Epilogue-A Final Farewell Mortal Realm The New God's Are In Training!

An so it's come to an end, after the swift and calm departure of the god and his angel. Everything was returned to its normal peace and the wedding was resumed. Finally allowing Rose and Crimson to be newly wedded. After the afterparty people began leaving allowing Bell, Arako, and Kytel to clean up. While Crimson and Rose left for home to celebrate. As for Cassa, Ru, and Okara, Headed home to get Okara patched up and healed. After his big battle again a God, he most definitely needed it.

"Wow, talk about intense! I mean a literal god!" Bell couldn't stop talking about it. While her and Arako were cleaning up beside each other.

"Yeah it sounds almost impossible, but it happened right before our eyes." Arako persists as he continues folding up the ice cold chairs. While he turns to hand them to Kytel, he see's Kytel struggling to hold up the giant stack Arako had placed onto him.

"I think I'll go ahead and carry the rest, go ahead and take them the truck."

"T-Thanks." Kytel walked slowly making sure it did fall on top of him.

Both Bell and Arako watched as Kytel walked towards the truck, laughing about Kytel's carefulness which leads us into the next day. Where Kytel, Okara, Arako, and Crimson met up in the middle of a random grass field that was slightly covered with snow.

"Good everyone made it on time!" Okara said as he stood up from sitting in the snow.

"Of course we did! Who would wanna miss traveling to a new planet!" Arako said with excitement in his voice.

"You're sounding more like Bell each and everyday Arako." Crimson said with a gentle smirk.

Okara looked at Kytel who was slightly worried about leaving Earth for a bit.

"Hey, you alright there Kytel?"

Kytel looked up at Okara and noticed everyone looking at him.

"O-Oh well, I'm just thinking is all."

Thinking was exactly what he was doing however it's what was also causing the scared feeling in his gut.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Okara asked with his head tilted a bit.

"Well, I just don't really trust this god person. I mean he did destroy my world after all."

"I'm sure he'll explain himself when he arrives. I'm positive he'll have a good reason."

In the same moment a great beam of light stuck the ground and everyone's attention changed to it.

"Ahh, finally we're here. That felt like it took ages!" Kessa burst out of the light and stretched.

"Well my lord you do tend to get older the longer you exist."

"Your humor is a dull as your speech."

Suddenly a sinister smile gave Kessa chills as Cinthea smiled.

"A-Anyway Mortals! I see you're here on time! Good! As you know I'm getting older and I hate to wait! So it's wonderful you're here! Now time is of the essence we must retreat to my planet to begin your training!"

Everyone began walking towards Kessa who instructed them to place their hands on his and Cinthea's shoulders except one.

"What's wrong Kytel? Aren't you coming?"

Kytel clenched him fists with his head down.

"Come now mortal you know better than anyone else that I don't like waiting!" Kessa hissed causing Kytel's head to shoot up.

"Why'd you do it! Why'd you destroy my planet!!"

Kessa hesitated for a seconding before looking at Cinthea who had a look in her eye that said. We mustn't discuss that here.

"I'm a God of Destruction, I destroy what I want, when I want! Now if you really resent me for it. Then come and get stronger so that you can defeat for and take your revenge!" Kessa snarled causing an anger and fire to flare up within Kytel as he rushed over and placed his hand onto Cinthea's shoulder.

"Now hold on everyone, we wouldn't want you getting lost in space now."

"Wait wha-!" Before Okara could finish they shot up at an immense speed and began flying through space. At intense and flashy speeds, surrounded by the energy walls they could breath just fine.

"Lord Kessa, what's your planet like??" Crimson asked curious of the things they'll see

"Lets just say if I were to compare myself to a reptile on your planet, then I would be a Komodo dragon, while I am cold blooded, I enjoy the snow on your planet. I'd rather be in my extremely tropical planet. Where I can bask in the sun and relax."

"Oh? That's interesting!"

After a short five to ten minutes, they finally arrive once they touch down and the wall of energy vanished. Kessa's world was revealed. A lush tropical planet with trees from multiple planets. Variety from shapes, colors, and leaves. The ground had grass ranging from different sizes and color. Some spots were dead and dry, the rest was green and vibrant. But what really stuck out was a giant waterfall mountain that with a different angle revealed a cave entrance behind it. That was Kessa and Cinthea's home. At the bottom however was a spring with different wild life of fish. All small and harmless though.

"Welcome! To my home mortals!" Kessa welcomes the four new arrivals as they look around in awe."

"Cinthea please prep the guests for training with some food! They're gonna need all their strength."

Suddenly a buffet of meat, vegetables, pastas, and fruits appears along a table and chairs.

"Enjoy you four! We have an intense amount of training once you're fed!"

Kessa and Cinthea leave, leaving the four to eat all they can. While they enter the living room area of their home. Cinthea pulls out her staff from thin air.

"Cinthea bring up the destruction of Kytel's planet."

Cinthea created a giant ball of green light that began replaying the destruction of Kytel's planet.

"Now give me a view from the outer area of the planet possibly the atmosphere?"

As the projection began showing new projects ones we weren't shown before. Things begin to become crystal clear.

"Stop right there!"

Sudden the projection stopped and from behind the blast, two figures were visible. A pair of individuals that we saw a while back during the destruction of Okara and Cassa's home world as well. Yes those same individuals we saw in space were finally coming around fully.

"It's them... They've finally returned!"

Cinthea looks at Kessa and notice his body shaking.

"My lord... What are we going to do about them?"

Kessa walks over to an open hole in his cave wall that acted as a window and examines the four eating.

"We can't interfere with them, if they attempt to destroy Earth. Then they will need to be ready for that. We're gonna to push them harder than they've ever been pushed... Because time isn't on our side."

Then it begins, our beloved Saiyan's are finally entering the world of the gods. However it seems a massive threat is coming one even this God of Destruction is afraid of. It's also been revealed that this being has destroyed not only Kytel's world, but also Okara's. What will happen, who is this mysterious pair? What exactly is their goal?? Find out In the next upcoming novel! Book 3! -Fate Of Two Saiyan's!-Rise Of The Evil god and Angel!