Chapter 18-Thus Begins The Evil Duo's Next Step

Stuck exploring the central metro, Okara lost the shadowy figure that ran from the park they were investigating for information. Yet here we are. Okara looks out for one specific person in a crowded room with hundreds of people. Like a needle in a haystack. As Crimson comes pushing through the stairs he manages to meet up with Okara and they both stare out at the people.

"We lost'em didn't we?"

"Yeah, but keep a lookout we might be able to spot them."

"We don't even know if we're searching for a guy or girl..."

"That's not true when we hit the stairs to the central metro the light showed a bit of their face. It was definitely a guy. But I couldn't get a good grasp on how he looks." Said Okara as he tried to remember small details about the guy's face.

"Let's start by the fountain and watch for any strange activity." Crimson says as he begins walking down one of two flights of stairs.

"Wait Crimson, what if we get ambushed like at the park?"

Crimson stopped and turned to look at Okara with a serious yet bitter taste in his mouth.

"Okara if you have to fight to survive... Then you will fight to survive."

"Are you saying to hurt innocent people!"

"You don't have to be lethal! Just knock them unconscious... It's the only way if we get ambushed again."

"Okay! Fine... Fine! If it comes to it I will fight to live."

"Good, now let's go before someone figures out what we're planning."

Crimson and Okara begin walking down opposite staircases that eventually lead to one place at the end. However, as both walk patiently down them. A sudden quake begins taking over the metro as people begin screaming and huddling together. Crimson instantly notices glass from the top of the ceiling shattering down onto the people, and before his eyes, his old friend and their ally had returned.

"Okara! Get down!"

Okara and Crimson quickly took cover as Salas and Astrid began descending from the broken ceiling window. Everyone's attention is thrown to the evil god and angel as they descend slowly onto the top of the fountain.

"Hello, mortals!!" Salas screams sending chills through the people below. Those two words were enough to send fear through our heroes, as both of them began remembering the past experience with Salas.

"My name is Salas, and this is my strong and reliable assistant Astrid! We've come to deliver a message. One that will not be forgotten so easily! Especially to the two hiding somewhere in this metro! Yeah, I'm talking to you heroes!"

Okara and Crimson were shaking as they hid behind the stairs on opposite sides of each other. They couldn't move or react, all they could do was listen. From below the fountain, a civilian loudly asked what they wanted, because they were wasting their time.

This caused Salas to smile.

"Well if you must know(Salas aimed his finger at the civilian and fired a thin beam through the person's body. Killing them instantly) I've come to spread fear and mayhem amongst the people!"

People began screaming and shaking at the death of a random person.

"Come now! Why don't you all! (With one fell sweep of his arm, Salas created an aerial flurry of ki blasts that hovered above the citizens.) Keep quiet for a moment!"

This scared them even more causing them to stop screaming and quietly shake in fear.

"I've come to tell you a new future for this world is soon to emerge! One where it's kill or be killed. Power will rule above all because if the weak are weeded out the strong will prosper and no one will have to suffer ever again! That's why I have come with a solution to turn this pitiful planet into a completely new world. Forget the rock you call Earth! Once I collect all seven lyrx gems! I will recreate this entire multiverse! Where each planet will be lush and vibrant! However, to get to that point, blood will be shed over and over! These wars you have will be nothing but daily survival! The strong will stand at the top and chaos is dissolved to nothingness!"

From below people began speaking out, each one saying something that ended up having the same resolve. The heroes will stop you! They won't let you have your ways! They'll be here any minute to beat you and bring peace back! These words caused Salas to burst out laughing and Astrid to smirk ever so slightly.

"Your heroes are nothing, but worms to me! I have already dealt with them once! They are broken, their bodies, souls, and minds will never forget how pathetic they are against me!"

The light in the people's eyes faded at those words.

"Of course, if they wish to rematch me and try to fight again! Then I will gladly let them! Because I enjoy thrashing around their bodies like ragdolls!"

Okara gripped his fists together as his body shook and tears filled his eyes. Crimson, on the other hand, was holding himself composed but he wasn't able to move.

"I think I've made it clear about my intention! The current extinction of this disgusting multiverse and the creation of a new one where power stands at the power! Talent ruling at birth, those who train to kill will fall to those born with the skills they developed! That's the kind of the world you will see be created, and when it's done I will welcome all those who wish for nothing but blood and power! Those who were born with the talents for killing! But for now! I sense none of you will understand this resolve I have, so enjoy the taste of what's to come!"

Suddenly at the flick of his finger, every hovering ki blast began shooting down upon the people with small laser-like blasts. Piercing through people's limbs, either slaughtering them instantly or causing them to begin bleeding out profusely. As the blasts hit the ground, the metro shook and all Crimson and Okara could do was hide and cower behind the stairs. The screams of people haunting them as their cries of help extinguish like an ember.

Building an intense amount of trauma within our two heroes...