Chapter 355

It was late in the morning when Brain and Zesshi rode into town again, and as such, the booming activity of the place left Brain optimistic.

"Why are we pulling in here?" Zesshi asked as Brain steered his horse toward a tavern. "I'm not really thirsty, or hungry."

"Me neither, but before we go over there…" He closed his mouth and dismounted his horse, while he secured it to the hitching post outside the building he went on, "I was so damn… so damn set on making sure she was safe from what I was worried about with us, I didn't stop to think about what a place around here could be like. I just… I assumed it would be better, and that what you paid would be enough to give her a good life."

"We both did." Zesshi said with compassion as she got down off of her horse and secured it beside his own.

"But I am supposed to know better… but maybe I was wrong." Brain clenched his fist and pointed to the tavern. Like most of the buildings they'd seen, the exterior is fairly clean, which was in its favor, the door was propped open, and inside Brain could already see people working. "If I was, we'll find out here. The orphanage is close by, chances are people who work around it, stop here to eat or drink. We just have to be 'discreet'. Follow my lead." Brain said and adopted a calm, almost stately stride he entered the tavern and went to sit at the bar.

Behind it stood an orc woman, her tusks were bared in her version of a smile, "Hiya." She said and flipped two mugs over her head from behind her back, they landed squarely in front of Zesshi and Brain and before the pair could say anything, she had a barrel on her shoulder and pulled the tap. A stream of dark beer began to slosh around in Brain's mug, and without missing a beat or spilling a drop, she did the same with Zesshi's.

Then just like that, she yanked the tap free, corked the barrel, and sat down. "Name's Tamah, welcome to my place and enjoy the beer, that'll be two coppers each."

"Uh, but we didn't-" Zesshi began, but Tamah, who was as shapely as any radiant young human woman, and buxom in the way that orc women tended to be, with broad shoulders and a pine green skin, would have none of it.

"Nah, this is my place. It's better if I tell you what to drink. I always know, just trust me. You don't like it, I'll give you each four coppers." Tamah said and rested her forearm on the bar. She gave them a wink and waited.

Brain ran with it, the mug was simple wooden slats sealed with black tar, but the foam was a creamy tan and he could smell the fermented mash. He snatched up the mug, smacked his lips together and tilted it back to start drinking.

Not to be outdone, after one more lingering look down at the brew, Zesshi brought it to her lips and drank. It was thick, rich, with an oaky flavor that ran smooth down her throat and filled her empty belly with a stuffed, warm feeling.

Brain reached into his pouch and dropped four coppers between them. "You know your stuff." He said, and Tamah gave a porcine snort.

"I've been workin on the job for years, and my papa was a brewer, and his father 'fore him, an my momma was the same. Used to do this stuff out in the Abelion Hills way back when, and my family still got brewers out there, brothers and sisters… so that right there," she pointed two fingers at their now empty mugs, "is generations of orc beer making."

"So how'd you end up out here?" Brain asked, "We're a long way from Demalbion."

"When things opened up, we wanted to branch out, figured the White Tusk name ought'ta be known everywhere. I'll pit my name against any brewer anywhere, man, elf, even dwarf if it comes down to it. Anywho, I take one look at some'n, and I know what they need to drink. An you two, you ate nothin, so you need somethin for to fill you both up, an what tastes good goin down." She had a twinkle in her dark eyes when she spoke, as if it were her own children she spoke of when she talked of her work.

"Well it holds up, that's for sure. I understand the need to expand, but I'm surprised to see you here alone." Brain remarked and looked around, she clearly wasn't alone, a pair of waitresses were speaking to people at two different tables… but behind the bar, there was at least only herself.

"I mean, with the orphanage nearby, you could probably hire someone to work where you are right now and then you could spend more time making this magnificent stuff." Brain tapped a finger on the mug, and Tamah's demeanor slipped a little.

"That's where I got my waitresses over there." The orc woman pointed to the busy servers, they wore simple dresses that came down knee length and were simple green and white patterned, coming up to straps over their shoulders.

"I don't do that now though… bad business really. Don't much care for em." Tamah said, subdued and briefly focusing her eyes on the two honey blonde women.

"For… orphans, what's wrong with orphans?" He asked and slid his mug back over to her.

"Nah, kids is fine, it's the place they at, right nasty business. You want my advice, if you lookin for a kid just this side of a slave an just knows to follow orders, that's the place for you… them two told me about it when they got here…" She inclined her head toward the pair. "Beatin up little'uns, an makin them do some right backbreakin work… you wouldn't think it, but there's a lot of money to be made off'n the kids." Tamah reflexively got up and filled both their mugs again.

"So you don't do business with them?" Brain asked as he put down four copper coins.

"Nah, some do. Farmers do, sometimes smiths, folk who need labor or apprentices… and every now and then a traveler picks up a kid. Sometimes it ends up good, like… not that long ago someone bought all three kids-" Tamah stopped when Brain and Zesshi spoke at once.

"Bought?" They said, before Brain asked, "Like they're slaves?"

"Yes'n no. Labor contracts… but they might as well be slaves. They can't read it, an nobody asks em if they want to sign. They were lucky though, since all three went together. Most times, they get split up." Tamah explained, then asked, "So… how far'd you two come from anyhow?"

"Really far." Zesshi answered.

"And really, really far." Brain answered.

Tamah scratched her, "Right then, listen… it's just not a great place, they don't eat much, the old folks who run it, I don't let'm in my bar, but I can't do much, the mayor makes his money supplyin the place, an there's not one kid in there who's got anyone who gives a shit covered copper what happens to em. My advice, don't have anythin to do with anyone who works there, because they'll do anythin for a silver."

"Nobody does anything… aren't there crimes involved here?" Zesshi asked, and Tamah couldn't help but give a low chuckle. She set both her green hands on the bar and stood up straight.

"Listen honey, them kids in there, they were mostly street kids, criminals. The mayor, he's an upstanding citizen. If a street kid tells someone it's rain'n, most folk'll look up just to be sure, even if they outside gettin wet, and they'll clutch their coin purse tight while they check. Nobody'd believe em, an even if they do, what of it? Shut the place down an put em on the street? Shut down the mayor, his business, lot of folks lose work and end up homeless as them kids… so… they let it pass."

"Right, that… I could see that… but what if… I know places like that take support like, people who travel and can't bring their children." Brain suggested, and Tamah only pointed to her waitresses who had moved on to other tables.

"They got a potato and one piece of fruit to eat, not much else. Their folks never came back for em, from what I hear tell, nobody comes back. The Empire may not be here anymore, but this new Kingdom… well some money has come out this way, it's safer to travel, but nobody doin nothin any different. An again, even if they did? Lotta them kids's the kids of folks who fought the new King. Who's gonna stick their neck out for those an risk him gettin mad over it?"

"A good point." Brain said as he polished off his beer and set it down, he stood up again while Zesshi drained her own and said, "Only a mad fool would stick their neck out for everyone. But… maybe doing so for one isn't such a bad thing."

Tamah looked at him with questioning eyes, but he only smirked, drew out a silver coin and flipped it from his finger to land on the bar directly in front of her. It wobbled audibly until it came to a stop, but by the time she looked up after snatching it away, the pair were gone.

"That's an odd couple there." Tamah muttered and flipped the coin behind her into a waiting jar, and then set about clearing what was left behind.

Layali stood in line, her 'good' clothes, those acquired for her by Brain and Zesshi, were gone when she woke up that morning. Her belly rumbled, but there was an order to the day, that was clear. In her arms sat a folded set of somewhat serviceable clothing, a little bit better than what she privately called the, 'potato class' of orphans.

However, she wore nothing, none of the girls did, instead they were lined up in front of the well. The sound of a splash came out from ahead of her. A squeal, the noise of a 'thwack' of a cane… a muted cry that made Layali's nerves stand on end. Then a minute or two later a drenched but clothed girl scampered into view to stand in line with those who went before her.

"Next!" Lady Grel shouted, and Layali took one step forward. The creaking noise of the wheel made her cringe away until a hand went to the small of her back, forcing her to stop.

The squeak of the wheel, the squeal of the girl and the desperate, but short flight to the next line, it all seemed to go on, and on, and on.

Finally it came her turn, the old woman was clad in severe clothing, a long dress that hung down to her ankles and was buttoned up to her throat, a scowl on her face. Her cane smacked the rusty wheel. "Turn it, draw the bucket up, you don't expect an old woman to do the work for you, do you, you spoiled little brat!" She snapped down at the little half elf.

Layali stepped aside, set her clothing on the ground, and endured that deep frown and disapproving look on the wrinkled face. She then stood on top of a stool placed beside it, and began to grunt as she pushed. It fought her as hard as it could, the rusted wheel's resistance kept it from going at more than a snail's pace… but rendered stronger than average by hard labor and long travels, she progressed.

Turn after turn, rotation after rotation, the round stone well gave up its water.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Lady Grel snapped, but Layali saw the little twitch in the corner of the woman's eye.

'She wants to provoke me…' Layali knew, it was a familiar twitch to her, seen often in the eyes of her creator's human wife who did not care for the trysts of her husband with the 'stock'.

So Layali played the game, she kept turning the wheel until the bucket rose within reach.

"Now dump it on yourself, we can't have you stinking all day!" Lady Grel snapped, and Layali grabbed the bucket, hefted it over her head, and tilted it over herself. Ice cold water from within the earth washed over her entire body, stabbing her like tiny pinpricks for a moment.

She stifled her cry, but not her shiver. "Get dressed, brat! Then get in line with the others! There's work to do!" Lady Grel spat, and Layali rushed herself into the patchwork clothing and scurried as the others had before her.

The rough clothing scratched at Layali's skin from head to toe, but when she reached the line, she stayed as they did, hands in front of her and eyes down, waiting to be called on with the other twenty or so before her.

Splash… crank… cry… and thwack… were the only noises she heard for the next half hour until it was done… except for the growing rumble.

She brought hand up and touched her belly, pressing against it, the big meals, near 'feasts' that she'd grown accustomed to with Brain and Zesshi seemed years behind her at that moment. 'But they fed me… those things happened… they love me… they tried to protect me…'

The high walls in this back area at least protected what modesty she still had left, and boys and girls were bathed separately, but nonetheless it was a relief to trudge away from the ugly routine.

'I wonder where we eat?' Layali thought and followed the others, but when the hallway was the same, she closed her sky blue eyes. 'I'm not going back in there, this is all a dream…' She tried to tell herself while she passed through the door frame and found herself at another stool, with a bolt of fabric and other materials ready to sew.

However, mercifully, there was also a bowl.

'Food!' At the promise of it, even in the form of an empty wooden bowl which, when she looked at it, could have been cleaner, her belly gnawed at her like a wild beast. The dry taste of potato was like ashes in her mouth, but even that would have been preferable to the tasteless air she practically bit at just in the hopes of eating something.

Two limping young boys hobbled in, this time pushing a cart with a large bellied cast iron pot. Though the young boys, being skinny as they were, and clearly injured, struggled… they did make progress.

As one pushed, the other scooped, and the thick wet plopping noise of gray looking gruel went into one bowl after another.

Layali began to shift on her stool and reached back to rub the bruised part of her bottom, if she avoided moving much, that hurt too, but between that and the promise of food? Remaining still was a battle she was losing.

Finally they reached her. "Half for that one. She's disrespectful." Hazeh said with stern reproof.

Layali looked up at the two boys, and watched the gray lumps fill barely a quarter of her bowl. Her stomach seemed to be biting at her, she clutched it with one hand and without thinking she held up her bowl.

"Please… please can I have some more… I'm so hungry!" She pled with angry tears in her eyes.

"More? Brat! You need discipline more than you need food! Hazeh, are you going easy on these whelps?!" Lady Grel snapped from the end of the aisle where she stood waiting for the two serving boys to finish.

"Of course not!" He snapped and began to hasten forward, his cane slapping the floor with every heavy step.

All around her, Layali saw heads go down to their tables and every child's hands folded over the back of their heads. 'No!' She wanted to scream, but no words came out, the young boys hobbled back to press themselves against the wall.

"Try to disgrace me… you'll learn who is in charge here little girl!" Hazeh reached out and grabbed the back of Layali's neck and forced her to bend over the desk. Her bowl went flying away and clattered to the floor. Her belly rumbled again, but it could not drown out Hazeh's voice. "I'm in charge here! Not you! You do what I say do!" He barked, his cane went up, her eyes went wide.

"Maaaaamaaaa! Paaaapaaa! I want maaaamaaa! I want paaaapaaa!" She yowled and screeched like a banshee.

Lady Grel stepped in front of the table, her hands folded in front of her waist, a prim and perfect pose as unmoving as stone. "We're your parents now!" Lady Grel snapped with a disapproving look down her nose.

"The hell you are!" Like twin battle cries uttered in unison, so thunderous that it carried through door and through wall… just before both were smashed inward into splinters and rubble.