Chapter 7-Family Recipe Dinnertime

Back at the farmhouse, everyone returns happy and cheerful. Arako and Okara met the new person and chatted it up on the way back. As Okara carries the sleepy Ru inside, everyone else follows behind.

"I'll be preparing dinner soon. So everyone go and relax till then okay!" Bell happily grabbed Cassa and pulled her close.

"Oh? You want me to help you?"

"Well duh! We're gonna do this together."

Cassa laughed

"Well alright then!"

As Bell and Cassa entered the kitchen, Arako, Kytel, and Salla sat down around the television while Okara put Ru into bed.

"What a lovely place you have here."

Bell entered through the open doorway between the kitchen and living room.

"Why thank you! It's been in the making for a while. But it's also been passed down through my family for a while."

"Wow! That's incredible, you mean that your ancestors lived here too?"

"Yeah, you can put it like that."

Bell re-entered the kitchen to continue cooking.

Salla was intrigued as Okara entered the room while Ru was asleep.

"Okara, right?"

"Yes, what's up?"

"Oh, I was just wondering what you do for a living?"

"You could say I'm a hero for a living."

"What do you mean? Like a police officer, or a firefighter?"

"No, no. I mean I fight people that threaten earth entirely and stop them from destroying it."

"Wow! You must be super strong to do that."

Arako and Kytel look at each other slightly confused.

"Wait, do you know who we are?"

"I'm sorry If I'm confusing you, I'm actually new to this planet. You see, I'm originally from a different world."

Everyone's eyes widened as Salla continued talking.

"You see I-."

Suddenly Bell shouted from the kitchen.

"Dinners ready everyone!"

"Well, that was quick!" Salla said excitedly.

"Just wait, it's gonna get even better.

As everyone prepped up at the dining table. Cassa took her seat beside Okara, Arako took his beside Bell, Kytel took his between Okara and Arako and Salla took his between Cassa and Bell. Everyone had plenty of room and food was spread out along the round table. A giant chicken that was stuffed with hot potapples, a side of corn beans, a side of fries made from potapples, and more. It was a blissful aroma as everyone's mouths watered. While everyone dug in, Salla helped himself and happily joined everyone in eating. While they ate, conversation broke out quite fast.

"Hey Okara, shouldn't you get Ru so he can eat with us?"

"Aw Cassa, he's all tuckered out and I think it'd be good to just enjoy the time for us adults."

"I guess we can save him some for later."

"Exactly!" Okara said as he stuffed his face more.

"So, Salla you were saying earlier that you were from a different planet? Could we get more details?" Asked Kytel as he ate just as much as Okara.

"Whoa! You're from another planet too?!" Bell and Cassa stared intently with shock as they wait for his answer.

Salla shyly smiled as he began to explain a bit of his story.

"Haha! Yes, I am, I actually came from a planet that was destroyed by a giant blast. It came out of nowhere, and It seems that I'm the last of my own race. But that was so long ago I can hardly remember it."

"Wait, your world was destroyed by a large blast as well?" Kytel questioned.

"Why yes, it was. Why do you ask?"

"Well, ours was too." Okara said as he looked at Kytel and Cassa.

"Imagine that, I didn't know others had suffered as badly as I did." Salla said as he consumed more food.

"Well, while it was a painful time back then most of us have learned to move forward strongly and live our new lives." Kytel says slightly burping simultaneously.

Everyone laughs even Salla who was enjoying his time with them.

"This is nice, It's been a while since I've been around people who share realities with me."

"Well, we're always here especially since the world's a safer place now." Okara says with a cheer.

"Ain't that the truth!" Arako shouts as he lifts his glass of alcohol.

"Now, now don't be too noisy or you'll wake my son, Arako!"

"Sorry Cassa!" Arako shouts again.

As everyone laughs loudly, Salla mumbles something under his breath. But no one hears it.

"Anyway, I think I'm stuffed!! It's probably time I head out." Salla said as he stood up and thanked Bell for the wonderful meal.

"It was amazing and I thank you for the invitation to try such a delicacy!"

"You're most welcome Salla, just know you're always welcome to come by and chat with us if you're ever around!"

"Why that's most kind of you, Bell. I'll keep that in mind."

Salla farewelled to everyone and left with a smile.

"Wow! That was a shocker, I didn't know someone like that was on this planet." Okara said as he took a sip of his wine glass.

"It's a big world after all I'm sure there's a lot of people from different planets here." Bell says as he stands up and began cleaning the table off.

Arako gets up to help with the clean-up while Kytel leaves to use the bathroom due to his small tank. As for Okara and Cassa they went to check on Ru, as they leave the room someone comes through the front door forcefully.


Out of nowhere, Kessa busts through the door catching everyone off guard in an instant.

"Is everyone okay?!"

"Y-Yes Lord Kessa we're okay, why are you here? What's going on?" Arako asked while keeping Bell behind him.

Suddenly Okara and Cassa came out of the room with a crying Ru.

"Lord Kessa! What's the matter?"

"Where's Kytel?!"

A flush from the bathroom is heard and Kytel comes out once again wiping his hands on his clothes.

"Oh! Lord Kessa, why are you here?"

Lord Kessa counts all of them and notices no one is missing.

"This can't be right, I swear I thought something would've happened by now."

"What do you mean Lord Kessa?"

"Crimson! Where is Crimson?"

"He's at home, Lord Kessa would you please explain-."

"There isn't any time to explain! So get dressed for training we've got work to do!"

Kytel, Arako, and Okara look at each other. Sharp looks on their faces as they rush to get dressed.

Leaving Cassa, Bell, and a crying Ru with Kessa. As Ru cries, Kessa begins getting irritated.

"Can you shut that thing up!"

Cassa pulls Ru back as he continues crying.

"Well if you didn't bust through the door he wouldn't be crying right now."

"S-Scary green man!!! Greeen man scaryyy!" Ru cried as Cassa tried to comfort him.

Kessa hissed but restrained himself as everyone quickly appeared in their god outfits.

"Good you three! Let's go get Crimson, now!"

Everyone left except Bell, Cassa, and Ru who continued to cry about a scary green man.