Chapter 10-RISE

Crimson stood floating above the battleground. Watching below for signs of his opponent Tora. However from the giant explosion he caused. A great deal of dust was kicked up preventing a clear sight.

"There's no way he'd fall that. He's tougher then he looks, that for-."

Within seconds Tora appears behind Crimson's left side. Not being able to react Crimson took a heavy strike against the side of his neck. Causing him to whiplash as he went flying diagonally into the ground. Crimson lands with impactful force and some addition bounces before completely stopping. Crimson was dizzy as he laid on his side, he felt himself coughing up blood. Slight tears were in his eyes as he shook wildly. Slowly descending from the sky, Tora appeared before Crimson, b-but he was different... He transformed. Tora's hair grew out to the bottom of his back, his eyebrows were replaced with muscle, and lastly lightning sparked around his aura.

"You're causing me a great deal of irritation... I wanted to have fun killing you and the other weakling. But you honestly insist on fighting back."

From the sidelines Flyro smirked as he watched Tora. Gollin, Pierce, and Hylos were also smirking. This was it... This was the reason Tora was with them.

Tora slowly picked Crimson up from the ground by the remains of his tank top. But it didn't last long as the cloth ripped completely, causing Crimson to fall right back down. This time laying in his coughed up blood that was mixed with the dirt.

"Look at this sad sight... I don't like it when my toys.(He picked Crimson back up, this time by the throat.) Are broken!"

Tora quickly pitched Crimson like a baseball, lifting his leg and stomping it down as he wound up and launched him. Crimson flew through multiple buildings feeling glass shards stabbing into his back, and metal foundation break against him. Before finally falling into a pile of rubble.

"I thought you said I awakened something dangerous? If it's so dangerous why do you find yourself on the ground."

Crimson didn't respond as he just laid back in pain. Due to landing on glass shards that lodged deeper into his back.

Tora raised his right hand and rotated horizontally. With his right hand extend out towards Crimson. Then with anger Tora began firing a barrage of purple Ki blasts. However they weren't aimed at Crimson. They were aimed at the building hovering over him.

"Sleep! Forever, you broken weakling!"

Tora's Ki blasts hit multiple points of the build causing parts to fall one after another. Part of the building came down onto Crimson's left arm crushing it harshly. Then onto his right leg. Pinning Crimson down. As he screams in agony with his head pulled back, body ice cold. Crimson's life was waning. He looked towards Tora, watching as he held his aim at the last part of the building. All he had to do was fire one more Ki blast and it'd all be over.

"Say goodbye to your precious planet!!"

Tora leaned back laughing in excitement as he ready to fire.


Before he could fire, Tora felt a tug on his pant leg. Causing him to focus his attention else where.

"Oh? You're still alive..."

"Y-You don't have to do this..."

Tora felt his irritation return to him. Causing his hair to fringe up as his anger rose. As he snapped Tora raised his right foot and slammed it against Okara's head.

"Don't have to do this! Don't have to do this! I want to do this! I want to kill you all! You are nothing, but weak toys for my disposal! You don't deserve to touch me! Talk to me! Or even look at me! You are nothing!"

Repeatedly Okara's head was smashed into the ground by Tora. Blood pour from his face as his eyes dimed.

"Do you hear me! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!!"

Then with one final stomp, Tora's composure returned. Slowly he took his foot of Okara's head. Okara laid their semi unconscious. But still feeling the pain.

"Now to get back to what I was doing..."

Crimson's breathing was rough as his head hung down. His body freezing, he was ready... He knew his time had come.

"I-I'm sorry... Everyone. W-We tried to stop them. But they're too strong. N-No we're just too weak." As Crimson began shutting his eyes, a flash of red took his attention. Like a beacon it flashed and flashed. Slowly his eyes opened and to his surprise the time had come. A ruby appeared between his chest. Crimson's eyes opened wide, his breathing regulated and his freeze turned to fevering. The time has come. Crimson body reacted on it's own, like it was being controlled by something else. As he strained his body to free himself. With struggle Crimson pushed through lifting his left arm along with the rubble. He could feel his body wanting to submit, but he didn't.

"Screw this game... Fuck these monsters! They don't know what a real monster looks like... So I'll show them, I'll show them all!" Crimson's head shot up as he forced himself up breaking through the debris that pinned him down. Even with blood streaming from the glass shards in his back, and his fresh scars on his arm and shin. He stood tall, and sinisterly. He walked through the debris of the broken buildings. Painting a trail with blood. Tora was shocked along with the spectators.

"How can you still be standing, how can you continue!! What are you!!"

Tora paused as he watched Crimson walk closer, and soon enough he noticed the red glowing gem in his chest.

"What am I? I'll show you what I am."

As he makes it through all the broken buildings, he stops and slowly begins ascending into the sky. Into his orb of darkness. His blood waterfalling from his body as he flew upwards. Placing himself into the center of the swirling smoke orb.

Crimson closes his eyes and exhales... Then as he takes a deep breath the orbs slowly begins absorbing into him from the inside out. From four directions all entering the same place his ruby. Slowly Crimson's body began regenerating, as the glass shards are pushed out of his back, the wounds slowly seal. however his scars on his left arm and shin continue to bleed. His nails bleed black and retract into claws, and his teeth sharpen into fangs. Soon enough as the entire orb is absorbed into Crimson's ruby, it retracts back into his body. Leaving him floating above everything.

"Bastard! What did you do!!"

Tora in a panic raised his right arm and fired a Ki blast at Crimson. As it curves at him with the wind whistling. It reaches his left side, and in an instant Crimson smacks it away. Causing it to curve and hit the building Crimson was trapped under. Causing it to finally collapse. Tora was in shock, and soon enough the fear kicked in. Because slowly Crimson opened his eyes to reveal his green Super Saiyan eyes were no more. Crimson's eyes were red, like blood...