Pandora's Actor's first night in the palace looked to be tranquil. 'No attempted assassinations… yet. No one asking me to help overthrow the King or soliciting me into a faction. The Princess did an excellent job. I 'must' praise Demiurge for finding such a useful tool for the advancement of my father's goals.'
The sun was down and the only light in the room was that of the candle by which he, the doppelganger, read the book he selected. 'Really, a nation of complete perverts.' He thought to himself until his quiet was disturbed by a knock on the door.
"Yes?" He asked, sitting up in his bed.
"Ah, it's Climb, I'm Princess Renner's bodyguard, please… my lord, may I come in?" The broken voice of a boy nearing earnest manhood carried through the thick wood, and Pandora's Actor rose, went to the latch, yanked it to the side, and opened the door.
The boy entered, but not alone, a second figure, hooded and cloaked and stooped over like an old woman, rushed in at the same moment, held over the back and at one arm by the young blonde boy.
"Thank you, Master Gown, thank you." Climb said with his eyes down at the stooped figure he held onto.
Pandora's Actor raised the dark eyebrow of the man he was imitating, thought for just a blink, and gestured to the table. "You're welcome, and please, King Ramposa, take a seat and make yourself comfortable."
The stooped figure rose up straight and his 'escort' let him go. The old king threw back the hood that concealed his face and gave a little frown to the magic caster.
"What spell did you use to tell who I was, Master Gown? I consider myself well versed in magic, as non magic casters go, and I've never heard of a spell that gave a man's name." The King had dropped all formality in that moment, and it was like seeing another man.
For an instant, Pandora's Actor could see what he must have been like in his youth, a powerful leader who must have commanded great respect from his warriors, he could easily picture the old king leveling a sword and personally leading a charge into battle. It was difficult not to sympathize with his plight.
The doppelganger guardian chuckled and snapped the lock shut over the closed door. "No magic, King Ramposa, it was only that young Climb here looked very much like he was holding a tiger by the tail when you entered."
Climb, to his credit, was embarrassed. "Forgive me, majesty, I blew your cover without meaning to."
Ramposa took Pandora's Actor's invitation to sit, and went to sit down in the chair with a heavy grunt. "No, no, with almost anyone else I would have fooled them completely, we made it past a half a dozen nobles without more than a glance when Climb said he was taking a servant to be healed by the new caster. It is just that this one, is more clever than most." He raised a respectful chin toward his guest, and Pandora's Actor took a seat opposite his host. "Still, I never heard of myself being referred to as a groped cat before…" He let out a deep chuckle that did nothing to ease the boy's blush.
"Thank you, majesty." Climb expressed his gratitude for the forgiveness, but the King had already moved on.
"I have no time for games, Master Gown, so I won't play them. How powerful are you? Are you on par with Fluder Paradyne?" King Ramposa asked.
"And then some." Pandora's Actor replied truthfully.
"I see, then I want to hire you, if I know my Gazef, he's already been here to beg for your help on my behalf, I promise I didn't put him up to that as he is just… very enthusiastic in his defense of the nation. I count that as a credit to the man. But I hope it didn't put you out." Ramposa explained and kept his expression carefully neutral.
"It's fine, as for hiring me, what do you want me to do?" Pandora's Actor asked, his estimation of King Ramposa rising up several notches.
"Most of my nobles think nothing of magic, a few spells obviously are useful, they all see healing magic and divine magic, but most of what they see are just parlor tricks and street performers. But I am an old man, I've seen a great deal, and I know what magic can do in the right hands. To put it bluntly, I want you to win the next war for me, to break the cycle of destruction. I know beyond a doubt that we're doomed, and that the noble faction is actively, if obliviously, helping us fail." Ramposa's face became bitter, "Such a shameful, wretched fate."
"What's that?" Pandora's Actor asked when he caught the bitter voice.
"Some of the young nobles in the noble faction, their fathers were boyhood friends, and we were all part of the brotherhood of banners. All of us, it was just a schoolboy club when we were little, then it was more. We fought together, saved each other's lives… and then I ascended the throne, and I lost them all to petty concerns within their own houses." His fists clenched tight and whitened the knuckles with the tension.
"If I help even one out of the hundred, then I will create ninety-nine malcontents and one ingrate. But trying to rob me of Gazef was too much, even for them. Your saving him from the attack by the Theocracy may have inadvertently saved this nation already, and now I am preparing to strike back." The King promised through clenched teeth.
"In a few months, we would normally be mustering over one hundred thousand peasants to fight the Baharuth Empire. I'm sure you understand the waste this creates. The starvation and lost harvests. If you didn't, I'm sure Gazef explained it." The King's smile was bitter, but his eyes were sharp and hard as a well forged sword.
"I don't want to do that again. Instead, I will pay you handsomely, if you'll just turn that magic on the Baharuth Empire. I will offer you land, gold, goods, or ingredients in any combination, a coin, foot, or ounce for every knight killed, with extra for a promise to use your magic for no other kingdom. I will offer you the position of Court Magus, a noble title, and even to arrange a suitable marriage to ensure you are properly compensated for your service."
"You have a great deal of confidence in a magic caster whose skills you have never seen." Pandora's Actor said tentatively, unsure if his estimation of the king should go up or down, or if his estimation of the Re-Estize Kingdom's dire situation should go up.
"I am aware, but that is how grave matters are. I am very old, if I leave my throne to Zanac, nobody will follow him. If I leave my throne to Barbro, he will destroy the loyalty they give to him. My daughter's only value politically is for marriage, though she is far wiser than anyone credits her."
Climb stood apart from the conversation, hand on his sword to protect his king, but hearing the king praise his daughter's intelligence was such a surprise that he lost control of his face and his mouth formed a sudden O shape before he forced it to close again.
The King looked at Climb out of the corner of his eye, "A man should know his children, regardless of their sex, young man. She is far more clever than most, if I ever doubted that, it was over when Baharuth began adopting some of the ideas we ourselves rejected from her, and they benefited from doing so."
Pandora's Actor made his decision, he view of the king went up again. "If I use my magic for your cause, you won't need to raise an army, I can take care of that for you, but that won't change anything inside your borders. Plus, won't you be weaker? This war seems to provide unity and power from your leadership, if I win it for you, what good will that do in the end?"
Ramposa gave him a long, steady look. "You're a true genius, to see so deeply into the subject, you're right, it isn't enough to win the war abroad, I must win the war at home. I already have a plan for that in the works, Master Gown, I can't ask for your help in that affair. There is another I will be turning to for help. For now, can you tell me your answer?"
Pandora's Actor folded his hands together and closed his eyes as if in thought, "You're asking more of me than you know, but I won't deny that the offer is tempting. Let me think about it, I will give you an answer at the conclusion of the feast. Will that be acceptable, your Majesty?"
King Ramposa slowly stood up and slid his own chair back under the table. "A few days is nothing, I look forward to your response." His charming smile returned and he looked at the borrowed bodyguard when he flung his hood back over his head.
"Come along, young man, grab the tiger's tail again, then you can go back to your quarters." The King chortled a little when he used the same term Pandora's Actor coined, and left the guardian alone.
'Father, you've truly laid the most masterful of traps for your prey, I am so proud that I am your son.' Pandora's Actor thought when the iron bolt tapped hard against its place in the stone wall, securing the door shut behind his brief visitors.
Sir Furt could hardly believe his ears. He sat in a chair older than his grandfather and stuffed thick with goose down over velvet, ornate decorative engravings of wild beasts that were so small and intricate you had to look closely and squint to make them out. It was a point of pride that this was his. Sitting in that seat, Sir Furt felt every inch like he was the Bloody Emperor himself.
But now his face was turned ashen gray and rapidly going ghost white.
"Say that again." He demanded of the moderately built man who stood a few feet away. A hulking brute stood behind the visitor, and unlike the one who just spoke, this one was silent. He spoke only by his presence and his equipment. Boiled leather armor and a heavy looking mace. It did nothing to make him more gentle that his large head was shaved bald and he had a few minor scars over a hard looking face.
"I said, your debt is being called in, Sir Furt." The lender said and held out a gracious hand, "There have been some questions about your ability to pay, and I'm afraid we require a substantial sum of the total now."
"My- My daughter is out on a job, she'll pay when she gets back!" Sir Furt squeaked out.
"That may be fine then, but we require something now, you can't just borrow more again today as you usually do, not without paying something." The lender's cold brown eyes were telling about his doubts.
"But- But-" Sir Furt began, and cut himself off. He silently cursed his daughter. 'Damn you, if you'd just gotten that old goat's rod up this wouldn't be happening!'
He took a deep breath, "We have substantial goods we can give to you as collateral or payment if you like." Sir Furt said instead of his intended protests.
"We can extend you additional credit if you offer something of high value." The lender suggested offhandedly, and Sir Furt's eyes bulged beyond his control.
"What?" He asked.
"There's a premium on young blonde girls right now. You happen to have two of them, they're quite fashionable in certain," the lender made a somewhat sour face, scrunching up his cheeks and tightening his lips, revealing his distaste, "Circles. Give them up, and we'll be willing to extend you a little more since they're well bred and well behaved in addition to their other qualities."
"I see… I see." Sir Furt said with a neutral, careful voice. 'They're my girls, I can't… I- well if I do, that will solve the money problem. At least for now. I can acquire some fine things to show off to the other nobles, I'll become an important figure again. Then when the Bloody fool on the throne dies, I'll get my position back, then I can find them again. They're 'my' daughters after all, they really ought to do this for their family. It's no different than what that ungrateful girl was supposed to do before, and where is 'she' anyway? Off galavanting with dirty ruffians, no doubt.'
Bitterness struck him like the back of her unladylike hand did when she walked out, he recalled her threat to give no more money to him, and that was a problem. 'I just need time… time to get my status back, that's all.' Sir Furt said to himself and slowly stood up.
"Wait here." He ordered, and left the room.
A few minutes later, he walked Kuuderika and Ureirika into the room, their little fingers clung to his left and right hands, in their arms each carried a stuffed rabbit under their free arms, a gift from their big sister. Kuuderika wore a red dress, while Ureirika wore blue, they looked up at the lender with wide, innocent blue eyes.
By now he was a familiar person to them, and so when he knelt down and Sir Furt said, "Go see Master Sanek." They walked over to the merchant without hesitating.
They curtseyed like good little noble girls and said at once, "Hello, Master Sanek, thank you for coming to the Furt house."
"You're good girls, aren't you?" He said to them in the kind of easy congenial tone that always set people at ease, and they nodded furtively.
"Yes, we're good." They said in unison again, the echo game was a favorite of theirs, and they often said the same things at the same moment, it was charming, in the way that children could make things.
He gave them an encouraging little smile and put his hands on their shoulders, "You're going to be coming with me, for now, alright?" He asked them, and the twins looked over at their father.
He nodded without saying anything, and Master Sanek stood up straight, he approached the table and removed a small pouch from an inner pocket. He slowly set it down on the table, and the sound of clinking coins of gold tantalized Sir Furt's ears.
"Do you want to count it? It's the usual sum." The lender asked, and the blonde fallen noble shook his head.
"No, it's fine, I'm sure it's all there." Sir Furt said and stared at the little leather pouch like it was a viper coiled and ready to strike.
"As you like, m'lord." The lender said, bowed, and when he held out his hands, Kuuderika and Ureirika trustingly put their hands into his palms, and let him lead them out of their home.
When they walked out of the house, Master Sanek led them just beyond the gate, and waited just as he was instructed. He looked down from one girl to the next, and they, sensing his brown eyes on theirs, looked up at him in return, questions unspoken waiting to be asked. Nothing happened, there was no shout, there was no chase, there was no hint of remorseful second thoughts. He looked back through the bars of the gate, the clear windows gave him a view into the room beyond, and he saw his client finally reach for the pouch, spill the contents on the table, and begin to count.
Cold hearted merchant as he was, Master Sanek still couldn't help but feel a pang of pity that would likely drive him to drink that night. 'Such a fool.' He thought of the fallen noble, and led the girls away.