Prologue-The Calm Four Year Passing

Four years have passed since the defeat of Arako. The earth has been at peace and thriving of growth, and it's all thanks to the heroes that gave everything they had to defend it. Okara is a Saiyan that was born on the planet known as Escar along with his wife Cassa. However, during an event of a tragedy, their homeworld was destroyed. Now they live on earth with Bell a nice earthling who brought them in and taught them how to live on earth. Along with their now four-year-old son, Ru. Next is Crimson a half-breed Saiyan who is also half of an extinct ancient demon race known as the Lyrx. (Pronounced Lyrics)

Okara met him during a fight against his evil clones, however later they became best friends who fought together to protect the earth. Crimson now engaged to the former evil scientist Rose, is now living together. Throughout the year's friendships have grown, bonds have strengthened, and knowledge has expanded. Even more familiar with earth, Okara and Crimson feel they're more prepared than ever and are ready for anything thrown their way.

As we slowly begin zooming in on earth, we see two golden lights soaring upwards away from it.

"I won't let you get away from me, Crimson!!"

Crimson and Okara have appeared ascended into Super Saiyan Three.

"Pretty cocky for someone who's just getting used to Super Saiyan Three!" Crimson shouts as he ascends even faster into space.

Soon enough Crimson stops and Okara catches up, Instantly as Okara gets within reach of Crimson, they collide right fists, Okara drives his left hook towards Crimson's face; however, Crimson raises his left arm and blocks it; as Okara gets shrugged off by Crimson's left arm; Crimson goes in for an attack. While Okara is thrown off balance; Crimson rotates counterclockwise with a roundhouse, aiming for the left side of Okara's head.

With immense speed, Crimson expected to make contact. As he smirks, Okara smirked back. Their speed was intense and both of them were still holding back. Okara held his left arm between his head and Crimson's foot.

"Thought you had me, didn't you."

"I'd say fifty, fifty."

"That's so like you, Crimson. Always basing your attacks on...(Okara simultaneously attacks as he throws Crimson's leg the opposite way and drives his right arm straight into Crimson's chest.) Probability!"

Crimson takes the blow but grabs Okara's fists in the process with both his hands. As Crimson pulls Okara with him, Okara attempts to open his right hand. Crimson held tightly to keep his hand from fully opening, then Okara's left arm appeared with a yellow Ki orb.

"Heads up!!"

Crimson had to make a choice, release Okara's arm and deflect the attack, or attempt to dodge. His choice was made quickly, as he forcefully stopped himself and Okara with the pressure from his Ki, Okara was slightly in motion and Crimson used it to his advantage as he shot a Ki blast from his right foot. Shooting him into a spinning motion. Gripped onto Okara, they began spinning.

"Thought you had me!"

Crimson smirked once again as he released Okara and sent him flying closer to earth. Crimson with the void of space to his back and Okara in front of him. He watched Okara spun backward; getting closer to earth, he quickly acts and stops himself with the pressure from his ki, then slowly positioned himself towards Crimson.

"This form is draining my energy so quick... I guess..."

Okara pulls back his right arm creating an orb of yellow energy with blue lightning sparking wildly from it.

"You're crazy, Okara!... But so am I!"

Crimson stances himself strongly as he gets ready to face Okara's attack head-on.

"Show me what you've got!"

Okara looks down with his hair covering his eyes, then cracks a smirk. Crimson's face still holding the same smirk from a second ago, but also a slight sweatdrop. The yellow lightning started swarming around Okara's right arm.

"Gigantic!! (Okara's head lifts and sparks of yellow shoot from his eyes) Clash!!"

Okara twists his body; as he thrusts his right arm towards Crimson. Within milliseconds Okara's Gigantic Clash was unleashed blue lightning sparking from his fingers as his giant yellow wave charged towards Crimson.

Quickly his smirk turned to a sharp serious look as the blast closes in. Then with a quick and forceful jerk. Crimson threw his left arm across his body, as he felt a jolt of yellow electricity. He immediately swiped left with the back of his hand, curving the large Gigantic Clash into space. As Crimson turns to watch it fly out into the dark void. He feels his heart racing.

"That might have nearly killed me if I hadn't done that. (Quickly he looked back at Okara.) Learn to hold back you moron!!"

However Crimson quickly noticed Okara floating downwards. Slowly away, deformed back to base. Deforming himself Crimson floats over to Okara and grabs his floating right arm.

"You planned this all along, didn't you."

All Okara could do was slightly smile as he had nothing left in his tank.

"I swear..."

Crimson sighs in relief and throws Okara's arm over his shoulder.

"Let's go home because I! Am! Starving!!"

As Crimson and Okara begin their journey back down to earth. Okara's Gigantic Clash continues flying through space passing multiple planets and stars. Slowly dissolving in the process. However on one planet that it flew past. Had caught the attention of some strange people. We approach a red and purple planet with black clouds, clouding the atmosphere. As we land near the dark red ground we find it is nothing, but a destroyed landscape. Screaming could be heard from a village that was being completely ravaged.

Five Saiyan's appear regrouping with each other we see one who seems to be staring up into the sky.

"What are you staring at, Flyro? Do you feel sympathy for these weaklings?"

"Not at all, Hylos... However, I did sense something incredibly strong just now."

"Really! Really! Really?! How strong Flyro!"

Asks one of the other five Saiyan's who's jumping in excitement. Flyro looks at the excited one.

"Yes, really... It felt like another Saiyan."

The Saiyan continued jumping in excitement.

"How strong! How strong! How strong!!"

"Enough, Tora..."

Tora stopped jumping as another Saiyan appeared behind him. Holding one of the beings that inhabited the planet by the throat.

"You're aggravating me, and you know damn well not to do that."

"Awww... But Gollin! Strong person!!"

Gollin's grip on the being closed and completely crushes its throat. Killing it instantly. Blood drooled down the being's face and onto Gollin's right hand.


Gollin says as he tosses it to the side, however.

"Don't throw you corpses at me... You beast."

Gollin turns blood still dripping from his right hand.

"Or what Pierce..."

Pierce and Gollin stare each other down as tension fills the air... Then.

"Enough! You two! It's time to go... This energy has piqued my interest."

Flyro turns his back to the other four and begins walking off towards five landed space pods.

Slowly the other four began following him. Tora jumps wildly in excitement, Gollin wiping the blood off his right hand, Pierce butting shoulders against Gollin as he walks by, and lastly Hylos who ignores everyone else and slowly follows behind them.

As they entered their pods they quickly ascend and burst off into space.

"Can everyone hear me?"

Flyro was communicating with everything with the pod's communication systems.

"The energy source seemed to come from the direction of a planet known as Earth."

Silence filled the pods as they all read up on the data they had on Earth.

"Our arrival will be within four days. Everyone get comfortable... Because this is going to get interesting."

It seems within four days earth's time of peace will come to an end, and earth's heroes will once again have to fight to defend It with their lives.