Squad 32

Ellia had her arms crossed as she sat on the vehicle's back seat.

"What did you think of him?" Ruth asked in a playful voice.

'He's nice but too clingy.' Ellia replied. 'I wonder how my granddaughter endured such stuff.'

"Do you want a report on him?" Ruth asked.

'Sure, give me a report,' Ruth answered while giving a slight nod.

"Son and heir of Metalwork in Owner, his father is the fourth wealthiest man in the Empire and funds a hefty about of funds to the Empire's military."

"So he had a pretty high social status."

"Yes, he is one of the Empire's youngest prodigies," Ruth said.

"And how did my granddaughter meet with him?"

"It was in school. Alex was the one who approached your granddaughter first.

"Well, that's unfortunate because I don't think I'll be seeing him again." Ellia chukled.

"Mistress, we have arrived." The butler conveyed as he exited the aircraft.

When the doors lifted open, Ellia also exited the aircraft and nodded at the butler waiting outside. Then looked around left and right.

Surprisingly there weren't many people; only a few moved in and out. The size of the place was as big as an airport, giving Ellia a great sense of tininess.

A salty smell in the cold wind breezed past Ellia. 'The place is right beside the sea...' Ellia thought as she recalled some memories.

The butler then handed Ellia two briefcases the same size. "These are your weapons, Mistress."

'Weapons?' Ellia thought as she received the briefcases.

"Students are required to bring their weapons to Everwhite." Ruth's voice played inside of Ellia's head.

'Oh... well, that sounds like Empire, all right.'

"Ah... thanks." Ellia expressed with a smile. "I'll be going now."

The butler nodded. "Best of luck, Mistress."

Ellia then walked off towards the giant building. A white building shaped like an octagon took a total space of 40 acres of space.

Inside, Ellia walked towards the front desk where two male attendants were.

"Your watch." One said as he picked up a scanner.

Ellia lifted her arm and showed her wrist to the man.

"Second lieutenant Ellia Arison, you will be reporting to squad 32." The man spoke, then pointed at the briefcases in Ellia's hands. "Are those your weapons?"

"Yes, sir," Ellia responded immediately.

"We would need to check your weapons due to regulations."

Ellia then handed both briefcases to the man. After a moment, the man passed them back to Ellia. "Well, it looks like your clean, Second lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir." Ellia nodded.

"And one thing, Second lieutenant, careful of the men. There are a few female soldiers here, so they might try to take advantage of you."

"Ah... yes," Ellia replied as she walked away, feeling a bit awkward receiving such advice.

After Ellia left the reception desk, both men started to chatter.

"Hey, you bastard, why were you staring so much? I was surprised she didn't sock you." The man's friend laughed.

"Like hell, I would. Did you see what kind of weapons she had? I shivered when I saw it, you know."

"Huh, what was it?"

"Well, let's say that one of the weapons could completely irritate a human from existence.


Ellia walked through the giant hallways of Everwhite's barracks with her watch displayed.

"Room 32..." Ellia mumbled as she stood before a door labeled with the number 32.

"This should be the correct room," Ellia mumbled as she knocked on the door. "This is Second lieutenant Ellia Arison!"

As Ellia introduced herself, a rush of foot steeps could be heard within the room. Then the door automatically opened, revealing a tall, handsome man leaning against the door frame. While combing his hair backward, the guy winked at Ellia.

Ellia felt a chill go down her spine. 'T-the fuck...?' Ellia mumbled to herself as she barely kept herself from puking.

"Stand down, Corporal Blank!" A shout came from within the room.

"Corporal Blank, is it?" Ellia spoke as she glared up at the man. "Should I take this as an act of harassment and disrespect towards a superior?"

Ellia wouldn't allow it. If this were the type of treatment she would receive every day, she would rather kill herself. 'I have to set some rules in here.' Ellia thought.

"That's not it, ma'am..." He chuckled as he raised his hands in innocence, but his eyes didn't seem to leave the small thigh gap between her stockings and skirt.

"It's not, ma'am. It's Second lieutenant." Ellia spoke with a menacing smile. She was barely holding herself from doing in the man's face.

'How dare you look at my granddaughter with such eyes!' Ellia thought as her eyes flared.

"Okay, that's enough, Second lieutenant. Please come inside!" Another shout came from inside.

"Yes!" Ellia shouted back as she entered the room.

The interior of the room was somewhat well organized and modernized. A whole functional kitchen was also installed for someone to cook in.

There were only three bunk beds, so it seemed to be only six people that were going to dwell in room 32.

"Second lieutenant, pleased to meet you. I am First lieutenant Issac Williams." Issac introduced with a smile as he adjusted his glasses. Although a bit shorter than Ellia, his posture was that of gentlemen. "And if I may ask, what is your ability? Since you are an Imperial noble lady, it must be something strong."

'Huh, Ability? Is he talking about magic…?'

"During the time you were gone, the world created a way to enhance humans for war; of course, there is magic, but technology also advanced," Ruth spoke. "Humans gain psychic-like powers through the help of technology, but since you could only gain these powers with technology, the richer you were meant, the more powerful your abilities were."

'Hey... isn't this something you were supposed to tell me beforehand?!'

"Well, you didn't ask."

Ellia simply sighed at Ruth's remark. "Was that something I could ask?"

Ruth didn't respond, but to Ellia, it seemed that Ruth was sticking her tongue and taunting her.

'Well, then what's my psychic power?' Ellia asked, but remembering the system interface; she didn't think she had any psychic powers.

"Well, you don't have one. But technically, you still do."

'What the hell is that supposed to mean?'

"Basically, when you were young, you took this expensive drug that stopped muscle growth but not muscle strength," Ruth explained. "That means that if you hadn't taken that drug, you would be no different than a gorilla overdosed on steroids right now. And I think the system interface talked about this. I think it was called Asura's recreation or something."

"Hmmm…" Ellia hummed as she brought back up the system interface.


Asura's recreation(Pill): A majestic type of pill that allows its consumer to grow exponentially. Effects only vitality, stamina, strength, agility, and endurance. Must partake in intense physical training for the pill to work.


'Wait, but why did my granddaughter decide to take this? Aren't there other pills that immediately increase one's strength?'

"The pills that you're talking about have a limit on how much you can consume. But the one Ellia took could increase your strength as much as you want, but there are two conditions to consuming such a powerful pill."

'Go on.'

"First, you would have to train intensely to the point you can't feel your body to increase your strength by a small margin. As the system interface says."

'Well, I guess that's a given." Ellia thought as it was logical to her. Great power doesn't always come with flowers and smiles.

"Second, severe cases of muscle tearing. There was a time when Ellia's whole arm almost ripped off."

'You don't have to tell me things like that...' Ellia mumbled inwardly as she imagined her granddaughter going through such agony.

"I guess it's inhuman strength?" Ellia finally replied to Issac with an awkward laugh. It felt like she was playing superhero like a kid.

"It's more normal than I thought," Issac spoke dejectedly.

'Is that not good enough for you?' Ellia thought as her eyelids twitched.

Issac then started to introduce the rest of the people.

Specialist Levi Lee, a Elite marksmen. With slick grey hair and grey eyes, he stood about 5,10 with a small frame. One of his eyes was surgically removed with an artificial eye to give him thermal vision and vision enhancement. Although it was so early in the morning, his eyes were nothing but drowsiness.

Then there was Corporal Owen Blank. His skin was a bit on the darker side, with him being about 6 feet. However, his black eyes continued to shine with lust as he stared at Ellia. If it weren't for his personality, Ellia would definitely compare it with Alex's. His ability was object manipulation. Using tiny radioactive nano cells, he's able to change the shape of certain metals completely.

Private first class Mike Miller. Being the tallest person in the room, the guy was 6,3. With a bulky upper body and lower body, his appearance wasn't too far from a yeti. With black hair and black eyes, he was your average gym bro. His ability was the same as Ellia's; Inhuman strength.

Issac's ability was the six seances. Neura connectors were installed inside his head to give him the six seances. He was basically a living radar, but better.

'There no one here that can use magic, huh...' Ellia thought, a bit disappointed. She wanted to see this magic with her own eyes.

"Wait, where's the last person?" Ellia suddenly asked as she noticed someone missing.

"Ah, Private Aerie Hayes. She still hasn't arrived yet." Issac replied. "I will entrust Private Aerie to you, Second lieutenant. You are both women, so it'll be better for you to handle her than for us disgusting men. I'm I right?" Issac then laughed by himself.

Ellia gave Issac a look before quickly hiding it. 'I'm a guy on the inside, though...'