A Dumb Weakness

Just about fifteen minutes before 1800, Ellia left the shooting range with both her briefcases. While walking toward the training facility, she felt her stomach growl but didn't pay any attention to it.

Arriving at the training facility, she noticed Aerie with a frighted expression. Swirls were seen in her nervous eyes as she started to sweat. And it was evident why she was acting in such a way. A man enclosed Aerie and seemed to be trying to strike up a conversation with her which was her greatest weakness.

Ellia walked behind and spoke. "What seems to be the problem here, gentlemen." Ellia politely asked, but her facial expression seemed to be telling him to fuck off.

"Ah... don't get the wrong idea. I'm not trying to take advantage of her or anything." He said with innocence. "She looked lost and worried, so I asked her what was wrong."

Ellia then looked at Aerie with a raised eyebrow that seemed to be asking if it was true.

"I-its true, I just don't know how to talk to men! I'm sorry!" Aerie apologized as she frantically bowed.

Seeing this, Ellia sighed and patted the man's shoulder. "Sorry about that."

"No prob." The man said as he left.

Ellia then stared at the cowering Aerie. "I thought I told you not to look so feeble."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Aerie mumbled.

Ellia sighed again as she patted Aerie's head. "It's alight. Just stop apologizing too much."

"Y-yes!" Aerie shouted.

Ellia nodded as she walked to the receptionist and showed him the black card.

After a quick scan, Ellia signaled Aerie to follow.

"What did you do…?" Aerie asked as she stared at the black card on Ellis's front chest pocket.

"I got us a private training room," Ellia responded as they walked down a corridor.

"I-is Second Lieutenant perhaps an Imperial noble lady…?" Aerie asked with hesitance.

"Yes, I am…."

Hearing this, Aerie flinched. "A-ah! I'm sorry for my rudeness! I-"

Before Aerie could finish, Ellia stopped her. "Stop. I thought I told you not to apologize so much and also, don't treat me like a noble. I never wanted to be a noble, nor do I want to be treated like one."

"I-I see…"

Ellia and Aerie soon arrived at a white door. Using her card, Ellia opened it and walked inside. Aerie quickly waddled inside before the door could close on her.

Then looking around, Aerie was filled with amazement. Training equipment filled the room left and right, only leaving a small space in the middle of the room. And that was where Ellia was walking too.

Ellia grabbed a pair of MMA gloves and fixed them on her hands. After doing so, she then passed another pair to Aerie.

"W-what are we doing?" Ellia asked as she watched Ellia stretch.

"We're going to train, Private." She responded. "I doubt you could even put up a fight with a child."

Hearing her words, Aerie glanced away with an ashamed look before finally putting on the gloves. 'I won't be an outcast that can't do anything… I'll be someone that second lieutenant could rely on!' Aerie thought with a profound look in her eyes.

"I'm ready-"The moment she turned to Ellia, she saw a fist beelining its way towards her.

"Heck!" Aerie shrieked as she leaned her body back, barely evading the punch.

'W-what did I do wrong?!' Aerie scram to herself as she looked at Ellia with teary eyes.

Ellia looked at Aerie with widened eyes. 'Was that luck… no….'

Ellia then threw some more quick jabs at Aerie, which she quickly dodged.

"Agh! I'm sorry! Stop hitting me…!" Aerie suddenly lowered to the ground and started to bawl.

"I'm not even hitting you…." Ellia mumbled to herself but still patted Aerie in the head. "You're doing a good job."

"Really…?" Aerie asked while sniveling.

"Yea, so get up," Ellia said with a smile. She has long realized Aerie's personality was much of a child. ScdsrShe had to compliment her and act nice for her to actually listen.

Aerie then pushed herself off the ground and stared at Ellia.

'Good…' Ellia thought. 'Based on her reflexes, she would become an excellent soldier as she grows, but….'

Ellia then lifted her attire and showed Aerie her pale white stomach. "Punch me as hard as you can. As you can see, I have no protection, so it will hurt a lot."

"W-what? Why…?" Aerie asked as she started to panic.

"Because I said so. Now do it, Private." Ellia spoke in a severe tone.

Aerie seeing the seriousness in her superior's face, reluctantly made a fist, and with a pause, she punched at Ellia.

Ellia looked down at the trembling Aerie below and sighed. "What kind of punch was that? I didn't feel anything."

"I-I can't! How could I hurt you?!" Aerie screamed in protest.

"So if it weren't me, you would be serious?"

"Yes- no! No! It's not that!" Aerie shook her head in a frenzy. "I-It's just that I have a fear of hurting people… I hurt a lot of people before, so…."

"Stop, I understand," Ellia said as she patted Aerie's shoulder.

For the rest of the time, Ellia trained Aerie to the best of her abilities till midnight. During that time, Ellia was thinking of a way to eliminate this dumb weakness in Aerie.

"Okay, stop," Ellia ordered. The second she did, Aerie slumped onto the floor.

"Second lieutenant! Y-you're a demon! How could you go so hard on someone!"

Ellia glanced at Aerie and smirked. "You're going to need it."

"Is training for six hours without stop normal?!"

'Looks like she can complain without a problem...' Ellia thought.

"Pretty normal to me," Ellia said as she prepared to leave. It was true back when Ellia was training in her previous life; six hours was nothing.

"W-wait... I can't move right now. Please help me..." Aerie mumbled and rolled on the ground towards Ellia.

Ellia gave her a weird stare before exhaling. She then made her way toward Aerie and crouched in front of her. Then, turning her back towards Aerie, Ellia offered her to get on.

Seeing this, Aerie got on her back without any problems with a face full of smiles.

'Silly girl...' Ellia thought as she left the private training room and strolled to room 32.

Ellia quietly entered the room as she turned her head left and right, to see if anybody was inside. Noticing that no know was inside, Ellia was taken aback. 'Where the hell is everyone going so late into the night?'

Ellia thought she and Aerie would be the last people to arrive, but it looked like everyone else was busier than she thought.

"I'll be taking a shower. You should also before the others arrive." Ellia said as she took a new pair of uniforms to the bathroom.

"I-I'll come in later. I have to do something..." Aerie spoke.

"Ellia waved her hand without batting an eye and entered the showers.

After a quick then minutes, Ellia walked out of the steaming bathroom with a new attire on. As she walked out, she sniffed a sweet fragrance in the air.

Walking towards the kitchen, she saw Aerie in an apron tossing chicken strips on a pan. She looked much like a pro chef at the moment.

"You know how to cook?" Ellia asked.

"Y-yes... I leaned back in the orphanage." Aerie replied with a tin smile.

"It looks like you cooked for way more than the orphanage." Ellia complimented as she sat down on a wooden chair.

"Do you know how to cook?" Aerie asked.

Hearing Aerie's question, Ellia stared at the floor, recalling some memories. "I know how to heat MREs." Ellia gave a mild chuckle. "Probably the only thing I know how to make."

Aerie stared at Ellia with a confused look. She didn't know if she was joking or being serious.

Aerie soon placed a plate of marinated chicken on the desk. "This is for you, Second lieutenant," Aerie spoke with a bright smile.

"You're not eating?" Ellia questioned as she watched Aerie preparing to enter the bath.

"No... I already at before we started training." Aerie replied.

Ellia didn't say speak any further and started to eat her food.

After finishing, she placed the dishes in the dishwasher and climbed into bed.

'She sure takes a long time to shower...' Ellia thought as she relaxed her eyelids and drifted off.