Golden Monkey

When Zhang Fei was on his way to the golden monkey's location, a muscular man with cuts on his face walked into a coffee shop, then he walked up to a man and woman sitting side by side and sat directly in front of them. "Why did you call me to come here in such a hurry, Zhang He? And what happened to your arm?"

Zhang He answered the man's question with a bitter smile. "Brother-in-law, this is because of Zhang Fei; he is the one who made my hands like this."

"Zhang Fei? That weak guy? Wasn't he already abandoned by your parents?" The muscular man asked with a raised eyebrow. His name was Chen Hong, and he was Chen Xin's big brother.

"It's a long story, Big Brother." Chen Xin sighed. "The current Zhang Fei is different from the past; I don't know how he changed so drastically, but he is now very strong, so we want you to help us get rid of him."

Chen Hong raised his eyebrows; he didn't believe that Zhang Fei could change so drastically. "That's-"