Battling Humanoids

It was a cold tone that didn't seem to hold any value to human meaning. To the humanoids, it was probably another day hunting down humans.

"Do you think they're smart enough to stay up there?" Ellia chuckled.

"Probably..." Alex replied weakly.

"Well, it's not a problem." Ellia confidently spoke as she picked a random fist-sized rock off the ground, then twisted her body as if she was going to throw a javelin.

"Hey, you don't plan to..." Issac mumbled, which got him a smile from Ellia.

Tightening her arms, she sent the rock flying straight towards the humanoid. Then without any resistance, the rock flew in and out of the humanoid's chest.

Its flare on its back started to flicker as the humanoid lost all power and plummeted towards to ground.

The other humanoids simply stared at the broken pieces before focusing back on Ellia.

"Everyone! Spread out and take cover!" Ellia shouted as she noticed the humanoids moving to aim their weapons.

Upon hearing her words, everyone behind Ellia scrambled away. Everyone except Aerie, who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Hey, you brat!" Ellia widened her eyes as she ran towards Aeire, then pulled her by the collar as they backed themselves against a tree.

The moment they did, the humanoids started to bombard them with 7.62 mm rounds.

Plip! Plip!

Sounds of rounds grazing wood and snow entered everyone's ears.

'I guess they don't care if we die, huh...' Ellia thought as she peaked an eye out towards the humanoids and then back in front. There she gazed down at the rock in front of her.

"Private... collect some rocks for me," Ellia spoke as she grabbed the rock that sat before her. Ellia knew that right now, she was the only person that could do anything against the humanoids.

"E-eh? Right now?" Aeire stuttered as she flinched from almost every shot fired.

"Yes, right now," Ellia said as she took a deep breath before finally exposing herself, then sent the rock hurling to a random humanoid.

'Don't hit it perfectly… graze it….' Ellia mumbled to herself.

Unlike the second time when Ellia completely destroyed the humanoid, not giving it time to initiate its self-destruct mechanism. She aimed to activate that mechanism by grazing its power supply in its chest.

And without fail, the rock barely grazed past its power supply by creating a hole to the left of the chest.

Then like a chain reaction, the humanoid started to twitch as a gigantic red and black smoke irrupted with a bang. But, of course, it didn't fail to take down some of its other humanoids in the process.

Unfortunately, this also caught the attention of the humanoids, causing them to take aim toward Ellia.

Widing her eyes in surprise, Ellia quickly moved out of the way, but with the full force of dozens of humanoids, Ellia was bound to get hit.

Taking cover back against a tree, Ellia felt a sting on her cheeks and right thigh.

[A gun wound has been inflicted on your left cheek! [HP: 138-->133]

[A gun wound has been inflicted on your right thigh! [HP: 133-->126]

"A-ah…" Aeire stuttered as she pointed toward the wound on Ellia's cheek. "You're bleeding…."

Hearing her words, Ellia lifted her hand and reached toward her cheek to find blood on her hands. "Yea, I know it's nothing," Ellia replied.

Although Ellia now had an idea to get rid of the humanoids, she couldn't do so because of the heavy fire from the humanoids. And because the brute force of all the rounds fried, it was starting to chip away at the wood.

'Fuck if I only had some proper weapons….' Ellia muttered as she worryingly stared at the shivering Aerie.

"Hey! You're not the only one able to do that!" A yell suddenly echoed throughout the forest. Then on the north side of the forest, a rock came flying out, piercing a random humanoid in the chest, destroying it.

'Took them a while...' Ellia mumbled with a smile.

Pulling their fingers away from the trigger, the humanoids looked toward Mike. The moment they did, Owen, who was not too far away, also revealed himself—then raising his shaking right hand towards the humanoids.

At that moment, the protective metal coving their power supply started to melt away as if acid was being poured. Then, when their power supply was fully exposed, single-fired shoots instantly destroyed them. Ellia peeked out and glanced at Issac and Levi, who had picked up the assault rife dropped by the humanoid.

Everyone took a few more minutes to take down the platoon of humanoids. Of course, everyone except Alex and Aerie stood in the rear lines and watched everything unfold.

Seeing that every humanoid was lying on the cold ground, broken in pieces, Aerie came out of hiding and ran towards Ellia.

Noticing Aerie rushing towards her, Ellia smiled and complimented her. "Good job for not dying."

Aeire shook her head as she refused to take her compliment. "I-I did nothing here..." Aerie mumbled as she stuffed her hand into her coat and took out a roll of bandage wrappings. Then making sure the bandage was still clean, she reached over toward Ellia's face.

Instinctively Ellia flinched backward when she saw Aeire reaching toward her face. But when she saw the bandage on her hand, she calmed herself.

"Where did you get that?" Ellia asked, watching Aeire clean and bandage her face and thigh.

"I had this inside my pocket from the beginning. And there was no reason for me to take it out." Aeire replied.

Ellia smiled at her words and turned over to everyone else.

"Is everyone alright?" Issac asked.

"Yea, but it h-hella cold..." Levi murmured, his teeth chattering.

"What he said," Owen added. "The only reason I didn't freeze to death by now was that I was fighting killer robots! But now my ass is freezing."

Despite both complaining about the cold, Mike just shrugged. It seemed that the cold didn't bother him even a little.

Ellia then looked around to find Alex but seeing that he wasn't around, she started to scan the area. Within a second, Ellia noticed Alex around a bunch of broken humanoids, examining the inside and outside of the humanoids.

After Aerie had finished, Ellia strolled towards Alex and asked. "What's wrong?"

Alex glanced at Ellia before focusing back on the broken pieces of the humanoids.

After a short moment of silence, Alex gave a weak chuckle. "It's funny, right? How I made the majority of Ullr, but it's my father who changes some minor things. And he probably took all the credit for it."

Ellia stayed silent and simply stared at the saddened Alex.

"But there's nothing I can do about it now..." Alex sighed as he got up and patted his bottom. "So I'll focus on now."

Hearing his words, Ellia silently nodded her head in approval. 'At least he gets the idea.'

"Well, we'll be leaving soon, so ready up," Ellia said before turning around to leave.

Seeing this, Alex smirked, then soon returned to scavenging the broken pieces of the humanoids.

"We have a few more miles to go, so bear with it," Issac spoke.

"But what about food?" Mike asked. "I doubt that there going to leave any food for us?"

Listening to his words, Issac smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about that. There're plenty of wild animals for us to eat here."

"If it's animals, then you can leave that to me," Levi spoke as he held his assault rife. Issac nodded.

At that moment, Alex, who had been scavenging broken humanoid pieces, ran toward everyone with a small item in his hand, then proudly showed it off. The small item was only about the size of two human fists and made of mostly metal.

"What's this funny thing?" Owen asked with a mocking smile.

"It's a portable heater," Alex replied as he flicked a switch on the small item. When the switch was turned, a small orange light illuminated from within. Then a second later, a wave of warm heat surged out. "I made it using some of the partially intact power supply of Ullr."

Feeling the warmth from the small item, the mocking smile on Owen's face disappeared. "Give me this shit!" He screamed as he snatched away the portable heater.

"Hey!" Levi also yelled, trying to take back their only usable heat source from Owen.

"A-ah... guys..." Sweat started accumulating on Aerie's head as she tried to break the two apart.

Seeing Aerie struggling so much, Ellia sighed before stepping in. "That's enough, boys," Ellia spoke while emphasizing the word boys.

"I can make some more if you want." Alex interrupted after noticing the shortage of his product.

"Please..." Ellia gave another sigh as she gazed down at both Levi and Owen.