Chapter 16-Sabi

Sabi stood silent and fierce before Arako, his breathing slight.

"This isn't right! I've never had or used such power! What is this?!" Arako screamed as Sabi stepped towards him.

Arako stepped back, however Sabi vanished within the same moment, and with a chilling breeze fired through Arako's body. He shivered and stuttered before falling to his knees. Mouth gapping open as he looks up towards the trees.

"W-What is this."

Sabi stood before his kneeling body staring down at him. Arako wasn't harmed physically, mentally however, he felt like his mind was shattering. Slowly Arako's eyes locked onto the emerald bulging from Sabi's chest, something off was about it. It's coloration was red.

"Why, why is it red!"

Arako tried to stand, but fell right back to his knees as Sabi walked through him.


Arako's mind was on fire, his body was having reactions to events that weren't even happening. Then for the first time, Sabi spoke. But it wasn't his voice, it was someone else. Demonic, but airless. Like it was a pitch between deep and high, but leaned more towards deep. The tone shivered Arako, but made him understand.

"This is your end, you are no longer apart of this body, nor will you stand within it's mental space. Parish along with the rest of you."

Arako quickly stood, finally able to attack. As he stands and turns with a small Ki blast in his right hand, he aims for Sabi's back. In the moment it's apparent to connect, then Arako's wrist goes numb. Before his eyes was a Lyrx spirit, the spirit of the emerald. It's form was no different, besides it's color. It held Arako's wrist with a grizzling stare. As it ripped deeper into him.

"Stop! Stop! It burns, please!"

Arako's pleating had no effect as the Lyrx reached his bone with it's fingers, and slowly wrapped around it.


Then with a turn of Sabi's head, and a demonic glare. Blood flew like thrown paint. The color crimson, scarlet, red... Was thrown past Sabi with an attached limb. A hand. Arako screeched as he held his decapitated wrist.

"Blood, blood... My blood, my, my hand. What did you..."

Arako's mind was going blank, as he lost a lot of blood. Then as he stared at the emerald Lyrx, it's index finger and middle finger were aimed at his forehead.

"Please... Please don't, I don't wanna die. I just want, I just want to live again!"

The Lyrx felt no remorse as time slowed down, Arako watched Sabi turn in slow motion and morph into the emerald Lyrx's body. Watching as it vanishes and Sabi takes its place.

"NOOOO!!" Arako desperately screamed once more before blood was splattered for the last time.

Arako stood his face in shock as streams of red slowly slid down it. As we slowly reel upwards. We see a decent sized hole in his head. Arako stumbles back a pit, before completely collapsing and dying.

As Sabi stood over his draining body, he felt his mind catch fire, and in no time at all his mind shut off and he collapsed, unconscious.

With no sense of time, Sabi finally comes forward and awakens once again, however as he sat up he looked around, and saw nothing. No blood, no body. His emerald was even gone from his chest. As he quickly stood up, he turned around and found himself still at the ruins.

"W-What happened?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

A small boyish voice appeared behind him, as he turned to examine the voice, he finds himself looking at a glowing green child. Sitting on top of the ruins.


"Now, now. That was quite a show you put on. I enjoyed every second of it! You were so cool, and ruthless. You were losing then fought back and killed him!"

"Who are you!"

Sabi watched as the excited glowing boy hopped down from the ruins. His eyes widened as he watched the boy descend with insane speed. However as he hit the ground, he landed on his feet.

"I'm the guardian of this forest, and these ruins. I have many names, and many physical forms."

Sabi was filled with so many questions.

"I get you must really be looking for a lot of answers. I will gladly grant them for you since you put on quite a show."

"Show... Wait, where's his body?"

The guardian spirit smiled at Sabi's silly question.

"There's no body, there's never been."

"I-I don't get it."

"It was all in your head, the fight, the blood. Even that form you took hold of."

Slowly Sabi remembered it and it's demonic power.

"W-What was that form?"

"Many have taken different forms, all different in ways that depend on the mental state of the user. However these forms all have one name, Dark Insanity..."

"Dark, Insanity, wait what exactly are these forms?"

"Did you not listen? It's your mental state!"

"No, no, I mean why do people have these mental forms."

The boy took a minute to understand Sabi's question, but as he did. He slowly raised his right hand and pointed his finger at Sabi's chest.

"Because of that thing inside you."

Sabi looked down at his bare chest.

"Thing inside me?"

"Yes, the emerald Lyrx... Covas."


"Jeez, for an adult you seem to like repeating everything I say..."

"It's just a lot of stuff, I don't understand."

"Then let me take you to something that will show you the answers, in due time that is."

Sabi watched with curiosity as the guardian spirit walked past him, into a ground of shady trees. Sabi just followed behind, as the spirit phased through vines, bushes, and trees. While Sabi torn through them as they slowed him. Finally after a tedious travel through the dark tangled woods. They finally arrive. The guardian spirit watching as Sabi's eyes the mysterious object.

"What is it?"

"Are you serious?"

Sabi felt offended at the little boys attitude.

"Sorry, I don't understand a lot right now, brain functions don't work."

The guardian facepalmed and exhaled as he began explaining.

"This, is a space ship."

It was a sphere space ship, exactly like a Saiyan space pod. Covered in vines and leaves.

"Fate has lead you here for a reason, that reason is to take this ship and fly to it's destination that it has set. The destination known as earth." Suddenly Sabi's mind caught fire once again as he began regaining the final bits of Arako's past life.

The fight against Okara, and Crimson, Cassa, Bell. The planet, Rose. Every piece was connected and he remembered everything.

"I-I understand it all. I, I know what I must do."

Sabi quickly approached the pod and pushed a small red button. The door struggled to open as the vines held it in place.

"Damn vines." Sabi quickly ripped some of the vines off and pressed the button once again.

Finally the door opens and he steps inside. Placing himself in the seat. Pressing buttons randomly till it powered on.


"This is where your real journey begins, all I can leave you with is."

Slowly the pod begun ascending by accident. Sabi was worried as he tried to hear what the guardian was saying. All he could do was read his lips. Before the pod door fully closed, and the pod fully ascended.

Sabi felt his heart sank as he broke through the trees, and their branches. Breaking free into the night sky. Looking down at his tinted red home one last time, before. Blasting off into space, leaving it all behind.

Sabi leaned back tears filling his eyes as he played the boys mouthed words in his head.

"You are not Sabi, you are Arako... Embrace the name and start anew."