at her words, and Chu Qing immediately shouted angrily at Chang Wenji. "You shameless woman! You kissed Fei yourself, and you are now asking him to leave us!"

"Humph! So what!?" Cang Wenjie snorted at Chu Qing. "All of you are just weak women; if he comes with me to the Central Region, then my Chang Clan can help him become stronger quickly!"