Chapter 14-Who Am I

It's been twenty five minutes, maybe an hour, maybe three. With no sense of time in the dark and foggy forest, Sabi feels worried. Like someone or something was watching him as he continued on his path towards the ruins. As his eyes gazed around the darkened forest, he could see hundreds of glaring eyes staring back at him. Sabi was scared, but he couldn't stop walking forward. The rustling from the bushes and tree leaves continue to mask the noise of the birds and growls. Of the creatures that lurked around him.

"Every step I take, every breath I make. Leads them closer to me... I have to be careful." Sabi continues walking as he controls his heavy breathing.

As he walks and walks, his vision on the path begins to dim. As the fog gets thicker.

"I-I can't see anything..."

Sabi squints as he continues moving forward, trying to make out the path before him. However it was too late. As he could only see fog, thick, thick fog.

"I-I don't know where to go. Where am I going?"

Every step he pressed through fog and more fog. It wouldn't let up not even after he started unleashing his aura to try and blow it away.

"What is this stuff!"

As he stopped and clenched his fists, he began hearing footsteps around him.

"Who's there!"

Soon enough a silhouette appeared before him. However this silhouette did not reveal itself to him completely.

"Do you really think you can escape me?"

"Escape you! I don't even know you!"

"Stop lying to yourself! You know damn well who I am!"

"No! No I don't!"

The silhouette didn't speak after that, all he gave Sabi was an evil chuckle as he vanished back into the fog.

"Damn it no! Come back here!" Sabi chased forwards trying to find the mysterious silhouette once again. However he found nothing, but more fog. As he continued running forward his right foot caught, and in an instant he feel to his knees.

"D-Damn..." Slowly surrounding him was four more silhouettes. Each with the same voice, and appearance in the fog.

"You'll never change who you are." Said the silhouette in front of him.

"You'll never be someone new." Said the silhouette behind him.

"Shut up! I don't even know what you're talking about!!" Sabi screamed.

"Exactly, you lost everything. You're name, you're identity. The person you once were!" Said the silhouette on his left.

"You don't know anything about me!"

Suddenly all the silhouettes began to laugh manically. Their laughs filling the air around him, as it bounces off the fog.

"Leave me alone! I don't even know you!!!" Sabi's aura explodes finally creating enough force to blow away the fog around him. As the wind roars fiercely and the silhouettes vanish. Sabi finds himself alone. Clear of the obstacle that stood before him.

As he slowly lifted his head, he found himself staring at it. The very thing he was searching for.

"The... Ruins!"

Sabi quickly lifted up off his knees and walked closer to it. A set of tower stones. With a center one, that had a giant hold in the middle of it. Each stone was either laying on a flat side or standing tall. Sabi could tell it's been there for years, maybe even since the creation of the planet. As he slowly and carefully explored the stones, he found all sorts of things. Tiny four legged, three eyed rodents. Weirdly shaped stones, that turned out to be alive. Grass that ate its own kind, but ignored him. The trees around him rustled as he continued exploring.

"How does this thing work?"

As he continued walking around he felt his right foot squish against something moist. Slowly as he looked down, he found himself stepping in purple sludge.

"What is this stuff?!"

Sabi quickly attempts to wipe it off. But accidently touches it with his left hand, and instantly feels its effects. His mind went hazy as his vision began blurring. He felt his body falling, before passing out instantly.

An hour, maybe two pass by. Before Sabi finds himself gaining consciousness. However as he opens his eyes, he quickly finds himself frightened.

"So you're finally awake, about time."

Sabi quickly got up and stumbled back.

"What's wrong, what are you scared off!"

The person before him, had white spiky hair. His eyes matched Sabi's, and the gem in his chest also matched him.

"Oh! That's right! You don't know me do you! Of course you don't. I mean after all I was wiped from your memory."

Sabi clenched his fists as he stepped back and prepared himself for a fight, as the other being unleashed a wild red aura, while he leaned back with his arms extended outwards.

"My name is Arako!"

"A-Arako, doesn't sound familiar!"

"Of course it doesn't. I mean after all, they wiped everything from you. Your name, your past. You don't know anything about yourself. All you are now is a wiped vessel of the person you use to be!"

"I-I don't understand!"

Fog started peering in once again as it consumed Arako, Sabi found himself on the fence. Looking around terrified for his life. Slowly a black silhouette of Arako morphed behind him, along with his voice.

"You are me." Arako said with a calm chilling voice. This caused Sabi to turn with a wimpy back hand attack. That cut through the fog, but connected with nothing. Leaving Sabi turned around in confusion.

"He was here! I heard him!"

Then his eyes widened as a hand gripped onto his left shoulder and a heavy knee slammed against his back. Causing Sabi to bent with his head leaning at the same time. His arms frozen out in front of him. As his mouth gasp for air. With no time to recover, Arako delivered his next attack. By pulling back his right arm and quickly driving it against Sabi's head. Launching him forward like a bullet. Sabi crashes through multiple trees, destroying the landscape before finally coming to a stop. Gasping for air as his body struggles to move.

"Do you understand now."