The lone Empress

'He doesn't recognize me, right?' Ellia asked, feeling Kai's suspicious gaze over her.

"You had a mask on then. The chances of him recognizing you are slim. After all, you're mana signature had developed." Ruth explained.

'Mana signature?' Ellia questioned.

"When one breaks through and becomes a second star mage, they often develop a mana signature unique to them. Mana signatures are similar to fingerprints."

'So you're saying since I didn't have a mana signature back then, but now I do, it's going to be hard for them to know it was me?' With a quizzical expression on her face, Ellia lifted her eyebrow, awaiting confirmation.

"Yes," Ruth spoke.

'That's reassuring.' Ellia thought as she watched Kai turn around to leave. 'Though, what's his name?'

"His full name is Kai Alibert, a commoner, ranked second within Everwhite. He was orgin-" Ruth's words were halted in their tracks as Ellia's interruption came crashing down upon her.

'I don't need to know his full background.' Ellia spoke, 'I only asked for his name.'

"I apologize."

'You apologize?' As if struck by a sudden fit of hilarity, Ellia's hand flew to her mouth, which she clamped shut in a desperate attempt to stifle the laughter that was threatening to burst forth from her. 'I didn't know you could speak formally.'

"W-well, it was a built-in function! There's nothing I could do about it!" Ruth retorted quite quickly. "You sure like teasing people!"

'Sorry, sorry...' Ellia finally calmed down.

"Second Lieutenant," Ellia's head jerked upward, her eyes scanning the room until they came to rest on Levi. "How do you know someone like Jessica?"

"Yea," Mike added, pushing Levi's question.

"Someone like her?" Ellia's eyebrow arched upward, forming a perfect curve of curiosity on her face. Even as she savored the taste of the pasta in her mouth, her eyes narrowed in contemplation. "Is Jessica some sort of big shot?"

"She's Everwhite's ranked number one." Both Ruth and Levi spoke in unison.

"Eh? Number one?" Ellia's voice, like a delicate flower bending under the weight of a sudden gust of wind, rose ever so slightly as she expressed her surprise. "She didn't seem that strong?"

"That might be because she's hiding her mana signature," Issac spoke.

"What he is saying is correct," Ruth confirmed. "Though she is also hiding her aura."

"Yo!" Just then, a familiar voice sounded, causing everyone to look up. It was Instructor James waving as he sat down beside May and Issac.

"What are you

"What are you doing here?" Asked May.

"I'm here to fill you guys in on what is going to happen for the ranking test," James said and began explaining. "The ranking test is going to be the same as the last test, a battle royal type test where the one who gets eliminated is placed lower in the rankings. But it's going to only be up to the last twenty people standing."

"Huh? Then how are they going to determine the rankings for the last twenty?" May questioned.

"One-on-one tournament duels, tournament style," James answered.

At that very moment, the air was pierced by the shrill and jarring sound of the intercom system. "Attention all students of Everwhite, please report to the grand Colosseum for the ranking test. Spectators, this is also your last chance to entire the Colosseum."

"Spectators?" Ellia raised a brow. The notion that there would be an audience watching the spectacle before her was as unexpected. "When did they think it was a good idea to show anything military related to the public?"

"You're right," James voiced his discontent, his words carrying a weight of disappointment. "War isn't a game, but there isn't anything we can do when they're greedy bastards everywhere."

Ellia remained wordless, focusing solely on her food as if she was lost in a world of flavors and textures.

"Okay, let's head to the colosseum," James rose from his chair as he spoke.

Like a swarm of bees, the students of Everwhite buzzed with excitement and anticipation, moving in organized clusters towards the Colosseum.

"Okay, hold up," With haste, Ellia devoured her meal. Then, in one swift motion, she rose from her seat as she prepared to depart.

"Aren't you worried about gaining weight?" As they strolled amidst the bustling crowd, May turned toward Ellia and inquired.

"Uhh... no, really." Ellia let out soft laughter, knowing that there were microscopic robots coursing through her veins, tirelessly working to maintain a perfect balance of nutrients and lipids in her body.

"You have a secret?" May playfully nudged Ellia's side with her elbow, a mischievous glint in her eye as she prodded her to reveal the hidden treasure trove of secrets that lay buried within the depths of her mind.

"Just workout a lot. Work out hard enough to burn all the calories you consume." Ellia raised her thump at her advice, thinking it was foul proof.

"Right..." May's lips parted in a quiet murmur, sensing a flicker of hesitation and doubt emanating from Ellia

In the blink of an eye, five minutes had slipped away, and before they knew it, they were standing before the grandeur of the Colosseum. The immense structure towered above them, a behemoth of architecture that stretched 900 meters into the sky and spanned an astounding 1800 meters in diameter. The smooth, polished stones that comprised its outer facade glimmered and glistened like diamonds in the wintry sunlight, each surface catching and reflecting the gentle flutter of snowflakes as they drifted down from the heavens.

'How many people can this hold?' As Ellia cast her gaze upon the people that surged and flowed around the base of the Colosseum, she posed a question to Ruth, her eyes flickering with a mix of wonder and bewilderment at the sheer number of people that swarmed about like a school of fish.

"About 200,000 thousand spectators," Ruth answered.

The area outside the Colosseum was a frenzy of activity, with security personnel frantically working to usher throngs of people through the gates, each person required to present their identification before being granted entry. It was a scene of controlled chaos, like a bustling beehive where every bee had a specific role and duty to fulfill.

"Are you Everwhite students?" The sound of a woman's voice called out to them, causing both of them to swivel their heads in unison like a pair of synchronized swimmers. A beam of warmth radiated from the female attendant's face as she flashed a welcoming smile in their direction.

"Yea," James nodded.

"Do you have identification?" Asked the female attendant.

James extended his hand to give her his instructor badge to vouch for his identity.

"I have confirmed," The attendant nodded while smiling brightly. "I'll escort you to your waiting rooms."

"Much obliged." Returning the attendant's warm smile with one of his own, James motioned towards Ellia and the rest of the group, gesturing for them to follow as the attendant led the way into the Colosseum.

Upon crossing the threshold into the Colosseum, they were enveloped in a sudden wave of warmth. The chill that clung to their skin like a second layer dissipated, replaced by a cozy warmth that spread through their bodies like a gentle flame, leaving them shivering with delight.

Suddenly, the intercom crackled to life, projecting a lively voice that echoed through the cavernous chambers of the Colosseum like a jubilant bird trilling its song. Ellia immediately recognized it as the voice of the host, its energetic timbre setting the tone for the event to come.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and give a royal welcome to her majesty, Anna Ayer the Empress, as she makes her grand entrance! Also, welcome the Prince and Princess of the Empire! The future of this nation!" The host's booming voice reverberated through the Colosseum like a thunderclap, igniting a spark of excitement in the hearts of everyone present. In response to his call, the audience erupted into a wild cacophony of noise and motion.

"I didn't know the Empress would be coming here today…" James muttered while rubbing his chin. "She never does."

Suddenly, a raucous eruption of merriment erupted behind Ellia and the others. Ellia and the others instinctively swiveled their heads to face the source of the commotion, their curiosity piqued by the atmosphere that now suffused the Colosseum.

Amidst the chaos of the celebration, a hush suddenly fell over the crowd as the Empress made her grand entrance into the Colosseum like a queen entering her throne room. Flanked on either side by her two children, she strode down the central aisle with regal grace.

"Show the Empress respects!" Ellia heard someone yell.

As the Empress made her way down the aisle, the air was filled with a palpable sense of awe and reverence. One by one, those in her presence fell to their knees, their heads bowed in deference to her royal presence. Even Ellia gazed at the Empress with quite a fascinated gaze.

Despite the passing of decades, the Empress retained an ageless quality that spoke to the depth of her inner strength and beauty. Her hair, as black as the night sky, cascaded down her back in a silken wave, each strand gleaming in the sun like a cascade of starlight. Her eyes, pools of darkest onyx, were bright and lively, sparkling with a keen intelligence that belied her advanced age. As Ellia gazed upon her, she couldn't help but be struck by the Empress's timeless allure.

Standing tall and proud behind the Empress was her son, the Prince, with an expression that was both intense and commanding. His dark hair, as black as a raven's wing, was styled with military precision, framing his sharp features and piercing black eyes. Like his mother, the Prince exuded a regal aura, a commanding presence that spoke to his position as heir to the throne.

The Empress's daughter, the Princess, possessed a striking appearance that set her apart from her mother and brother. Her hair was a luminous shade of silver, like moonbeams caught in a gentle breeze, cascading down her back like a waterfall of glistening snow. Her eyes, a misty white, were captivating and otherworldly, reminding Ellia of the pristine beauty of a snow-covered forest on a winter's night. Despite her ethereal beauty, the Princess carried herself with a regal bearing, befitting her status as a member of the royal family.

'Whoa, she sure got old.' Ellia thought as the image of the young Empress of still fresh in her mind. 'She also has two children, but where's the Emperor?'

"There is no Emperor," Ruth replied. "The Emperor had died several years ago."