Chapter 26-The Darkness

Inside a void known as The Darkness, Crimson is seen floating unconsciously drifting. No light, no life. Only him and his sleeping body. Slight sounds would appear, but after that it would be deadly silent. His sanity slowly decreasing the longer he floats within. Above him was a mystical view, of him fighting Gollin and Pierce. But mentally it wasn't him, it was his other being... Crisma. His eyes kept open, but body unresponsive all he could do was speak with his thoughts.

"What's happening to me... Why am I unable to move."

Crimson just watched the view like a dream, he could only see it slightly due it to being darkened and slightly blurred. To him it was just a sweep of motion blur. But to us, we could see Crisma fighting like a savage. He wasn't winning, but he wasn't losing. If anything he was giving Gollin and Pierce a hard time, while also taking a beating himself.

"I can't tell what's happening... Why am I paralyzed."

Crimson was in a state known as Lyrx paralysis, think of it like sleep paralysis. But the person's body is still moving and actively responding to the gems commands. In other words, Crimson is currently under control by his ruby.

"This feels great! I haven't felt this kind of pain in years!"

"W-What, who's there!"

Crimson was scared as the voice came out of nowhere, however it wasn't near him. It was his body, his deepened voice talking as it fought. Crimson could hear Crisma speak and it was terrifying to him.

"I-I don't want this! I want out! I wanna wake up! Why can't I wake up! Give me my body back!!"

Crimson screamed his thoughts, but no words came out of his mouth. All he could do was float, and scream inside his mind.

While Crimson is dealing with his Lyrx paralysis. Okara and Arako find themselves sneaking around the battlefield trying to figure out the current situation, and where Crimson and Cassa were. As they arrived Arako was able to walk by himself, but slowly.

"Won't they notice us instantly by our energies?"

"How much energy do you have?" Arako asked with a confused look on his face.

"N-Not a lot, like a very little amount."

"Then we should be fine, our energies are way to dismal for them to notice us."

"O-Oh, yeah... That makes sense."

As Okara and Arako continue sneaking around the debris and chucks of broken building. They came up onto the battlefield to see nothing, but Flyro standing with his captive. Looking up at nothing, but the darkened sky.

"What's he doing?... Where are his-." Okara was interrupted instantly as the world shook fiercely. Instantly spawning a giant crash in the middle of the battlefield.

"What the hell!" Arako's and Okara's eyes widened as they watched the grounded fighter instantly shoot back up into the sky.

Allowing them to finally see the battle Flyro was watching.

"They're so fast...!" Arako whispered loudly.

In the sky Crisma was colliding relentlessly with Gollin while Pierce backed him up with homing Ki blasts. As he takes a beating, he continues his method of receiving and returning. Giving Gollin his heavies and lights, while also launching his own Ki blasts back at Pierce. Everything happened so fast, Okara and Arako could barely keep up due to their exhaustion.

"W-Who is that fighting, Gollin and Pierce? That's not Crimson, is it?!"

Gollin grappled Crisma, and Pierce appeared before his held body, delivering a brutal four hit combo, before sledgehammering Crisma down to the ground once again. This time Crisma found himself taking a longer minute to get back up. Allowing Okara and Arako to see for their selves. It was Crimson's body, but changed. His gem was visible, his body was cracked and shined slight magma, his teeth had fangs, and hands had claws. His body radiated immense heat as well, that even they could feel.

"There's, no way that's Crimson!" Okara's eyes widened as he realized he was too loud. Causing Flyro to turn to see who or what the noise was. But as he looked he saw nothing, but destroyed debris.


On the other side Okara and Arako hid behind giant boulders of concrete.

"Wow, good job... You could have been quieter." Arako whispered angerly.

"S-Sorry!" Okara whispered back.

As Flyro continued watching the fight, so did Okara and Arako.

"Well that's one of our two unsolved mysteries. Now we have to find Cassa."

"Do you see her anywhere on the battlefield Arako?"

"Nope, all I see is a destroyed area, a fire or two, and... Is that a kid?!"

"Huh? Where?"

Arako pointed over towards a raging fire, showing Okara a kid sneaking about.

"Is that... Asha!"

Asha was sneaking about still trying to find his brother, but as he continued crawling through broken concrete and iron rods. He eventually found someone else. As he quickly hopped over a piece of debris he landed by a beaten woman. She was alive, but barely. As Asha landed by her, he instantly dropped to his knees and picked her head up.

"Hey, miss are you alright?"

The woman took a moment before slightly waking up.


"It's okay miss, I'm here to help! I'm a hero." Asha said with a smile as he held her up.

"T-Thanks, but you need to... Run."

"Sorry, miss I can't do that. I made a promise to someone, and I can't leave until I find my brother."

The woman woke up a bit more, and raised her right hand to Asha's cheek.

"You kinda remind me a bit of my husband... Okara."

Asha's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You're husband is Okara?! I know Okara!"

Cassa's eyes widened slightly.

"Is he okay?!"

"Y-Yeah! He's fine, wait... Did you know your husband can fly?!"

"Thank goodness, we haven't lost yet."

"Miss? Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I just need to rest a-."

"Am I interrupting something?"

Behind Asha appeared none other then Okara.

"Cassa, are you alright?"

Arako also appeared behind them. Leaving Asha to stand on the sidelines.

"Yes, I'm okay love. What about you? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine... I was able to find Arako and we snuck back in order to find you and Crimson."

"D-Do you have a plan to beat these guys?"

Okara turned to look at Arako then back at Cassa.

"Crimson and I... Are going to fuse!"