Chap15. The Political Dalliance:

The dalliance, of the first political experimentation, is similar to a little school in the middle of a meeting of parents who arrive for the first time at the meeting for their children's promotional party. That is five to six years late.

Leadership appointments were fought over. The sand castle, was reproduced in sand houses. All the political bases ended up collapsing due to a "sperm level" race; where he who arrives first celebrates the first lady.

Which is the closest approximation to the central government; Well, the "X-Prosor", no longer makes it compatible with anyone who does not speak Quechua "at the press level"; neither Spaniards nor gringos serve their ends. He abandoned ship; that she seemed to sink. Now, it seems that it is a final of maritime war where everyone points: to the bow, to the stern, and from the sides, from the deepest, from the highest.

So: everyone was left out? –Asked, an X-Parishioner, attentive to the "promotional" political stores

Yes. –He said, the X-Libre, who is an S-Monky, undercover to destabilize the current electoral contest.

Now what will we do to continue with the political dalliance? – The X-Parishioner returned to questions.

Electoral Alliances! –I confirm an S-Monky.

The Pope Merchant, sometimes gets infected by the fashionable political rhythm and is himself an inveterate parishioner.

And the X-Libre: he convinced Him! -To the point of making him sign up for the Free party, although that is past history. The dalliance is yet to come!

When you register your data in a political store, you have to wait for the next electoral activity, about five years later.

Nobody will invite you to be part of the main dome; grab your beach bag and camp around the campfire.

The political dalliance is an "electoral fire stoker", under the sight of its stars: that radiate with their banners, pennants, horns and harangues...

Which is the highest bidder that wants to buy which discarded merchandise? –Insinuated, the merchant Traddad or X-Faithful, a little casual, due to the ups and downs of the electoral offer, which got out of hand. Poor X-Feligrés: he was left with a title without the certification of the central party.

There are two political stores What learning of the alphabet! –Induced, the X-Libre, contextualizing the talk about him so that the X-Parishioner: understands.

But you can no longer negotiate with the head of the party. You have to go for the arms and grab the hand, with an attitude of kissing the feet.

Let's do it! –Said the X-Parishioner. Unaware of his decision, eager for electoral emotions, which made him clear his mind; of the daily pressure in the activity of being a merchant: mainly potatoes.

Let's go to the euphoria! Let it be as if we were upstairs and not downstairs -the Parishioner was convinced.

There is a lot of adrenaline in this part of the game, yes, due to a mistake: you can be out of the game, but there is: the resurrection, by paying a "social tithe" and you are reinserted in more evolved stages.

Although the positions of trust are no longer available, there are still second level positions… we will still share little. But there will be for everyone:

Welcome to the meeting! –El X-Libre greets me, outlining a "political" smile; while he asked:

Has he already paid the social tithe? Or what benefits will you give to the party?

The usual: for gasoline, dinner, tea with bread... a minimum contribution.

There is a silence in the streets. When you are not the host of the electoral contest.

Everything goes back to normal! Although for the merchant Traddad: he will never again see the return on his political investment, if his political store: It was closed!

Now, he must dedicate more time to recover: non-reimbursable funds. Thus, the trader Traddad works at a time and a half. Family pressure is becoming unbearable.

Bierny chose to take a step back, and visit "the merchant Traddad" on the first day of each week, to strengthen his growth through the Word of Prophecy.

The enthusiasm in the merchant is such that the characterization: X-Prayer is good for him.

Well, he seems like a pilgrim "in political dalliance", who religiously, undertakes the trip and all trips: to the places, where, they rise: the political tents; which circuses in the middle of the national month.

-The X-Prosor, making a political tonnage-: Well, how much stock do we have of interior ministers.

A dozen was requested based on -He answered, the EX-Decan of him. -Adding:

We've only used seven…we still have about five available.

That is the central situation: "present" and at the same time "extinct" of the party: X-Libre. Imagine the X-Parishioners nationwide: in each of the twenty-four and one regions; in its one hundred and ninety-six provinces and its one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four districts.

The merchant Traddad, call himself X-Faithful: he is one, among 32 million 131 thousand 400 inhabitants.

To this account it is necessary to discriminate: the number of "electoral" voters active or available to vote and another: the number of "political" voters whose votes are: in blank, null or empty.

All this is nothing more than, "the strategy of X-Monk level political dalliance", the sequel to Covid activated by the X-Murcvirus, has completed the cycle of penetration and has confused and confuses its decisions and more at this time of offers, demands, promotions... all of this in a set of electoral promises.

To complement what was said:

And what do our elected allies at first base propose we do in the meantime? –Asked the X-Feligrés, attentive to the Europx soccer matches and the baseball matches; both fashion sports, although the first more than the second.

But in the case of X-Feligrés: A lack of representation for the soccer world cup, because his national team lost due to excessive tourist confidence. -The selected ones went to buy well but they played badly.

He has left: the baseball games of the national team; that, by an international competition, where the country participates; it has activated the fervor of the locals and the bookmakers; They have one or another offer available.

How much do they pay to get to first base? –Asked the X-Parishioner.

One for the first base and double for each subsequent base –Confirmed the X-Libre.

In another context:

But nothing about "free", let's promote Peluche -Announced, the advertising requirement, the Merchant Traddad.

That's what it's all about, not depending on this or that political tent –He said: Bierny, adding-: But to project, from: one, to two, to three, to four, and up to five years.

What do you propose? –I ask: Bierny, trying to find out the "current" political intentions.

A few hundred MDF keyrings: on one side, the term: Plush; and on the other side: the political party: ally. Either "A" or "B". In the first he goes to the provincial league, the second to the district league – Mentioned, paraphrasing, the Merchant Traddad.

How have you understood this stage, for this investment: politics? Bierny asked.

I didn't know the leaders of those political stores –He clarified: the merchant Traddad, expanding-: It feels good to be close to them, with all those people cheering them, and then the taking of photos, hugs and extensions of hands.

All euphoric leaves one of these concentrations between allies!

The XD-Parishioner, was not present in this advertising agreement: between the merchant Traddad and Bierny.

Therefore, there would be no possibility to intercept this order, as if it managed to do it with the previous orders.

Many days had to pass to re-establish an appropriate climate for such a dialogue; that allows us to reach such agreements.

And the sign for the new location? –Reiterated, Bierny: on the priority advertising need; for being the local, a solid commercial reference.

Still, I need it -Traddad the merchant dodged the matter, extending that-: not in the cargo transport mobile for now.

Rather, I warn you that, in the place where the X-Libre party: will establish its base. For that place: announcements are required, establish an office, open workshops… among others.

Of course, by staying out of being headlines of the X-Libre party, it looms in an environment of austerity "for political investments." It's like in horse racing: It's no use having chosen good horses at first sight, if nobody offers them: Such confidence! That allows them to run towards the finish line at full electoral gallop.

And I always want to call for you to attend these meetings between political allies. –Subject: The merchant Traddad.

And why don't you do them? -I ask: Bierny.

I'm so busy sometimes, and the invitation to these meetings between allies: it's not up to the X-Free party, but to the allies: A or B! Trader Traddad commented, adding:

They are the ones who establish the meeting routines between allies. The rhythm they have, which is far from our rhythm. Are they other "deaf" songs?

They warn late, at the wrong time! -Excuse.

What do you propose we leave behind as a legacy for Chinpax? –Emphasize technical education for merchants in the province (Ser was referring to informal ones. Although this option had to be for formal ones as well)

Do you review the advertising options with a focus on Marketing? –The Merchant Traddad consulted Bierny –Who summarized the training opportunities in a list:

This is the list:

-Marketing and publicity; for traders in the poultry industry (we have been developing real samples for a year, which have impacted two markets)

The offer includes for all other entrepreneurs: various form formats according to each line of business.

A varied collection of ways to present your business names. It said this: for the different materials for the elaboration of commercial signs:

-With wooden frame, on canvas.

-With galvanized tube frame, and translucent canvas. Ready to put white led lights

-With a galvanized square tube frame, and 3D MDF letters, with multicolored LED lights at the base.

-T-shirts, key rings, stickers, flyers, cards...

The idea is: implement ntar, technify and monitor the needs of merchants for one to five years. Bierny concluded his exposition.

And for the provincial parishioners? (this question, asked by Trader Traddad, did provoke Bierny's attention)

There is the Project "MAPA JUVENIL", with studies for a quarter based on Proverbs 31 and 20.

With the: MA component, based on Proverbs 31, young women and girls will be able to orient themselves: as on a map towards adult life in a family environment.

With the: PA component, based on Proverbs 20, young men and boys will be able to orient themselves: as on a map towards adult life in a family environment.

To all this we will add social networks, mobile applications and a web page, where week after week we will publish multimedia materials for dissemination through social networks, which will be opened for such purposes.