Portable Mansion

[A/N Note: You can imagine the Portable Mansion as a combination of Bulma's (Dragon Ball) capsule house and the tent like in Harry Potter, where the mansion looks very small from the outside, but it's really spacious inside.]



"I know, Mei." Zhang Fei interrupted her as he stared at the flames burning the corpses of the four people.

Zhang Fei returned to his human form, but he also felt a dilemma in his heart about whether to tell his mother and grandmother that he had killed his big brother or not. Before long, he sighed to himself. "How much money did Huang Rong give me, Mei?"

[Hmm, she gave you 100 million yuan, Master.]

"Oh? So many?" Zhang Fei was really surprised to hear that. He originally thought it was only 10 to 50 million, but it turned out that Huang Rong gave him a lot more.

Mei giggled at his reaction. [Apparently, Huang Rong wanted to please you, so she deliberately gave you so much money, Master.]