Side Story Mega Chapter 35-Dance Dance

Home once again, as everyone enters Bell's house. Okara waits outside in his casual clothing, holding onto his recently bought tuxedo, looking out into the darkening sky. While everyone else gets ready inside, as he looks through the front window, he sees Arako and Cassa talking, laughing with each other. Leaving him feeling left out once again. He slowly builds courage to walk in, and get ready himself. But as he grabs the handle it turns in his hand without him doing anything.

"There you are, I was wondering where you were." Crimson steps out in his red and black tuxedo. Closing the door quietly behind him.

"What are you doing out here, all alone Okara?"

Okara looked at him worrily, feeling unable to speak about it to anyone, even his best friend.

"Okay, okay. If you don't wanna tell me. Then you don't have to. But you should probably get ready, we're about to leave."

"Oh, yeah. Yeah that's a good idea. I'll go do that now."

Okara hastily walked past Crimson and went inside. As he walks past everyone he quickly enters the bathroom. Changing from his yellow long sleeve and jeans into his dark green tux. Then slowly as he ties his shoes, he stands up and looks into the mirror.

"Wow, I do look good."

Suddenly he was feeling a bit more comfortable about himself in the tux and he was excited to see everyone else's reaction. With a smooth exhale he steps out of the bathroom, instantly losing his breath instead. Before him stood Cassa in her black dress, that hung over her knees, while straps crossed over her back, holding up the front. She had emerald green high heels, and a dazzling emerald colored bracelet.

"W-Wow, Cassa."

"Do you like what you see?" Cassa asks seductively.

"Boy, do I!" Okara says rhetorically

Cassa laughed at his silly response.

"You look amazing, Okara."

"Thanks, hun. I try my best."

Suddenly Okara was back to normal, or so it seemed.

"Well! Now that he's ready, I guess it's time to go huh!" Bell said, grabbing everyone's attention.

Cassa turned to go get Ru from the couch.

"Oh, Cassa I forgot to tell you."

Suddenly the doorbell rang, leaving Bell speechless. As she opens the door, Para and Asha appear at the front door.

"Oh, good you're here. You guys have amazing timing."

"Well, it would've been sooner, but Asha had to clean up a mess of his. Before we could come back."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for making it back on time." Bell said in a hurry, as she pulled them through the front door.

"Bell, what exactly do you want us to do?"

"Simple, watch Ru while we go out and party!"

Asha and Para looked confused, while Cassa looked concerned.

"Wait, when was this planned Bell?" Cassa asked worriedly.

"Oh, like two, three hours ago."

Cassa's concern grew deeper.

"Come on, you can trust them. They did help us save the world." Bell said as she began pulling Cassa out the door.

"Ru! Be good, don't let him out of your sight Para!"

Cassa screamed as she was evicted forcefully.

Everyone packed up into Bell's truck, Bell, Crimson, and Rose in the truck. While Arako, Cassa, and Okara sat in the bed. But to keep them cleaned, Bell placed a blanket inside of it. As they began driving to the school, the cool night sky breezed past their eyes. Stars sparking in their pupils as they look among them. In awe at the sight, while Bell leaves her windows down allowing the ones in the bed to hear the peaceful songs to play, throughout the night. Twenty minutes later they arrive at the high schools parking lot. Bell parking and everyone immediately getting out, however they stood around. Waiting for either Bell or Rose to guide them.

"Oh, boy. Alright everyone here's what were gonna do. Basically we'll walk through that door, go through security, and enter the dance. After that you're on your own. It's time for you to make your own choices in there." Rose informed as she began leading them through the front door of the school. As they entered kids were everywhere in tux's and dresses. So many different styles, colors, and variety of how they wore them. Chatting with each other, others kissing or hugging their date. It was any average high school dance. Once the group got through the security, they entered the gym, and finally we're set free. Crimson and Rose walked away together, Arako, Bell, and Cassa walked away as well. Leaving only Okara by himself. Lights of blue and pink shined through the dark gym. Lighting it up like a party, kids were dancing, others standing and talking. Some not doing anything, but moping by themselves. Okara didn't know what to do, so he just went in, walking around looking at everyone that's smiling and laughing. Others slowly holding each other as they danced. He couldn't help, but feel alone, forgotten. As he turned, he instantly bumped into student, causing their drink to get all over their tux.

"O-Oh! Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention."

The student looked shocked and pissed, but did nothing and walked away.

"I said I was sorry."

This made Okara feel worse, causing him to join the moping kids. As he took a seat, he just looked out into the raging crowd. Thinking about things.

"Aren't you a little old to be at a High school dance?" Asked the moping student beside him.

"Yeah, but it's my first time being at one, and my friends didn't want me to miss out."

"Really? You're first time being to one of this shit shows?"


"Huh, lucky." The moping student got up and walked away.

On another note Crimson and Rose stood by each other, watching the high school students dancing around them. However Crimson got a glimpse of some gawking high school jocks.

"Oh, don't worry about them. They're nothing, but bronzes. All they'll amount to is living in their moms basement looking back at their past high school memories of bullying the promising students."

As Crimson looked back at the jocks, one of them started approaching. As he got closer, he started looking Rose up and down. She had a dark red dress on with arm length gloves. Then in the background a very tasteful song begins playing.

"Hey, gorgeous I don't believe we've met before, because if we did, I'm sure you would've already had a taste of the-."

Rose puts her hand up interrupting the student.

"You're right, we haven't met, nor do I care who you are kid. Now take a hike."

The jock looked aggravated, as he looked back at his mates before going again.

"Come on babe, I can show you how a real man does things."

The jock says as he eyes Crimson up and down.

"Oh really? Like what?"

He was smiling now, looking back at his mates one last time.

"Well I can tell you for a fact I've got a bigger-."

"Alright that's it!"

Crimson grabbed hold of the Jock by his collar and reeled him in.

"I'm getting sick of your mouth you, damn brat!"

"Oh my." Rose said with an evil smirk.

"Come on, man I was just messin. Seriously I'll go, you won't ever see me again."

"You're right, I won't."

Crimson lifted the jock into the air, and immediately launched him at his friends. With enough power to get him across, but not injure him to bad. As he crashed against his mates. They all laid on the ground like bowling pins.

"Now that's how a man does things." Rose grabbed Crimson's arm and pulled him in, instantly locking lips with him, as he grabbed hold of her waist.

The song in the background bopping off with the lyrics, you've been saving for his mattress, love.

As Rose breaks lock with Crimson's lips. They look each other in the eyes, giving Crimson the courage to finally say what he's been holding in.

"Rose, I know with everything that's been going on lately. It's been hard to plan our wedding, which is why I asked Bell if she could set it up for us, and she said she would."

Rose's eyes widened as she continued holding Crimson.

"We've been engaged for a while, and I think I wanna finally make it official."

Forming from her widened expression, turned into a sweet and joyful smile.

"Yes! That sounds wonderful, Crimson. When should we have it?!"

"I was thinking, two months from now. Just so we have enough time to prepare and have it setup how we want it."

"Oh my god, I have to start getting invitation's made, and ideas for the perfect wedding, and-."

"Hey, hey... We'll do it together, but lets just let through the rest of the night together."

Rose stared into Crimson's eyes, as she pulled him in for a tight hug.

"You know, I never thought I'd feel like this again. But I finally can... Crimson, I love you."

Crimson looked up while still being held by Rose, and sees Okara sitting alone, but not missing out on his own moment.

"I love you too, Rose."

As they pull apart, Rose goes in for one more kiss. Before Crimson breaks free from her.

"Wow, that feels better now! Finally getting that off my chest."

"Well, manly man, you should be glad you did, because I've got a surprise of my own for you tonight."

"Oh really? What kind?"

"Oh... You'll see." Rose says seductively as she turns from Crimson, flaunting her lower back a bit before walking over to Bell.

"Ah, that kind."

Crimson smiled, but instantly looked back over at Okara again. But this time, with an idea."

"I guess, there isn't a point to me being here. It's not a funny and exciting as I was told to believe."

"We'll of course it isn't, you're sitting here by yourself without anyone to have fun with, dummy."

Okara looks up to see Crimson holding two orange sodas, immediately handing him one.


Crimson takes a seat beside him and begins, digging.

"Is everything okay, Okara?"

"I don't know..."

"What seems to be the matter?"

"Look, I... Ever since Arako showed up and helped out, him and Cassa have been doing nothing, but talking, laughing, and acting all buddy, buddy with each other. It's worrying me that she's forgetting I'm here, and gonna take him instead."

Crimson looked at Okara with a calm and understanding look.

"I see, so you're jealous."

"Jealous? What?"

"You know, when you don't like something, because someone else is doing it and you aren't."

"Oh... Then I guess I'm jealous of them."

Crimson looked over at Arako and Cassa, slowly noticing something interesting.

"Hm, I wonder."

"Hey Okara, do Arako and Bell talk much?"

Okara looks at him confused.

"No, they like look at each other, and awkwardly smile, but they don't ever really talk to each other..."

"Ding, ding, ding."

"I think I know how to help you out bud."


"Simple, just follow my lead."

Crimson got up, setting down his orange soda down. Okara quickly rushing after him.

"Hey, what are we doing?"

"Just trust me, Okara."

Okara and Crimson approach, the trio, instantly setting Crimson's plan into motion.

"Hey, Arako mind if I borrow you for a minute."

"Huh? Oh yeah sure. No problem."

"Also, Cassa, Okara has something he wants to talk to you about, so you two should get some alone time for a minute."

"Oh, okay... Come on Okara we can talk over here."

As everyone spread out, Bell stood alone.

"I-I'll just go get some punch or maybe a soda. Yeah I'll be good." She nervously laughed as she walked passed many students.

"What did you want to talk about, Crimson."

Crimson snickered with an evil grin.

"Tell me, Arako. You like Bell don't you."

Arako's face went bright red, but Crimson couldn't tell in the dark room.

"Come on you can trust me. I promise."

Arako hesitated as he looked around trying to at least get a glimpse of Bell.


Then there it was, his glimpse of her, standing alone at the punch table looking around at all the other couples.

"I do..."

Crimson was shocked he wasn't expecting a direct answer.

"Then why don't you go talk to her, ask her to dance, maybe even try and smooch her."

Crimson gave that puckered lips face as he tried to mock Arako.

"I-I can't, not after everything I've-."

"Done? Yeah okay, buddy. You saved the world, I'm sure that's enough to wipe a slate clean. So, why don't you pull those big boy pants up, and march over their. Declare you want her to dance with you. Then at some point give her a kiss or two."

Arako looked surprised by Crimson's on point wingman skills.

"Have you done this before?"

Crimson stared at him directly in the eyes.

"Nope." He said as he patted Arako's back giving him a head start.

Arako turned back looking at Crimson, who was pointing towards Bell.

"Go! Don't be a bitch."

Arako mean mugged Crimson, but gave in and took his step forward. Slowly approaching Bell at the punch table. As he positions beside her, she turns and faces him fully.

"H-Hey, Arako. Come to get a drink with me?"

"Actually, I wanted to know if, you'd maybe like to dance."

Bell stood with a surprised look.

"I-I, I'd love too." She said with a seductively sweet smile.

Arako's confidence increases tenfold as Bell takes his hand and takes him to the dance floor.

Instantly Arako grabs hold of her hips, as she puts her hands on his broad shoulders.

"I've allowed liked the way your shoulders were shaped." Bell said softly.

"T-Thanks, I like the way your-."

Bell puts a finger over his mouth.

"Tell me more later, okay." She says giving him a wink.

Crimson watched with a proud look in his eye, and he knew all he had to do was fix one more thing. Slowly he walked around till he saw Okara and Cassa, already slow dancing.

"Wait? Did I miss it?"

Crimson thought as he continued watching them, but in reality it was just getting started.

"Cassa, I've been upset... Lately."

"Why, Okara?"

"I've just felt so jealous as Crimson put it, of Arako. Because you and him seem to be more interested in each other..."

"Is that what's worrying you?"

Okara nods his head as they continue slow dancing.

"Oh, Okara if you had told me sooner, I would've explained it to you."

"Explain what to me?"

Cassa looks up at Okara then a bit past him. Smiling as she points it out.

"Look behind you."

As Okara turned around he saw Arako and Bell making out on the dance floor. Surrounded by the other students.

"Wait, you mean."

"Arako and I talked a lot, because he wanted to learn all he could about Bell, because he loves her too. Like I love you."

Okara turned back to Cassa and locked eyes with her, as they slowly dance with each other. Till finally Okara forcefully locks lips with Cassa, pulling her waist against his. Immediately taking her breath away for a moment. Then finally giving it back to her, as he breaks free of her lips. He says what she's wanting to her.

"I love you too."

Cassa felt so much happiness breath through her, and suddenly the night was perfect for everyone. Crimson and Rose continued dancing, Arako and Bell continued... Making out, while Okara and Cassa held each other tightly.

As the night got older, everyone departed to Bell's house. Once they arrived, Crimson and Rose headed for their car.

"Hey you two! It's late, why don't you stay the night."

Crimson and Rose looked at each other, then back at Bell and the others.

"Well, Bell we would if we weren't planning to be so loud."

"Uh, yeah right like we aren't planning the same thing."

Crimson and Rose looked at each other once again.

"That's what I thought." Bell chuckled as she pressed through the front door with Arako in hand.

Cassa and Okara following right after, then Crimson and Rose entering last. As everyone snuck past a sleeping trio of baby and sitters. The long night got even better.