The return to camp without Sukyu drew immediate questions which were answered by the chiefs who told the story over and over until morning came. Most especially the lizardmen in the settlement who surrounded the victorious chiefs, wanted to know how their family members were treated by the frogmen.
"They were hungry, made to work, told they would be worked to death." Zaryusu seethed.
"They were cut, bruised, stabbed, and some were missing hands, their wounds were left untreated." Shasuryu added with hate in his voice.
"They were killed without reason." Crusch could not even look at her people, only back in the direction the elderly would be returning from while the dawn began to break over the far horizon.
"No more frogmen." Kyuku growled, clenching his jaw so tight that he seemed to be frothing at the mouth with fury.
"We fight, our Ruler will lead us, but we fight." Shasuryu wasn't asking, and it was quickly taken up.
"We fight. We fight. We fight." The lizardmen of the lake were still chanting when the gate opened and the red robed Ainz appeared behind the red armored Shalltear.
They knelt in a great mass as soon as he came into view, bowing their heads, it was Zaryusu who spoke. "My Lord, we followed your will and rescued our captive people ourselves, they will return on their own in a few days escorted by the absent chief, Sukyu Juju."
'My will? What are they talking about?' He wondered from behind his mask. He cleared his throat and ran with it rather than ask the embarrassing question.
"Good." He said succinctly.
"And now we are ready to follow you into battle!" Zaryusu added with a loud exclamation filled with the fresh outrage born from the mistreatment of the elderly.
"That will not be necessary. You are few, the frogmen may have won, they will be weaker, and worn out, but they may still wreak havoc on you…" Ainz warned him, but the lizardmen had only a low and eager growl in answer.
"If you order us to remain we cannot disobey… but we implore you, let us fight." Shasuryu replied, and going from his knees, he descended to all fours and pressed his head into the dirt. The others rapidly followed until there was a sea of green, tan, and speckled lizardmen heads in the soft earth, all of whom said as one.
"Please… let us fight."
Discomfort ran through Ainz' body like wild stallions, for the former office worker. This deference from young and old alike, even if they were not human, made his skin crawl with anxiety and awkwardness.
"Very well." He said and held his staff above their heads, "If you wish to fight however, you must move quickly."
"We can make enough boats to carry all of us in a day or two, my Lord." Crusch Lulu promised, her white tail dancing in the air, she still had not risen to her feet, but Ainz shook his head.
"No, we will not need boats." He replied to them.
"My Lord? Will we use the walking hole as you do?" Shasuryu looked briefly full of dread at the prospect, and Ainz could understand why quite readily.
'To them, it must appear as the tool of a god, some dreadful, and frightening thing, even to the bravest this may be too much to ask… and perhaps another impression will do just as well, if not better… They are proud people it seems. The more impressed they are with my power, the easier it will be to rule over them.' Ainz thought, and cast another spell.
[Maximize magic], [Greater Freezing]. He cast the spell and gestured toward the waters of the lake that were visible from where they stood, and every lizardman's head went up and turned to watch, their jaws dropped as one while the waters of the lake froze over the surface.
The wet blue became a 'dry blue' ice as it swept over the whole and spread out of sight, crystalizing from a liquid surface to a solid one almost instantaneously.
"We will walk. It will remain frozen all the way to the northern area where the frogmen live." Ainz explained, "All you need to do is follow me." He commanded them and stepped toward the lake.
The lizardmen rose to their feet, they grabbed their spears, their clubs, their slings and stones, and followed after Shalltear and Ainz Ooal Gown onto the frozen waters.
Their steps were gingerly at first, rather than bold, but Ainz did not look back to watch them, rather he went forward, the ice crunching underfoot as he took long steady steps away from the village.
Behind him, he could hear the chiefs giving orders and dividing their tribes into groups, creating their battle formation on the move. "You're very merciful to them, my Lord." Shalltear said while looking up at him from his left side.
"Am I?" He asked.
"Yes, my Lord… very merciful… they argued with you, and yet you not only let them live, you give them what they ask for." Shalltear had a little smile on her face that he hadn't quite expected to see.
Even as he was, it was easy to see she wasn't really thinking of the lizardmen. "You're not really talking about them, are you, my Shalltear?" He asked, and she hung her head.
"No, my Lord." She answered, "You see through my thoughts right down to my soul… what I nearly did, it haunts me still… I want only to be good for you and I contemplated an assault on your exalted person… how can I live with that…?" She asked with a low whisper that kept her words between themselves alone.
"Until the end of this task, no more. I promise you relief, my Shalltear…" He said to her and put a hand on her helmeted head. She cast her eyes up at him again when he did so.
"I am unworthy of your forgiveness, your love, but I also can't live without either… Thank you, my Lord, for your mercy on your humble servant." Her crimson eyes shimmered in her pupils, and they walked in silence for far longer than would have been comfortable before.
But as they walked, Ainz was, for once, utterly and supremely at ease.