Chapter 18-New Arrival

Flyro stood gripping Okara by the back of the neck. Showing him off to everyone.

"Now to make a prime example of what happens, when you break the rules to my game!"

Flyro placed his left hand against Okara's back. Standing him up before Crimson and Cassa.

Crimson bursts off towards them his right arm extended as he screams out for Okara. Then with a smirk on his absolute face, Flyro unleashes a brutal shockwave through Okara's body. Okara's iris's vanished from his whites as his breathing stopped. Crimson was close enough to catch Okara as Flyro released him, forcing him to kneel before Flyro.

"This is the penalty of your rule breaking. Learn from it, or suffer the same consequences."

Flyro stepped back and gave Hylos a bean.

Hylos looked at it with disgust.

"Keep it, I don't want it." Hylos said as he stood up with his bleeding ceased.

"As you wish." Flyro continued walking past him and joined the others.

As they watched Hylos step out ready to fight, Crimson quickly stood up carrying Okara in his arms. Cassa appearing beside him.

"Is he... Is he dead!?"

Crimson looked at Okara's face and slowly placed his left ear close to his mouth.

"No... His breathing is very faint, but it's there."

"T-Thank god..."

"Cassa, take him let me handle this."

"Are you sure? Will you be able to handle him?"

"Hell no, but I can damn well try."

Crimson handed Okara over to Cassa. Watching as she slowly carried him away. As Crimson slowly turns his head back to stare Hylos down, his eyes began glowing green.

"You're gonna pay... You're all gonna pay! For what you did to my friend!"

Crimson's aura erupts like a volcano around him, already golden, and wildly sparking of lightning.

"Right now in this very moment! I'll throw it all away, and use what time I can make for myself! By defeating you at my strongest!"

The ground around Crimson's breaks and lifts into the air with his aura. His body shaking along with the planet. Trying not to lose himself as he grits his teeth hard and leans inwards. Veins popping from his muscles. As his hair begins growing, while it flashes between black and gold. Reaching further down his back, lightning sparking around him as Hylos lifts his arms to shield his eyes from the intense wind. With one final push Crimson's long black hair finally bleeds gold, his eyebrows vanish, and his aura calms. Crimson sweating slightly, slowly positions himself straight with his eyes closed. Hylos smirked at Crimson's full power.

"So this is it! Your full power!"

Crimson slowly opens his eyes revealing his slit iris's.

"This is my Super Saiyan Three!"

"It's pathetic!"

Hylos boldly shouts as Crimson readies into his fighting stance.

"Don't make assumptions!"

Crimson blasts off towards Hylos instantly catching him in a combo. His right fist hooking him across the face, followed by a right; another left, into an upwards kick. Followed by a three punch combo; before finally pulling back both of his hands and shoving them forward. Blasting a shockwave into Hylos's body, sending him back a few feet.

"Now! Get off this planet and never return!"

"Please." Hylos fixed his posture and cracked his neck before unleashing an intense pressure.

Hylos's hair shined golden within an instant, along with his green eyes and aura.

"You haven't done a damn thing to make those statements."

Within seconds Hylos appeared before Crimson in a single step. Crouched before Crimson still in motion with his right fist tucked in. Crimson tried to step back, but was too slow allowing Hylos to drive his tucked right fist into Crimson's sternum, and unleash a thin wave that blasts him off his feet, and into the air.

While Hylos watches Crimson fly backwards, Cassa notices something in the sky. Approaching them. Crimson flew further into the sky as he felt exhausted from using Super Saiyan three. Feeling like he was unable to stop himself. However as Hylos dissolved the blast. Crimson blasted past the clouds and into nothing, but light blue skies. Crimson weakly opened his eyes and noticed the bright sun. Feeling nothing, but powerless as his body was drained.

"What a sight..."

Crimson deformed before his descent begun, and soon enough as he passed through the clouds. Crimson falling like a mission and in no time collided against the ground with a horrid impact. That would kill a regular human. As we see Hylos and co. we find they aren't focused on Crimson's impact. They were focused on something else. It seems while Crimson was in the sky. The space pod had crash landed in their battlefield.

"Now what?" Hylos scuffed as the pod stood still inactive.

"Is it a stray pod? That's quite odd." Flyro quietly questioned as he continued watching.

However the pod door slowly begins opening and a hand grips the side of the door frame. Everyone's eyes on the new arrival as they pull themselves out of the pod.

Its exactly who you think, Sabi now taking back the name Arako. Has returned and found himself in the middle of the brutal survival game. As he slowly ascends from his pod. He looks around in distraught at the destruction of the city.

"Who would do such things to this planet..."

He continued looking around to see Cassa holding Okara, and Flyro and his crew.

"Miss, are they the ones who did this?"

Cassa looked confused as she stared at the strangers face. Almost connecting it instantly.

"You, look familiar."

"Sorry, I don't know what your talking about. But I need you to answer my question."

Arako knew he was lying, but he didn't want to reveal his identity just yet.

"Y-Yes they're the ones who did all this."

Arako turned towards Hylos, who was still in Super Saiyan.

"What? You wanna join the body count as well?"

Arako knew he wasn't gonna be able to fight against Hylos. But he was gonna damn well try.

Hylos slowly ascended to match Arako in height.

"You made the wrong choice showing up here. I hope you're ready to give your life for complete strangers."

Arako smirked as he shook his head slightly.

"They aren't complete strangers, they're far from it actually."

Hylos looked confused as he watched Arako enter into a familiar stance.

"You're stance, its similar to the one Flyro dealt with. Just who are you?"

Arako slowly inhaled before speaking loud and proud.

"My name, is Arako!"