Chapter 11-Kessa's Knowledge

After countless hours of fighting and training. The four finally take a break and enjoy some food while they wait for Kessa's return. However, Kessa continues reading amongst his library of information.

"Ah, here it is! The lyrx gemstones abilities and what they do combined. This one should give me more information on how they work combined."

Kessa begins reading about the gemstones.

"(The gemstone's abilities separated are powerful yet limited, while separate they possess singular abilities that work only within certain periods. Such as the emerald gemstone, its ability to heal fully takes a day to recharge, as the ruby takes a certain requirement to even be able to do its ability. While it sounds powerful it's drastically useless unless under perfect circumstances. Its ability is that of a hampering power. One that relocks all unlocks abilities and attributes that a user has learned themselves or however if they were born with such traits or abilities they are only restricted to the lower levels of that said skill.) So being born with raw talent gives those relocked an advantage still... What a shame."

"(Next, the Topaz, while its powers don't have a restricted amount of usages or even times that it can be used. Its time limits are based on its waiting period before the user activates it. Making it one of the stronger gemstones, the sapphire gemstone, if used correctly can be dastardly one it could even be harmful to those used on. While it can control a person's emotions what's not to say someone could use it to control someone's very mind. To perform actions they not dare do if it was consciously them. Those caught around this gemstone should be very cautious for there is only one way to be free from it, that is a physical or mental shock deal to the controlled.) I can't believe these powers. They get more intimidating as I go on... There's no way we'd stand a chance if they were to gather all five of the gemstones on earth into one place."

Kessa flips the pages to continue reading.

"(Next is the amethyst a strong dimensional controlling gemstone. It allows the user to create a personal subspace in which they could trap very beings in if strong enough. However, this gemstone's weakness is such, if the user does not have strong enough willpower. The trapped with break free if their willpower is found to be stronger. Putting the user at a potential breaking point.) What the hell is a breaking point..."

Kessa places the book down for a moment and skims through the other ones he has on his table.

"...Breaking point, breaking point... Where is it..."

He skims through multiple texts until..."

"There it is! (A breaking point of a gemstone is crucial. If a user were to enter breaking point their body, mind, and soul would be consumed by the Lyrx spirit. Not only destroying them but anything around them as well. However, there has been an instance where a being has reverted to a breaking point and created a newfound power. This power was never recorded, however, and never happened at any other point in history.) You mean... The amethyst could die easier than the others. Kytel that poor soul if only he knew what path he chose."

Kessa set down the book and went back to the book that continues explaining the powers of the gemstones.

"(The tanzanite is a gemstone that gives the user the ability to see the future however the effect isn't very long, and its recharge is longer than it's used. This gemstone was better used in groups as it would give people multiple hours ahead of time to prepare properly. It's time usage being only thirty seconds into the future and an hour to wait for its usage again. It's known as one of the weakest gemstones. Lastly, the Opal a gemstone that even the lyrx feared using as its risk and reward does not exist. Its powers are such as, the resurrection of a being that has died within a day, yet the exchange is just great as it requires a substantial exchange to even be used. It's as simple as... An eye for an eye, a limb for a limb, a soul... for a soul.)"

"This is unreal, these powers shouldn't even be allowed to exist... Yet this information I can't believe I've never seen all this text before. Maybe because I never cared about the true purpose for the Lyrx gems... Yet here I am fearing more for the fate of my Universe."

Kessa slams the book down and gets back up to find more info as he slides his nail across multiple books he stops and points directly at one. Titled Lyrx names, and origins. As he pulls it out he begins to notice pages torn from it. Names of each Lyrx are gone except for one, that specific name was one we knew ourselves. That name was none other than the Legendary Lyrx of Ruby... Crisma!

"This can't be right, no one else has access to this area. Only I know how to get in here! Unless..."

Kessa slams the book shut and quickly exits the underground ruins. Making sure everyone closed behind him as he walked out. As he burst through the waterfall he appeared before everyone and stopped their fighting. From what he could see, Crimson was holding his own against the others all by himself.

"Enough! You four were going on a trip!"

Kessa looked over at Cinthea and spoke these words specifically.

"We're going to see the Kai, Mikael because I need answers."

"That's an odd request my Lord you never wish to see Mikael face to face after..."

"I know! But there's something I need to confirm with him and if my senses are correct. He may have knowledge that could help us gain the edge against Astrid and Salas. Quickly now you four! You're coming with us so link up and let's go!!"

Everyone linked up once again and immediately blasted off to a new location. One where a race known as the Kai named Mikael is located. Who exactly is this being? What is their purpose? What will they hold for Kessa?