Against Two Clans II

"I am Zhang Fei, the husband of Chu Ying, Chu Qing, and Liu Hua. So you should already know the reason I infiltrated this clan and did this to you, right?" Li Lian was even more shocked after hearing his answer. "I will never forgive anyone who has malicious intentions towards them, and your clan has also become an accomplice to the Pang Clan, which compounds your mistakes, so all of you must die to bear the consequences of your actions."

After he said that, Zhang Fei opened Li Lian's mouth forcefully and flicked the pill into her mouth, where it immediately fell into her throat, making her look at him in horror. "What... what did you give me just now?"

"It's a crippling pill, and you'll be back to being an ordinary human soon." Li Lian's face turned pale, and she wanted to scream at him, but Zhang Fei immediately stuffed her mouth with a thick cloth. In addition, he took out some rope before tying both her hands and feet to each end of the bed.