Talk With Ursula

"My lords?" Ashreth called out softly as she looked at the Amaris Twins with a tired face, especially since her power hadn't fully recovered.

Nadea, who had just opened her eyes, was also surprised by the presence of the Amaris twins. She immediately warned them. "My lords, you two should be careful; Ursula is not dead yet, and they have just woken up from their long slumber."

The Amaris twins looked shocked when they heard the name, and they naturally recognized their ancestors. They never knew that the two were still alive, especially since they had never been able to check inside the black castle.

"My lords, Ursula absorbed our demon powers and essences, and they also killed our friends." The Amaris twins immediately turned to Kyllia. "They told us that the presence of an unusual man in this place woke them up from their sleep, but they did not tell us about his identity."