Chapter 20-Other World

Yellow clouds, yellow clouds fill the area as a three-sectioned structure floating within them. This place was known as the other world, a place where people are either sent to heaven or hell. Decided by one individual known as King Yemma. A red-colored ogre, who has a beard, and a helmet with two horns, he's colossal in size; even his desk is at least three times taller than any mortal being. As people are put in a singular line.

They are judged by Yemma himself whether they go to heaven or hell. However, most of the citizens that had died recently were mere souls, while Para had her body. Her head held a yellow halo above it to represent that she was dead.

"W-Where am I..."

Para was unaware of her location and what exactly she was meant to do here.

As she followed the line of souls she eventually ended up at King Yemmas.

"Ah! There you are, you must be Para. I've read quite a bit about you. Used to help destroy countless worlds and once you broke free went to help people. While I don't hold forced actions against dead souls. You are a special case. You see this god of destruction is making my job a lot more eventful since he's arrived. I'm getting thousands to millions of souls every day. I haven't gotten to truly rest for a while. But when you were caught in the massacre I figured you would be of some assistance to me."


"Yes, you... I mean you have your body unlike these poor... Souls."

"What do you want from me?"

"Simple, I will grant you entrance to heaven if! You help maintain the balance between all the souls that arrive. As you know not everyone is good. I've got quite a few bad apples who thought causing mayhem with their regained bodies was a good idea. So I simply thought you'd be of some assistance and take care of those bad apples within Hell itself."

"What's in it for me?"

"You get special privileges to roam Other World, entering both heaven and hell freely, and if you work for me long enough I can grant you resurrection. I can also have you brought back for a limited time into the living world. To help your friends. But that won't do you any good if you plan to truly return alive. You'll have to work extra hard to be granted that wish."

Para was interested in what Yemma had to say and he reluctantly agreed to work with him.

"Perfect! It's settled Para you are permitted to freely roam Other World until your time has been complete and your work finished."

Yemma stamps down her Para's paperwork and tosses it into a heaven pile with a special seal on it.

Back on earth, we see that Kytel is being thrown around mercilessly as Arako attempted to rejoin the fight. But ended up being knocked back by Kytels thrown body. As they struggle to stand Salas cracks his neck and stares them down with delight.

"It's always entertaining when I get to throw around a nearly extinct race. What a sweet taste it puts in my mouth!"

"I can't believe he's so strong, guess there isn't much we can do against a God Of Destruction." Said Kytel as he stumbled around weakly.

"Kytel do you think if we use the technique Okara and Crimson used against the Royal Saiyans. We'd be able to stand a chance?"

"Wait, Arako do you mean fusion?"

"Yeah... I mean let's fuse Kytel!"

"Hell yeah!"

Salas was interested in the word fusion so he grinned and let them perform their little technique.

"Go on then. Show me this technique I'm quite interested!"

Kytel and Arako line in parallel and begin mirroring each other as they perform the fusion dance. Their attention to detail is on point as their fingertips connect correctly. Allowing the fusion to succeed successfully. As they spiral of purple and red auras merge into one color an encased glow breaks free and reveals a new being. A mix between black and white hair is a strong and spiky mix between Arako's white hair and Kytels Black pulled-back hair. The fusion's hair held four bangs with a puffed-out back, sides, and top. His eyes are a magenta color along with his aura. His eyebrows are black. Lastly, he wore the metamoran vest that held the primary colors of black and a secondary color of dark blue. His baggy white gi pants are held up by a dark blue belt. While his ankles wore dark blue wraps and black shoes.

"This feels great! Like I could take on the entire world!"

"Oh? This is far beyond my imagination! I can sense your power has increased several-fold! Yet you are only in your base! You might just give me a bit of fun now... So come, uh... What should I call you?"

"Huh? That's a good question... Well, I'm the fusion between Kytel and Arako. Yet I feel more inclined to my Kytel half. I wonder Krako? No, Kytelo! Hell no... Wait I know! Call me Kyako!"

"I see! Kyako it is! Well, warrior Kyako why don't you show me how strong you are exactly!"

"You're going down! Salas! Don't you worry about that! I'll make sure you never stand up again!" Kyako was confident as his newfound power was brimming just in his base form. However, he knew damn well that base wasn't going to cut it.

"We won't be holding back! I hope you're ready!"

Suddenly a faith swirl of red and orange began raising from the ground like heat around Kyako, and suddenly as it wrapped around him. Kyako emerged as a Super Saiyan God!

"Good I want you at your fullest power! Mortal Kyako!!"

Salas charged forward at Kyako, and Kyako leaned back ready to counter. As Salas appeared before him a shadow covered his face. Yet his glowing orange left eye appeared viciously as his right arm was cocked back.

Kyako grinned as Salas unleashed the heavy blow against Kyako's forearms, thus breaking the ground around Kyako's feet. From the peer shockwave of the collision.