Chap12. Waste water treatment.

To the question: What is wastewater treatment for? We answer: Avoid making marine life sick.

If you fear an oil spill that is an oil slick on the surface of the water.

Imagine what they do: "wastewater, served, untreated" under the surface of the sea, being issued by underwater tubes, directly on the seabed.

You would not feed "your children" with something that could affect their health–Asked GoBerly.

Of course not. How do you suppose you would do such a thing! –Objected a wealthy coastal "merchant", whom we will call the Don Residual Tide.

So: Why don't you agree to sell, rent or give away these lands? –GoBerly-: He was referring to the desert lot, located on the outskirts of the city.

Well, it was bought for other purposes –He deflected the objection, Mr Residual Tide: appealing to a supposed purpose.

You know very good! -That the land, they were given, for a political favor "to the commercial a regional vote". (As is customary in political campaigns, then these are resold to the highest bidder and at an exorbitant price: it costs 1 per square meter and they sell it for a thousand)

Hey, how did you find out? –asked Don Residual Tide uneasily.

Remember that I belonged to a political party and in political matters everything is known.

What do you propose to do on those lands?

A Residual Treatment Plant. –He affirmed, GoBerly.

It's a deal. As long as it is for those purposes. –With this, meeting number 1444 is over, and the "collective" management is effective. An important step has been taken.

Alert 2!

We need to take samples of the water that we are receiving, even if it is overseas, -said a Crab Red, a survivor of the holocaust produced on the White Island.

He added: the expulsion wave from it is not a reason to trust, because the undulating sea returns a percentage of this sewage.

And so be it: 5% is enough to mistakenly nurture the newly "emerging" kelp forest.

Good. GX-Prays Exploration Team 1, go to the gate, which borders the Hongoy Kingdom. –I order the same King GXP-Prays. Extending the order:

Indicate to the GX-Prays1 Team, a period of exploration, collection of samples. I want a detailed report!

-Team GX-Prays 1, Here!

We report to fulfill the mission at the gate adjacent to the Hongoy Kingdom.

The novelty of Ciudad Diva, -so they baptized the citadel Prays-, for its prodigious underwater lighting and interoceanic commercial, residential and financial splendor. For having a level 2 Prays portal. Unique in the world.

It attracted many tourists, local, national and interstellar.

The next royal inauguration ceremony... he drew thousands.

One of those groups was the Hongoy, once enemies of the XPrays in their origins.

They took the urban and rural planning delegations by surprise.

As soon as they arrived, they acquired, at all costs, land adjacent to that gate number 1, as it is a rich, abundant and strategically filled area of ​​seaweed of the three types.

Some time later, the GX-Prays 1 Exploration Team showed up. To give their report:

Report GXP-2022-701, for the following:

On the date of starting the exploration, the algae plantations began to color the color of their flowers.

At first we thought they mimicked the lights of the citadel.

However, a routine health checkup showed a high index of nutrients N and P.

This type of contamination, we still have to determine, if it is due to flowering only or proliferation.

We have extended Alert 2. In two hypotheses whose argument must be corroborated, to take measures or rule out their contamination.

Alert 2: Due to Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB), it is necessary to evaluate: frequency, abundance and toxicity. We'll take a census, seaweed by seaweed, and we'll nuclear test the locals.

Alert 2: Due to Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), it is necessary to evaluate: frequency, abundance and toxicity. We will do a surface exploration, we will verify that the new waters are not settling with polluting compounds.

Excuse me, the technical expressions. We are attentive to your questions and will respond promptly.

Tell us, what are the mentioned nutrients? -Asked the Chino Latto mollusk, who for this occasion posed as military personnel assimilated as volunteers before the Prays Kingdom. –In other words he was an X-Monk spy.

Nutrients rich in Nitrogen (N) and Nutrients rich in Phosphorus (9) –Reported the assimilated Scientific specialist in Marine Biology, Mr. CiBiMa, if we find them in excessive quantity they affect aquatic ecosystems.

-Adding, - Lic. CiBiMa, "to avoid further questions" -: The "natural" biogeochemical cycles of these nutrients N and P, can be affected by the same climate change feared by man and that our aquatic worlds are also affected, sorry redundancy and technicality in the report.

I understand your scientific terms, -Intervened an Urban-Ocean Glider (as PLAN-UO)-: But you insinuate that we should stop signing lease contracts, rental or sale of land, and seaweed forests to locals and strangers. Expanding a little more specific in his saying:

The Prays Skyscrapers, today are the habitat of large Architects, Engineers, Builders... Studios of recognized oceanographic prestige.

And being them "bulwarks" for our international policy. They are the ones who have raised the Prays repopulation boom. And ending his expressive speech he said:

Do you want us to kick them out? –The Chino Latto mollusk blurted out, wanting to generate internal friction. That was one of his goals as a spy.

Enough! -King GXP-Prays said-: Who listened attentively, without wanting to interrupt his commercial advisers, the military teams and the diplomatic corps.

I have listened to those who were delegates, according to their functions. –Seeking the consent of his subjects. Suggesting-:

I propose, a mixed interdisciplinary meeting.

At the end of which, we will listen to your new and assertive conclusions on the problem and more so on all problems that come before us -He said this to assess the integrity of each delegation with their respective delegates and to generate "a changing atmosphere, but edifying and committed" with the new security requirements, political planning and development of the Prays Kingdom.

The Hongoy, with a soft "bites" violated the skin of the algae and injected nutrients N and P.

This caused changes in the colors of the algae in less than 24 hours.

To mislead his actions, he had hired the services of X-Ray counter-espionage agencies, which are undercover X-Monk agents, of the Rays species.

The Rays, when approaching the coral reefs, abruptly flapped their fins, raising marine dust. Moment of cloudiness that the Hongoy took advantage of, who were already strategically located in the vicinity of the algae forests adjacent to gate 1, of the Prays Kingdom.

These seaweed forests were within the acquired land: either for rent or sale, and how it favored them for oxygenation and nutrition issues; the Hongoy, could approach the woods, without arousing suspicion, under the pretext of going shopping for their daily food.

A second way to affect the normal growth of kelp forests. It is because of the drains or sewage channels.

Some detergents used for cleaning, fertilizers used in their residential gardens, biological waste: they caused the contamination.

Nobody was aware of these Machiavellian covert actions promoted by the X-Monk; who, from the base in Cerro Lechuzas, directed, controlled and supervised the Hongoy operation and subsequent operations.

At the second entrance gate to the Diva Prays citadel, the Kingdom of the Seahorses, known as: K-Hippos, settled. The transport lobbies, formed by these charming beings in the sight of locals and strangers but make no mistake because the K, which contains their name, refers to "Kampos or sea monster".

The K-Hippos are in charge of managing the national and local transportation to and from the Prays citadel.

Especially in the compartments enabled in each mobility, they carry capsules of phase 1, of the murcvirus.

That they did not achieve real effectiveness, since the population has its third and fourth vaccine: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta...

This was just a drill to measure the degree of security in the transport, to then do the immersion of the X-Primate virus.

Thus, an X-Jellyfish assault team was hired (although their bad reputation as jellyfish was not a problem. Although this new stage was)

These X-Jellyfishes were places of itinerant beauties, as they surrounded their clients by means of stinging cells of their long tentacles; They performed facial cleansing, manicures and pedicures, liposuction and all kinds of beauty treatments.

The X-Jellyfish set the pace of fashion for both male, female and hybrid beings.

Unique method so that once the capsules are introduced by the K-Hippos or seahorses, these X-Jellyfish inject the viruses together with the stinging cells.

Alert 3!

A small but significant meeting for a beauty contest a few lunar days before the ascension of King Prays to the throne of all the Allied Kingdoms.

Positive God in Phase 1 Covid: Alpha. And the sanitary isolation measures had their maximum indication. Gatherings of more than three Algae trees at a time were prohibited.

The combined work of K-Hippos and X-Jellyfish served to measure, I repeat, the degree of security to and from the interior and exterior of the citadel, including the external buildings.

In the X-Monk multiverse. Base Cerro Lechuzas.

In the first intervention: My Excellency Mr. X-Monk –Said a military spokesman of the Chinese Mollusk Latto species. Designated for the purpose of communicating the reports yes Reporting:

We have finished the work of Operation Trojan Horse. –Reported the joint enemy forces of K-Hippos and X-Jellyfish. From gate 2 of the Prays Kingdom inwards and outwards as indicated.

In second intervention: We also concluded the activation of the X-Murcvirus in the kelp forest adjacent to gate 1 of the Prays Kingdom. –Said another war spokesman of the Chinese Mollusk Latto species. Designated for the purpose of reporting. Reporting:

The regrowth of X-Murcvirus fruits, adaptable to Prays kingdoms. It is in its growth phase in a few moons, we will have the expected results.

The proliferation of its effects towards the ground will make it impassable to enter or exit the Prays citadel. Thus, we will surround them, to invade us without the option of defending ourselves from the outside.

When viewed from the surface of the water blooming kelp forests around Gate 1 towards Citadel Prays. We'll find out what, we've managed to come within a full moon of weakening the gate 1 guards.

Just order and we will do the same with the other three entrances or doors. -He concluded. Offering more services, because the pay was very good.

Nope! It was heard as in a severe, thick and prolonged scream. –In the voice of the X-Monk. Giving up making any more deals for now with his hirelings. He finally said:

Enough of reports. Leave us alone. They have already been paid in advance. We will know what else to do and new raids will be requested as soon as possible.